September 2022 Home Front Activities and Carrying On's

Started by Donald Garner, September 01, 2022, 11:53:55 AM

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Good morning guys.

  Work is moving full steam ahead. I finished planning out my floor subframe, just waiting for the weather to cool off to get it done. I don't know if it's getting older, or what, but it's been a lot hotter then I recall lately.

  Yes, I will be updating my build thread when I restart my project. As always, I look forward to input amd constructive criticism.

Have a great day everyone.

Sent from undisclosed location. -Tiller Mafia

"I'm a simple man, with simple pleasures." -Trevor Belmont


Good morning!!! 47 headed to 71, partly cloudy, the smallmouths are on fire and have been for a while. Shopping day went well, made it through without incident, nobody to run over, they moved my favorite pickle and the app had no idea where they were put, I finally found them, Ba Tempe Garlic Dills, hands down the best pickle known to man. :)IMHO.
Top eagerly waiting for pics of the build.
To all who are out of sorts, prayers are still coming.
Have a great day, be well!!!
Old Fishermen never die, their rods just go limp.


Good morning everyone.

Wife's 40th Bday today amd 17yr Wedding Anniversary as well. Says she either wants to go to Seaworld or Universal Studios this upcoming weekend as neither of us have ever been. That should be fun. Just waiting for the weather to cool off a little and then I'll be out on the lake trying to get a few of those Sunshine Bass again. Figured I'd try one (dinner) as my buddy says they're all white, flaky meat.

Hope all have a great day and stay safe.

Sent from undisclosed location. -Tiller Mafia

"I'm a simple man, with simple pleasures." -Trevor Belmont

Capt. BassinLou

Wanted to jump in and give all of you an update. Donald is doing well and will be home soon. If I recieve more news I will pass it along.


Quote from: Capt. BassinLou on September 19, 2022, 06:26:45 PM
Wanted to jump in and give all of you an update. Donald is doing well and will be home soon. If I recieve more news I will pass it along.
Oh crap, glad he's doing better. Best wishes to him.

Sent from undisclosed location. -Tiller Mafia

"I'm a simple man, with simple pleasures." -Trevor Belmont

Bud Kennedy

Donald, hope the Doctors are taking good care of you.  Time for you to get home and start mending.  Finally had a short chat with Terry G today.  He is still a bit tired and having some pain but at least he is home.  He has his nights and days out of sync but that too will go away as he is healing.  We did not talk very long just wanted to see how he was doing.

Been hot and humid the past few days but fall like temps are promised for the weekend.  At least the hurricane is staying far out to sea and not coming to the Carolinas so now we can start watching the next storm popping off the coast of Africa.

Took the Expedition to the Ford dealer today to have the passenger side front electric window repaired.  I was gonna do it myself until I watched the video and decided there was just to many doo dads and gizmos that had to be  delt with.  I thought it was better taken care of by the professionals.  I don't like spending the $800 but you gotta do what you gotta do.  A repair bill now and then is sure a whole lot better than a car payment.  The expedition is 15 years old now and I hope to keep it for many years in the future but repairs will just have to be done.  I can get a new one but paying 60-70K for something that is not as good as what I have is not something I want to do.  We have not had a car payment for 15 years and don't want one now.  The Wife's car is 17 years old and still looks and performs like a new one.


Good morning!!! 57 headed to 75, partly cloudy, boomers expected after dinner. What a busy week, Doctors appointments they're done now,calling around to get the dishwasher repaired, find out I can't buy a new battery for my HP laptop, it's only about 5 years old. I had to call sales to find out there is no replacement battery, support wanted me pay 1$ then 46$ a month to tell me the answer, I flipped out and went to sales and laid a brick load on them, not about not being told I can't buy a new battery from them but that they expected me to pay them to tell me that, they lost a 25 year customer of PCs and printers, I'll be off to cow box or Sony or something. Good news about Donald coming home, hope it's a speedy recovery!!! Looks like the boat is sold, I certainly hope so!!!
Have a great day, be well!!!
Old Fishermen never die, their rods just go limp.

