December 2022 Home Front Activities and Carrying On

Started by Donald Garner, November 30, 2022, 06:35:48 PM

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Donald Garner

Greetings to everyone,

Holy Smokes here in just a short while it's going to be December  ~shade  I have those in the UB Family needing prayers on my daily prayer list  ;)  We have several members that's waiting on surgeries to begin and several with follow up medical appointments.

I hope this coming new month brings good health to everyone and that positive things occurs for all.  We all could use some positive things in our lives.  Y'all be safe in your travels to and from while visiting families and friends.

When the chance arises drop in and share the day with us.  There's always someone here to share it with.

Tight lines, Safe hunting and especially Safe travels this last month of 2022.

Belton Texas part of God's Country
Stratos 285 Pro XL Yamaha 150 VMax; Lowrance Hook 7 Electronics; Minn Kota Foretrex Trolling Motor

G3 1548 Alwed Jon boat Yamaha 25hp outboard 


Good morning!!! 30 headed to 36, flurries, gusty wind, reality is setting in. :( Shopping day, ohhh boyyyy! Looking forward to a sub for lunch, a weekly delight I truly enjoy. When I have the groceries put up I take all the fixins to my recliner, take a small towel as bib (sometimes the fixins fall out) , suit up, turn on the tube and chow down, a true delight, poor man's gourmet.
Bud, I enjoyed your post about boat owning, even though the last boat really wasn't the best for bass fishing it got me out and when I had a friend with me it made that time even more enjoyable. Pulled a lot of bass over the sides, other species also, and enough big bass to keep the heart pumping.
D3, home to day? welcome back to the people's republic.
Donald, technically the surgery is a go and I'm sure the Doctor will get it approved but EPICOR the group that looks over claims for Blue Cross Medicare thinks their job is to disallow unless the patient (Doctor) has a peer interview and submits a couple dozen requests, a PITA big time and a waste of time and resources, there's enough stress involved without the nonsense. I'm sure I'll get the approval just have to be a good little boy and do as they say. Congrats on having a great meal and enough deserts to make you burp. lo
Have a great day, be well!!!
Old Fishermen never die, their rods just go limp.


Wow...didn't get time to post much in Nov. But hope all had a great holiday and we are rounding the end of 2022. Hope all are well. Wife blew up the engine in her car, shes been driving my Jeep instead, so no tow vehicle for my boat for a while. :sad:

Sent from undisclosed location. -Tiller Mafia

"I'm a simple man, with simple pleasures." -Trevor Belmont


Good Morning, Keeping everyone in my prayers. Been a tough week. Ran out of one of my headache meds and wasn't able to keep anything down. Dropped my sugar to 30. Feeling better now. My wife is still having memory issues.

Tops, Hope you get your wife's car fixed.

Bud, That was a heartfelt story. I can imagine how peaceful it is on the water. Hoping someday to maybe get a boat.

Donald, Hope you're feeling better.

Old Fart, Prayers the surgery goes well.

I hope everyone has a great and safe day.
A bad day fishing is better then a good day at work. Take a kid fishing

Donald Garner

Good evening to all,
Forecasted temps for across Central Texas today were 46-53 dgrs with 67% humidity and SE wind @ 3mph.  Rain is moving into our area tonight and supposed to last into the weekend.

It was a real quiet day at work for me today.  I took the afternoon off to head over to Open Wound Clinic at the VA Hospital.  Both of my lower legs are swollen again and have rashes on them.  Yesterday they started draining and my wife wrapped them up for me prior to bed.  The doctor at the clinic had them both cleaned and rewrapped.  I now have to wear my Velcro Shoes  >:(  I have a follow up appointment next Wednesday to see how things look.  Hopefully they'll be clear and I'm able to wear regular shoes.

bassmedic46; I got ya and your wife covered in my daily prayers buddy.  Keep us updated when you get the chance.

top; Sorry to hear about the wife's vehicle.  Hope you're able to get the vehicle repaired soon.

Rodney; Yes sir, Thursday Shopping High Adventure Day  lo  Hope you had a relaxing rest of the day after enjoying that sandwich  ~shade  I got you in my daily prayers.  Keep us posted on the upcoming surgery.

To everyone hope yawls evening is a quiet and relaxing one.  Be safe in your travels if you have to get out.