Bud Kennedy

Today has been one of those days that went to hell in a hand basket.  Got the call from the Ford dealer that the electric window was repaired on my expedition and I could pick it up anytime.  Went down paid the bill and jumped into the truck tested the window and it works just fine.  However the technician put my electric seat all the way back on the drivers side and it would not budge so I could put it back into position.  They immediately took the car into the shop and got the seat working so far so good.  Then they tested the repaired window one more time and it would go down but not up when using the master control panel on the drivers side but the switch on the passenger side would operate the window just fine.  Now they ordered a new switch for the master control and will be in sometime next week.  OK I can deal with that but on the way home there was an accident that backed up traffic for several miles so it was a long ride home an inch at a time.  Once past the accident I decided to get some gas at a station I saw on the way to pick up the expedition.  The price was 3.19 and that was ok although not a cheap as some others.  I pulled into the station that I passed by this morning and now the gas was selling for 3.30.  WTF I just drove away and will go get gas sometime tomorrow.  Some days you can't win for loosing.


Good morning!!! 61 and the temp is headed down, tonight in the 40s, showers mostly cloudy, fall is going to be here tonight. The boat is gone, the driveway behind the gate is empty, took a beating on the price but it's gone, next spring I'll see about getting another.
Bud, I feel you on the type of day you had, fortunately they're not everyday.
Have a great day, be well!!!
Old Fishermen never die, their rods just go limp.

Donald Garner

Good afternoon to everyone,

We're having mostly clear skies across Central Texas today.  Forecast for today is 69-96dgrs with 29%humidity and a SE wind at 7mphs.

Guys thanks for all the prayers sent up for me while in the hospital.  I'm home now and doing good.  Long stories short> Fluid built up in my entire body from my kidneys over producing protein.  High blood pressure brought on by the fluid build up.  Lots of testing conducted as well as almost 30tubes of blood drawn.  All test done on the Heart, Lungs and Liver came back Negative all systems functioning as they should.  Kidney tests came back with a small cist on one of the kidneys.  This cist didn't cause the swelling or the excess protein production.  The Kidneys are functioning normal for the most part.    They did a biopsy on the kidneys and the results haven't come back yet.

I weight in at the Emergency Room 306lbs, yesterday at discharge time I weighted out at 285.2lbs.  I had lost 21lbs of fluids during my 8 days stay.  There's still some swelling but with the med's they gave me it will decrease it and will go away with time.  I have (6) different meds I have to take now (2) are for Blood Pressure; (1) for high Cholesterol; (1) to make me piss more to get the excess fluids out of my system.  There's (1) for my Arthritis and (1) Low dose Aspirins.  My doctors are going to call me once the biopsy results come back.

During the stay one of the doctors went back in time and checked my Right Knee's > MRI <  come to find out I have Tendinitis in my Right Knee.  There's (2) tears in the muscles around my knee.  I wasn't aware of this.  So the next time my Left Knee pain flares up I'm going to request an MRI.

This was the first time ever that I've been in a hospital > No Kidding < For the most part I've been blessed with extremely good health.  It was interesting to say the least in the scheduling; doctors visits and round the clock checks the nurses did.  My typical day was 4:30am blood draw; Night shift Nurse update med's, blood pressure; final check 5am.  Breakfast 7am; Day shift nurse check 8:30am; 1st Primary doctor's check in 9am with 2nd Kidney doctor's check > I had 2 doctors.  I had mid afternoon checks and prior to the evening coming both doctors would check in prior to going home.  Once the Night Shift Nurse came on she would stop in and preform a quick check also.   There was a Midnight Check also.  I was averaging 7 - 11hrs a sleep each day.  My wife was there every day from 5am - 7 / 8pm. 

Its back to work on Monday.  I did spent some time thinking about my retirement while in the hospital.  I have 2 dates in mind we'll just see how things play out this Fall.  I just might start the New Year off being unemployed.  The second date is I'll finish out this school year then pack it on the last day.  We'll see what happens.

Rodney; Glad you were finally able to sell the boat.  To bad you didn't get what you wanted for it.  But now you can start searching on line for that New Boat  ;)

Bud; Wow, that sure was a sux'd up day.  Sorry to hear all that occurred.  I've had days like that also with the vehicles I got just a few months ago.  Gas here in Belton / Temple area ranges $ 2.99 > $ 3.07 for unleaded.  You were so right man, there's a whole new diet plan to flow now  :(

Guys again can't say thank you enough for the prayers.  Ya'll have a relaxing evening and a better day tomorrow.  It feels great to be back at home  ~shade     
Belton Texas part of God's Country
Stratos 285 Pro XL Yamaha 150 VMax; Lowrance Hook 7 Electronics; Minn Kota Foretrex Trolling Motor

G3 1548 Alwed Jon boat Yamaha 25hp outboard 

Bud Kennedy

Donald glad you are back home.  Sounds like you will have some lifestyle changes ahead.  Good luck with considering you possible future retirement.  It may be time for you to slow down and enjoy your golden years a bit.  I know it is quite a change but trust me when I say once you make your adjustments it is a really great thing.  If you worry about being bored it would only be because of not spending enough time on yourself and your family.  I am busy doing something on most days.  Retirement is all about time management because it will be your biggest commodity.  Time to go have some fun.

It was a hot one again today at the beach.  Current pm temp is 94 and calm winds but a big change will be happening overnight.  This first day a fall is ushering in some cool weather overnight with expected lows by Friday morning of 59 degrees and a high tomorrow of 75.  This fall like weather will continue through the weekend.  I plan on mowing the lawn in the morning and then making a trip to the recycle center to make a deposit then we have to get ready for a yard  sale in our community this Saturday.  We have a couple items to sell or give away but not a whole lot this time.  My man room has been reorganized including the tred mill that has been taking up space for a few years.  The only thing it has been good for lately is to stash some of my junk that now also has been removed.  Time now to start thinking about getting the painting done that has been on my honey do list for a couple years.  Today the wife had me fixing some grout on the tile floor at the front door and then beginning to repair a drawer in my dresser.  I did gas up the expedition as planned today at 3.06 per gallon.  I see a lot of stations in our area have upped their prices to the 3.25 level.  This all kind of happened overnight.  I think I am done with tasks for today with the only thing remaining is to fix supper tonight.  All we are having is some chicken pot pie so this will be a simple easy supper.

Donald I was surprised to hear your 306 weight number.  Just how tall are you anyway.  Maybe you are not underweight maybe you are just too short.  LOL


Good morning!!! 47 headed to 57, partly cloudy, should be dry. Taking the car in for an oil change and shot of BG 44K, the check engine light is on, it's because it doesn't get driven enough to fully warm up and clean the cat converter, I'm going to have to put some miles on it to clean the converter out.
Bud, any plans to float the Ranger? We need to do a garage sale, we have a bunch of stuff to get rid of, a lot will be donated.
Donald, good to have you back!!! I hear you about when to retire, I'm sure you'll pick the right date, you won't have to deal with the little darlings after that. I got enough to pickup a boat but I don't have a tow vehicle. We've decided to wait till the cost comes down on used vehicles, it's outrageous right now but there are signs it's starting to change. I've seen 3 or 4 year old vehicles being sold for more than what they cost new, My daughter bought a new car a Subaru, she has about a 3 month wait, she wanted a new Toyota Highlander but the wait is over a year, she has a 2007 Highlander with about 250,000 miles on it, she does quite a bit of driving going to different mountains to climb. I was told that I have to wait til November to start injections in my lower back for the arthritis, it's an inch or so below where the surgery was. The surgery worked on the stenosis and bulged disc, I'm able to stand and walk and do my workout at the gym but when the weather is right I'm still in a fair amount of pain, sure will be glad to get the injections. I need to call my shoulder guy, the injection lasted about 2 weeks, looks I'll get a new one, not looking forward to it but it beats the alternative, I'm going to be brand new when I die. lo
Have a great day, be well!!!

Old Fishermen never die, their rods just go limp.

Donald Garner

Good afternoon from Belton, Texas  8)
Beautiful sunny day with forecasted temps of 69-99dgrs with 30% humidity and a SE wind at 11mphs.

Somewhat busy day today.  I made the trip to DMV this morning to get the Daughter's pickup truck re-registered in her name.  It was in Dwayne's name.  He's doing well working on the North Slope.  He's back down in Anchorage now for 2 weeks.
My Daughter is doing well working over in Stuttgart, Germany. 

The wife and I took in a movie this morning afterwards it was a quick shopping trip to Walmart.  I dropped the wife off at home and went and got my monthly hair cut.  While gone she fixed supper, we're having sloppy joes, French fries (-) salt and some cold slaw.  Tomorrow morning early I'm heading into the office to knock out the time sheets.  The rest of Saturday will be spent in Fredericksburg, Texas attending a show at the Rock Box Theater.  There's a Tribute Band called the Highway Men.  Hopefully they sing as good as Waylon, Willie, Johnny and Krist.