Belton Texas part of God's Country
Stratos 285 Pro XL Yamaha 150 VMax; Lowrance Hook 7 Electronics; Minn Kota Foretrex Trolling Motor

G3 1548 Alwed Jon boat Yamaha 25hp outboard 

Bud Kennedy

It was a bright and sunny day here at the beach.  Temps to the mid 60s with a slight breeze but dropping back to the low 40s over night.  Some rain likely tomorrow with moderate temps likely to hit near 70.  This has been the kind of weather that makes a cold a bit easier to catch. 

Did not do all that much today.  We finished decorating the tree in the living room and then I put the garage back in order so I could get the Mrs. car inside.  We decided not to do any lights outside this year for the first time in almost 30 years.  With just the two of us it seems like a lot of trouble having to do the outside stuff.  Tonight is pizza night at our house.  We will just settle down and try to watch some TV tonight but the way programming is these days, I don't see anything really worth watching but we will watch something anyway.

Hope you folks have a good weekend.  Dark should make it to his destination today and Donald home you can make some progress figuring out your leg problems.  Only one more month and you will join the rest of us on the rocking chair platoon. 


Good Evening Everyone, Didn't do much today. We finished decorating the tree last night. Will put up my wifes Dachshund Christmas outdoor blowups this weekend.

Bud, I agree with you on nothing good on tv these days.

Donald, I hope they were able to figure out whats wrong with your legs.
I hope everyone has a great night. Keeping everyone in my prayers.
A bad day fishing is better then a good day at work. Take a kid fishing

Donald Garner

Greetings to everyone,
Forecasted temps across the area today were 51-66dgrs with 93% humidity and a S wind @13mphs.  We had some light rain showers move through the area this morning.

Pretty quiet day at the Fun Farm.  My outside day person call in sick this morning.  I had to man the Gator and do the breakfast and lunch trash runs.  One of the night shift ladies called in also.  My kidneys are still over producing the protein.  My doctor sent me an email telling me to start taking a double dose of Furosemide.  We'll follow through with that recommendation and report back to him.  My next appointment with him in the 16th at 2:30pm.

We're off to Fredericksburg, TX tomorrow to attend a show at the Rock Box Theater.  One of Conway Twitty's grandsons and one Lorretta Lyn's granddaughters are performing.  We'll make a day trip out of it.

bassmedic46;  The body is retaining fluids due to the kidney's over producing proteins.  We'll get it figured out one of these days.  Hope you and the wife are feeling better.  I still have ya in my daily prayers.

Bud; We don't decorate the house anymore it's just me and the wife (+) cat.  We did pickup a couple artificial trees with white lights on them.  They have been put together and the lights turned on.  We did have 2 sets of pines that have white lights on them also.  Those trees are spread out through the house lighting up the rooms.   If the grandkids ever come down for Christmas I'll decorate the entire place. 

Yes sir I'm not counting per say mind you but I got 30 days left till Retirement  ;)  I'm so ready for this to start  ~shade

To everyone have a relaxing weekend ahead.  Be safe in your travels if you have to get out. 
Belton Texas part of God's Country
Stratos 285 Pro XL Yamaha 150 VMax; Lowrance Hook 7 Electronics; Minn Kota Foretrex Trolling Motor

G3 1548 Alwed Jon boat Yamaha 25hp outboard 

Donald Garner

Good afternoon to everyone,

We're starting the day off with overcasts skies and forecasted temps of 55 - 58dgrs with 62% humidity and a SE wind @ 3 mphs.  There's rain in the forecast everyday this week for Central Texas ~shade

We had a great time in Fredericksburg, TX yesterday.  There were lots of people in town for the Christmas Parade and Tree lighting ceremony.  The Twitty, Lyn show at the Rock Box Theater was amazing.  The grandkids did their grandparents right.  They performed lots of songs and of course there were lots stories being shared about Conway and Lorretta. 
I finally got the boat covers on both the Stratos and G3 this morning.  The carpets were finally dried enough to get them back on.  Hopefully we won't have any serious hail storms anytime soon.