Rodney; So how was your Thursday shopping day?  Fun filled and exciting as always.  Sorry to hear about that darn Check Engine Lights they can be a PIA.  I hear ya also about the prices of used vehicles.  Just like you mentioned they're not much cheaper than a new one down here.  November is around the corner and hopefully your arthritis pain won't be out of control too bad till then.  Good luck with getting the doctor to get you fixed up prior to the cold winter setting in.

Bud; I'm 6ft 2in here lately my weight has be hovering around 280 - 285lbs.  My BMI results is 36.6.   I need to loose some weight and I know with changing my diet etc. it will.  I feel pretty good at around 260lbs.

I'm looking forward to hanging it up and enjoying more time with the wife etc.  I know that Time Management will be important as it was when I came home from Iraq in 2011.  I just have to find things to keep me busy.  I'm not one to sit around and watch a lot of TV.

Guys you and your wife's have a really pleasant weekend ahead.  Be safe out on the roadways if ya'll traveling.   
Belton Texas part of God's Country
Stratos 285 Pro XL Yamaha 150 VMax; Lowrance Hook 7 Electronics; Minn Kota Foretrex Trolling Motor

G3 1548 Alwed Jon boat Yamaha 25hp outboard 

Bud Kennedy

Donald maybe you will finally get to enjoy some of the mid week fishing.  Certainly a lot more pleasant than those crowded weekends or holidays.  We also catch a move mid week usually about noon or so and then stop for a bite to eat somewhere.  It is just nice not having to cram everything into the weekends.

Donald Garner

Good morning from Central Texas

We're starting the day off with Blue Bird Skies and forecasted temps of 69-97dgrs with 93%humidity and a SE wind @ 4mphs.  There's no rain in the upcoming 10 day forecast. 

Yesterday was a really pleasant day for the wife and I.  We had good traveling weather as we drove down to Fredericksburg, TX.  We had lunch at one of our new favorite restaurants there in town.  The Rock Box Theater Tribute Band Show The Highwaymen was an excellent event.  The band did a great job of performing songs from Willie Nelson, Waylon Jennings, Johnny Cash and Kris Kristofferson.

We're off to church here shortly.  Lunch has yet to be determined.  Got a couple Honey Do's to knock out this afternoon.  The wife wants the Trail Blazer washed and cleaned out.  She wants a shower hook installed so she can hang a rack that hold shampoo etc. on in the shower.  Other than that I'll be relaxing in the recliner.  It's back to work tomorrow.

Bud; I remember those days and I'm looking forward to them again. I've been working for the school district for 8 yrs. now and it's time to move on.  I only took this job to have something to do with my time as I wasn't ready to fully retire.

Rodney, Top, and everyone else; Hope yawls  weekend is going well for ya.

To everyone have a pleasant and relaxing Sunday and week ahead.  Be safe in your travels if your out and about.  Tight lines for those hitting the water.
Belton Texas part of God's Country
Stratos 285 Pro XL Yamaha 150 VMax; Lowrance Hook 7 Electronics; Minn Kota Foretrex Trolling Motor

G3 1548 Alwed Jon boat Yamaha 25hp outboard 

Bud Kennedy

Another beautiful day here at the beach.  Currently temp is 80 with a light N breeze keeping things cool and with low humidity.  Just kinda doing some odds and ends things today to begin some early prep for the tropical activity that may come this way late this week.  Mostly expected to be a rain event but the storm track is not yet defined enough to make any real plans.  I will be putting out a couple flood barriers tomorrow to keep the ditch behind the house from getting close to the house if it rains enough in a short period to over flow the ditch. 

Donald Garner

Greetings to all,

Beautiful day across Central Texas today.  Forecasted temps were 56-88dgrs with 22% humidity and a NE wind @ 14mphs

It was return back to the Fun Farm this morning.  Spent just about all day catching up on Computer stuff.  Our IT department switched from Outlook to Gmail while I was gone.  It's a whole new animal with the layout etc.  I think I got most of the stuff down.  Tomorrow I need to figure out how to scan documents from the copier back to my computer.
I got a new Team Member assigned while I was gone.  She's going to work out Great.  This lady worked with us during the Summer Cleaning.  Now if I could just get those other (4) positions filled.
Stopped by and picked up some flowers and gift card for the wife.  Tomorrow is our 47th Wedding Anniversary.  I've sure been lucky having her has my wife.

Bud; We're enjoying that Northern front down here in Texas also.  I hope the tropical activities by pass yawls place. You and the wife have a pleasant evening ahead.
Belton Texas part of God's Country
Stratos 285 Pro XL Yamaha 150 VMax; Lowrance Hook 7 Electronics; Minn Kota Foretrex Trolling Motor

G3 1548 Alwed Jon boat Yamaha 25hp outboard 


Good afternoon guys. Hasn't been a lot going on, just work and sleep..

To anyone on our (FL) west coast, central and panhandle, stay safe.

Sent from undisclosed location. -Tiller Mafia

"I'm a simple man, with simple pleasures." -Trevor Belmont

Bud Kennedy

Another Chamber of Commerce day here on the Grand Strand.  Noticed the past week that the Air Force has been doing some practice flights in our area.  One day was mostly C-130 doing low level touch and go at the airport and for the past couple days the Fighter Jets F-16 have been roaring in the skies overhead.  We also will see AWACS aircraft from time to time.  Summer we often see Osprey aircraft from the NC marine base Camp Lejeune but haven't seen them for a while now.  Some folks are saying that Shaw AFB may be getting some F35s in the near future to replace the F-16s
Looks like we will miss most of the tropical storm but will get quite a bit of rain and some gusty winds but not much.  Unless the storm changes course again we should be just fine.  I do worry about the Florida gulf coast folks however.  Gonna be real ugly near Tampa.


Good morning!!! 54 headed to 62, cloudy, showers<ugh. :surrender: This is my worse time of year for arthritis, I woke up on a heating pad and moved it to my shoulders before back to the lower back, I made a call to the shoulder Doc yesterday, I see next Monday, we'll decide about what to do, it'll be replacement he told me that last fall when we did x-rays, hopefully before the holidays. When I have a replacement use the family leave act and Wegmans is generous with the program. If the surgery is before the Holidays she will have the time to do her baking for the family and gifts for others. Yes, she'll have to take care of me but more time will be spent waiting for a need and I'll be on drugs and out of it a lot of the time. lo I don't want it but if it's a choice between not being able to do anything for the rest of my life or getting back in the swing of things guess which I take. I'm most grateful for they can do now.
Bud, how long before you float the boat? Enjoy the air "show", I've marveled at the skill of the pilots when I've been able to see them.
Donald, back into the fray again eh. Always fun when management changes things that were just fine. lo Hope the new lady works out well. We had a get together Sunday to celebrate her 50th birthday, ate quite well. The usual snacks to start with, then angel hair pasta with pesto sauce, breaded veal cutlets followed by salad  then cheesecake, raspberry swirl it was great.
Have a great day, be well!!!
Old Fishermen never die, their rods just go limp.


Well, off work tomorrow with pay, so I'll be sleaping the whole day.

FD, stay safe through the storm, along with anyone else in the path.

Sent from undisclosed location. -Tiller Mafia

"I'm a simple man, with simple pleasures." -Trevor Belmont

Donald Garner

Good evening to all

Beautiful sunny Texas day today.  Our forecasted temps were 57-88dgrs with 19% humidity and an E wind @ 9mphs.  Still no rain in the upcoming forecast.

Today the wife and I celebrated our 47th Wedding Anniversary  ~c~  I'm so blessed to have her as my wife  ;)  We stopped in at Clem's BBQ and had a very simple meal after I got off work. We're back at home relaxing now  ~shade

It was pretty quiet at the Fun Farm.  The kids are gearing up to take the S.A.T. exam this coming Saturday morning.  The body swelling continues to go down slowly.  The med's they gave me are working.  I start having follow up appointments next week.  Hopefully the kidney biopsy report will have some good news for me. 

Top; Enjoy the day off tomorrow.

Rodney; Tks for the update on your shoulder.  I hope the doctor has a good plan for you.  Sorry to hear about your Arthritis fairing up again. Those meals you have are sure tasty sounding. 

Bud; Air Shows, I've always thought they were great.  Living in Alaska they had them every year.  They were actually a Combine Military Show.  The Army put together some things and made a lot of LOUD BOOMS. The surrounding communities always had a great time coming to them. 
Glad to hear your area is going to miss that tropical storm.  My daughter has a place in Tampa.  I'm glad she's not down there now.  She's working overseas in Stuttgart, Germany. 

Alrighty you all have a pleasant day tomorrow.  Be safe if you have to get out. 
Belton Texas part of God's Country
Stratos 285 Pro XL Yamaha 150 VMax; Lowrance Hook 7 Electronics; Minn Kota Foretrex Trolling Motor

G3 1548 Alwed Jon boat Yamaha 25hp outboard 


Quote from: Donald Garner on September 27, 2022, 06:43:13 PM
Good evening to all

Beautiful sunny Texas day today.  Our forecasted temps were 57-88dgrs with 19% humidity and an E wind @ 9mphs.  Still no rain in the upcoming forecast.