To everyone I hope the rest of the weekend is relaxing for ya.  There is nothing planned here except relaxing the rest of the day for me.  Be safe in everything ya do especially if ya'll out traveling the roadways.
Belton Texas part of God's Country
Stratos 285 Pro XL Yamaha 150 VMax; Lowrance Hook 7 Electronics; Minn Kota Foretrex Trolling Motor

G3 1548 Alwed Jon boat Yamaha 25hp outboard 

Bud Kennedy

Cloudy and cool was the order of the day.  Temps stayed in the mid 50s all day and only a couple peeks of sunshine.  The Christmas decorations are done and everything has been put away until it all comes back down on New Years day most likely.

Mrs. had her physical therapy today and I did a few loads of laundry while she was gone.  After that a quick trip to the grocery store for just a couple items.  Tonights supper was Chilli.  As always it hit the spot and I already am looking forward to eating the rest of it in a day or two when it will really be at its best.

The end of the year expenses are starting to come into being.  Real estate taxes are due by the end of the year along with my health insurance bills soon to be followed by another year of House Insurance.  HOA dues are also due before the first.  They sure gang up on us at the beginning of each new year.  So far the insurance rate increases are not too bad but indeed they are increases.  I guess they all want to make sure that the upcoming social security raise has some place to go other than for food and fuel.  Can't win for losing.  Insurance premiums are my largest expense each year.  Hopefully we can all stay healthy and not have any gigantic medial expenses during 2023.


Good morning!!! :) 45 high for the day supposedly, partly cloudy/sunny, possible showers. Went for my back stabbing yesterday, best nights sleep I've had in awhile, a long while. :) Ct scan today along with a covid test for my MRI Friday. My back should keep getting better over the next few days, I have to keep a running log, starts at waking then lunch then dinner. Now on to serious stuff like thinking about Christmas presents.
Have a great day, be well!!!
Old Fishermen never die, their rods just go limp.

Bud Kennedy

It has been a fun day so far.  After sleeping in this morning and having time to drink a pot of coffee the day got going just great.  A bit of breakfast and now having finished some lunch it was time to go get the boat from storage.  It is now home in the driveway and the batteries are on the charger getting ready for a possible trip to the river tomorrow.  Temps today in the lower 70s with a forecast of some passing showers but none have happened so far.  Tomorrow the temps will be in the upper 70s and not much of a chance of rain with light winds from the SW.  I also put on the new registration stickers so now the boat is legal through December of 2023.  In the past these stickers were good for three years and now they are only good for 1 year but the cost remains the same.  Our registration fees are now tied to the county tax system so if your taxes are not paid up you will not be able to register your boat.  Not a big deal but I would rather have a 3 year validation vs having to do it each year.  It is all on line so no big deal just different than before.  Us geezers are not real fond of changes even if they do make sense sometimes.
Not planning on fishing tomorrow just taking the Ranger for a ride on the river is all that is on our mind.  Will likely return the boat to storage tomorrow afternoon or Thursday depending upon the weather.  I do love having the boat here even if it is just to look her over. 

Donald Garner

Good evening to everyone,
Forecasted temps for Central Texas were 66-73dgrs with 81%humidity and a SE wind @ 7mphs.

Nice quiet day at the Fun Farm.  I spent most of the day in the office tinkering around on the computer.  Tomorrow I have a medical appointment at the Open Wound Clinic @ 8:30am.  They're going to cut the bandages off both of my lower legs.  Hopefully the rashes are all gone.  I can still feel the drainage occurring though.  We're still trying to figure out this blood pressure med's.  I've gained a lot of water weight here these past few weeks.  We'll get this figured out soon I hope.  I have my annual dentist cleaning appointment tomorrow after work.  So tomorrow will be mostly appointment and little of anything else.

Bud; Glad to hear you had a great day.  Y'all have a relaxing boat cruise tomorrow.

Rodney; Tks for the update on your back.  That's great news.

To everyone have a really relaxing day tomorrow.  Be safe in your travels if you're out and about.
Belton Texas part of God's Country
Stratos 285 Pro XL Yamaha 150 VMax; Lowrance Hook 7 Electronics; Minn Kota Foretrex Trolling Motor

G3 1548 Alwed Jon boat Yamaha 25hp outboard 


Good morning!!! It's a day and that's all I know. My back is doing well but I've come down with a dose of the creeping crawling crud, I'm thinking a cold. I'll have to contact Rochester Clinical Research, bring in a log of the last several days along with a nose swab, I don't feel like doing anything but taking a nap and i only been up for about 2 hours. Looks like my shoulder work will be put off, it's been denied, they now want a ct-scan which happened yesterday, it's scheduled for a week from tomorrow but the way they work approval will probably slow rolled. This too shall pass and I'll get what I need just out of my hands as to when.
Have a great day, be well!!!
Old Fishermen never die, their rods just go limp.


Good morning guys. How's it going? Had a chance to throw a few bank casts last weekend, nothing but dinks though.

Anyways, is it weird to have a pet peacock bass? The little canal behind my shop, flows right into Lake Ida. There is a peacock that has been here for about a year now. We (coworker and I) have been watching him get bigger over the year and even bring him shiners, shad or goldfish as food every now and then. It's funny that he won't even swim away from us anymore. He still chases the talapia and mayans out of the area as well.

Have to see if I can get a good pic of him sometime for y'all.

Have a great one.

Sent from undisclosed location. -Tiller Mafia

"I'm a simple man, with simple pleasures." -Trevor Belmont

Bud Kennedy

Truly an awesome day today.  Temps hit 79 with lots of sun.  As planned took the Ranger to the river for some exercise and all went very well.  I am still so pleased how nice the Fast Strike is running especially after all the trouble I faced with it in the last couple of years.  We took a long run today headed south and ran all the way to the Pawleys Island area and then returned.  The total distance was probably about 35 miles or so.  I did go WOT for a little bit and the GPS was indicating just a bit over 60.  I normally don't run that fast but just felt like I had to let the big dog eat.  Most of the trip was completed at my normal 30 to 40 mph.  Topped off the gas tanks on the way home, wiped down the hull and put on the towing cover and returned the boat to the storage lot.  Hopefully we can go out again real soon if the weather continues to be good.

Donald Garner

Greetings from Belton, Texas  ~shade

Forecasted temps for across Central Texas today were 66- 79dgrs with 78% humidity and a SE wind @ 5mphs.

Not a whole lot going on here lately.  The kids have been taking their CORE Test this week so they've been pretty much on lock down.  The Custodian Director finally got around to approving my Desk Top Standards Operating Procedure Document.  I made (3) copies of it one for her, one for my supervisor and one for my replacement.   My replacement has been selected as I'd hope it was one of my team members.  The Director needs to get with HR now and get her switched over from a bi-weekly employee to a monthly employee.  They'll also need to find a replacement for her position also.  She presently is my Day Shift Athletics Custodian.

Next week is the last week of school till the 4th of Jan.  I'll basically have a week to train her.  But that's ok that was the reasoning for me to put the SOP together.  We're working the week of 19 - 23 Dec.  I'll put together a cleaning plan for that week.  Our Christmas Vacation will be 26 - 30 Dec.  When we return on the 2nd of Jan 2023 I'll have day left  ;) I've already talked with the folks at HR and Payroll everything will be done on the 3rd of Jan.  The morning of 4 Jan 2023 my new life starts, I'll join the ranks of 'THE RETIREES'  ;) ~c~

Tomorrow I'm heading in to knock out the time sheets.  Tomorrow late afternoon we're heading down to Marble Falls, Texas to check out the Christmas Lights Display.  The rest of the weekend has relaxation all over it  :)

Bud; Tks for sharing the river trip with us.  I'm glad your finally getting to enjoy that Ranger.  I know all the headaches you've had in the past with that engine.  Glad to hear that it running like it should.

Top; You got some little pets now.  One of these days in the future here I'm coming to Florida for a Peacock trip.  My daughter has a place in Tampa we can stay at.  Tks for taking the time to stop in and share the day with us.  I know you're a busy man there.

Rodney; My good man sorry to hear about the shoulder issue.  Hopefully here in the near future the smart people will get it all figured out.  Hope you get to feeling better soon.  I still have ya in my daily prayers. 
My situation is slowly improving I think...I don't have anymore blisters forming on my lower legs.  I'm still retaining some fluids though.  My kidney doctor told me to increase one of my med's and I've done that.  I'm now wearing compression stockings which are a bear to put on in the mornings.  But they're working at keeping the swelling down on the lower legs.  Things will start improving a lot more on the 4th of Jan 2023.  My stress level should peak out at ZERO then  ;)