Today the wife and I celebrated our 47th Wedding Anniversary  ~c~  I'm so blessed to have her as my wife  ;)  We stopped in at Clem's BBQ and had a very simple meal after I got off work. We're back at home relaxing now  ~shade

It was pretty quiet at the Fun Farm.  The kids are gearing up to take the S.A.T. exam this coming Saturday morning.  The body swelling continues to go down slowly.  The med's they gave me are working.  I start having follow up appointments next week.  Hopefully the kidney biopsy report will have some good news for me. 

Top; Enjoy the day off tomorrow.

Rodney; Tks for the update on your shoulder.  I hope the doctor has a good plan for you.  Sorry to hear about your Arthritis fairing up again. Those meals you have are sure tasty sounding. 

Bud; Air Shows, I've always thought they were great.  Living in Alaska they had them every year.  They were actually a Combine Military Show.  The Army put together some things and made a lot of LOUD BOOMS. The surrounding communities always had a great time coming to them. 
Glad to hear your area is going to miss that tropical storm.  My daughter has a place in Tampa.  I'm glad she's not down there now.  She's working overseas in Stuttgart, Germany. 

Alrighty you all have a pleasant day tomorrow.  Be safe if you have to get out.
Congrats on the Anniversary!

Sent from undisclosed location. -Tiller Mafia

"I'm a simple man, with simple pleasures." -Trevor Belmont


Good morning!!! 54 headed to 58, cloudy, showers, blah, ugh, ~rain :surrender:. At this rate the trees will all look like aspens, a wind will come up and the leaves will drop leaving a wonderful view of bare trees. lo Not much going on, hit the gym, and heating pad for the back and shoulder, my sugar is fluctuating which tells me the pancreas is slowing down and the time for insulin is around the corner, normal I've had a great run with the pills, I'll see how long I can keep going without but I can't complain. My wife has relatives that moved to Florida in the last couple of years, new homes and all that, they're in the forecasted path, some have left some are waiting it out, we're praying and keeping in touch.
Top, day off, how's that happen, must be a hurricane.
Donald, good news that the swelling is going down. Congrats on the anniversary, it's becoming rare for marriages to last as long as yours, Buds and mine. Yep, we usually go out for dinner and then relax on our anniversaries, maybe a day trip but that's it. We're fortunate to have married the women we have. So are you coming closer to a decision about when you retire?
Have a great day, be well!!!
Old Fishermen never die, their rods just go limp.

Donald Garner

Good evening to all from Belton, Texas  8)

The forecasted temps for across Central Texas today were 58-89dgrs with 19% humidity and a S wind @ 5mphs.  There's no real threat of any rain in the forecast for the next 10 days.

Quiet day at the Fun Farm.  I spent most of the day learning this new dang computer program we got forced fed ???  Had a meeting with my supervisor today.  She asked me about retiring.  I gave her a date of the end of Dec 22.  I also informed her that it might change depending on my future medical appointments. She told me to pick someone I would think could be my replacement and start training them.  So tomorrow I'll sit down 2 of my hard working ladies and have a chat with them.

Drove across Belton Dam on the way home from work.  The lake is now at 10ft below Summer pool.  There's lots of under water >used to be< hazards out there running up the Leon River and Cowhouse Creek.  I doubt you could even get a Bass Boat up into the actual creek itself right now.

Rodney; I remember watching the Aspens turn colors while we lived in Alaska.  Seeing them turn colors we knew snow wasn't that far behind.  You ole gym rat ~bb glad to hear that you're still able to get out and push yourself.
Thanks for the anniversary congrats.  I was lucky in getting her to be my wife.  We went together for 2 yrs before we got married.

Top; Tks for the anniversary congrats.  Hope you day off was relaxing.

Guys ya'll have a relaxing evening with your families.  Be safe in your travels if your out and about.  I have all you Florida UB members in my daily prayers during this hurricane

Belton Texas part of God's Country
Stratos 285 Pro XL Yamaha 150 VMax; Lowrance Hook 7 Electronics; Minn Kota Foretrex Trolling Motor

G3 1548 Alwed Jon boat Yamaha 25hp outboard