To everyone have a safe and relaxing weekend ahead.  Be safe out traveling I see there's nasty weather forecasted for the NE parts.
Belton Texas part of God's Country
Stratos 285 Pro XL Yamaha 150 VMax; Lowrance Hook 7 Electronics; Minn Kota Foretrex Trolling Motor

G3 1548 Alwed Jon boat Yamaha 25hp outboard 


Good morning!!! 29 headed to 32, partly cloudy. It's been interesting, I'm getting over viral bronchitis, I got a call from Excellus advocacy Friday morning, the Doctor had put a urgency hearing about my shoulder approval, a 3 Doctor panel would be looking into it and they didn't approve it it would go another Doctor to look at it. I got the call Friday afternoon, it was approved, the panel must have said yes. I have to for testing for anesthesia to be used, a covid test, hopefully my wife's paperwork for family leave will be done and I can pick that up and drop it off to Wegmans for her. I'm pretty sure Thursday will slice and dice day, it'll be good to get it over with, it means I spend the winter healing up and may finally get a full summer for whatever. No w to kick what's left of this bronchitis.
Have a great day, be well!!!
Old Fishermen never die, their rods just go limp.

Bud Kennedy

Temps remain on the cool side today and will last through Wednesday.  Temps tonight and tomorrow night dropping to around the freezing mark with daily highs in the mid 50s.  Although this is a bit below normal for this time of year it is not too bad as long as the sun is shinning.  Most likely the weather will remain winter like through the end of the year.  Sure glad I got the boat out last week for what may be her last run of the year.

Rodney, sounds like the stars are starting to align to get your medical needs underway.  At least you go all winter to heal up.  I see on the weather map that some big snow is headed your direction so you may have your usual white Christmas.  You will also have a lot of time to wish on boats that may fit your needs in the spring.  I hope that works out for you so you can keep fishing.

Has anyone heard from Dark3?  Hopefully he is getting settled in the new location.  I think he was shooting for a 1st Sgt slot when he got to Drum.  Donald, you are officially now a short timer and it sounds like this time you are really ready retirement.  I can only hope you like retirement as much as I have.  So many folks thought I would be unhappy but as it turns out they were completely wrong.  Retirement has been a nice slow down and has allowed me to enjoy these senior years a lot better than expected.  The only bad part is not getting a decent pay check but all in all we get by quite nicely although we have to remain frugal and not go crazy with the remaining money that took a lifetime to make.  It sure does not take as long to spend it as it did to save it.

Donald Garner

Good evening to everyone,
Forecasted temps for across Central Texas today were 66- 68dgrs with 98%humidity and a SE wind @ 17mphs.  We had scattered shower across the area for most of the day.  There's rain in the forecast for the remainder of the week also ~rain

Started the day off with Lab work at the VA Hospital.  They drew 5 tubes of blood and a cup full of urine.  As I was leaving they gave me a 24hour urine jug to fill up.  I'm taking tomorrow off to compile with the task to fill this jug up.  The drainage issue is still here but not as bad as prior.  So some things are getting better.  I have another appointment this Friday with my kidney doctor.  We're still vertical and breathing  ;)

Bud; Enjoy the cooler weather.  I hear people around complain about cooler weather / hot weather all the time.  Hey welcome to Texas.  You don't like the weather wait a day or so it will change.  Yes sir I'm getting closer everyday to start enjoying life on the retired side.  I am very much ready to retire and just relax and slow down.  We got some minor adjustments to make but we're going to be alright.
I haven't heard from Dark 3 in a few days.  I hope he made it home safely. 

Rodney; That is GREAT NEWS  ~c~  Tks for sharing it with us.  I still have ya in my daily prayers.

To everyone have a really pleasant day tomorrow.  Be safe if you out traveling the roadways.

Belton Texas part of God's Country
Stratos 285 Pro XL Yamaha 150 VMax; Lowrance Hook 7 Electronics; Minn Kota Foretrex Trolling Motor

G3 1548 Alwed Jon boat Yamaha 25hp outboard 

Bud Kennedy

As promised by the weather guessers today was a sunny but cool day with highs only reaching 50.  Back down to near freezing tonight.  Wednesday will be a cloudy day with temps in the mid 50s but temps going up overnight bringing a 70 degree day on Thursday with some much needed rain in the forecast.  It is still very dry here so any rain we get will be welcome.  This is the same front delivering the storms in the South but there will not be any severe weather by the time it gets here.

Just a do nothing sort of day but I did spend some time going through my overflow bait storage cabinets just looking at stuff.   I still swear the soft plastics can actually multiply because I have not bought any in over a year.  I wish the kids would stop by and take some but alas they have all grown up now.  Some are in college and a few are in the military.  I sure miss them coming by to go through the cabinets and getting their excitement when they leave with a stash of stuff.

I will be home alone most of tomorrow as the wife is going to lunch with a friend.  That usually involves some shopping also.   They are going to Pawleys Island to the Hammock Shops that is chock full of all kinds of boutiques.


Good morning!!! 23 headed to 32, partly cloudy, maybe, wet sloppy snow forecast for tomorrow, and my wife will be driving in it, :(I worry about her driving in it. I'll be getting cut up and all of that. Today is a nothing day, I don't have to do anything but make 1 phone call this afternoon to find out what time I have to be there tomorrow, early I hope. I have to tell you, the adventure wore of this early on, I had to make more phone calls, trips in the car and running around because it seemed nobody knew what was going on. It's supposed to be a regional medical alliance, nobody talks to anybody or looks at the notes in Mycare? I won't be around for quite a while, before I could still put my laptop in my lap, I'll need help, being down to one shoulder arm for a time sucks, oh well, this to shall pass. I'm not very worried about this, being not my first rodeo I have a pretty good idea what to expect, I'm actually looking forward to getting it done and coming out of it with a shoulder that works. I won't be using the snowblower this winter, it'll just sit there collecting dust, my wife will never be able to control it. I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and a most Blessed New Year and starts the new year in good health!!!
Old Fishermen never die, their rods just go limp.


Hey guys hope all is well with everyone and you guys are staying warm and out of pain as much as possible. We made it to NY safe and sound. I have been working on the house like crazy and its really coming along. Its pretty close to being done for now. Ill share some pics pretty soon. I dont go back to work until 10 jan so I still have some good time off. Havent had much time to explore yet, looking forward to that.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Donald Garner

Good evening to all,

Woke up to the sound of Rollin Thunder, Bright Lighting Flashes and Rain hitting the window this morning  ~shade  Forecasted temps for Central Texas today was 36-63dgrs with 34% humidity and a NE wind @ 5mphs.  By 10am the skies were clearing and the sun was shining.  We got a cold front moving into the area here soon.  The lows are forecasted to be in the 30's with highs being the mid 50's. 

Started the day off with dropping the urine sample jug off a the VA Hospital Lab this morning.  Beings the school is closed > Teachers and students holiday break next week< I made out our work schedule and there will be some serious cleaning going on.  I'll be training my replacement  ~c~ ;)

Dark3; Glad to hear you've made it home safely.  Good luck with the house chores.  Good luck also getting selected for that 1sg Position.  Keep us posted on that selection.

Rodney; My good man you're on my daily prayer list.  Best wishes for a successful surgery and recovery.  You'll be missed around here for sure.  We give ya a shout out every now and then.

Bud; Hope you can enjoy the peace and quiet tomorrow. 

To everyone have a relaxing evening and a quiet and peaceful day tomorrow.
Belton Texas part of God's Country
Stratos 285 Pro XL Yamaha 150 VMax; Lowrance Hook 7 Electronics; Minn Kota Foretrex Trolling Motor

G3 1548 Alwed Jon boat Yamaha 25hp outboard 

Bud Kennedy

It was nice to have a warm day today.  Temps in the lower 70s but not much sun.  We had just a few light showers this morning that left the area about noon.  Currently the temp is 72 with a breeze out of the NE.  Temps will drop into the upper 30s tonight with cooler temps for the rest of the week.

Supper tonight will be a meat loaf that I just put into the oven and it will be served with some mashed potatoes and some whole kernel corn.  This will produce some left overs that we can eat the rest of the week.  I really like some cold meatloaf sandwiches from time to time as a way to use the leftovers.   We also have been doing some laundry today with the Mrs and Myself tag teaming on this task.  I am just glad that she is feeling well enough to do some of this work.  It is a step in the right direction.  She is sleeping well overnight and has not been upset because of lack of sleep.  That is a good thing believe me. 

The only task tomorrow is to take the dog in for a grooming. That is no big deal to do just have to unlock the wallet to pay the bill.  LOL