Shore Fishing Bass Tournaments?

Started by Fishaholic, August 18, 2005, 10:54:41 AM

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I'm trying to find out how much interest there is in starting a league for Bass Fishermen who are shore bound...

I'm open to all suggestions as to how we should go about this...

Got any ideas?

Let's hear your thoughts on this one, because it brings a whole new twist to the Bass Fishing Tourney deal.  ;D


That's a novel idea there Fish.
Down here in a couple of the State's fish management areas they have shore only tournaments for the kids, it is pretty exciting from what I have heard, and the kids love it.
I can't see why it wouldn't work for adults. I'm not a tournament angler, too much like work, but it would be fun to watch and keep up with.
"If you think you are too small to be effective, you have never been in bed with a mosquito" - African Proverb.  Jim


Sounds like a great idea.  It might be a problem finding enough good places where there is plenty of shore access though.
"But the Emperor has nothing on at all!" cried a little child.


Plenty of room at LaSalle Game Preserve, Grand Kankakee Marsh, Kankakee State Fish & Wildlife, Lake Michigan shoreline, Wolf Lake, etc.


there would have to be different sets of rules for sure.  I am not a bass fisherman, but do know what I use on the shore to make it successful. Would they be able to scout the lakes first and fish them for a day first, or just hit it and if you are not familiar with it, too bad :-\ GPS's or ol fashioned compasses ~c~ I say compasses, see who can still read them and a map together without gettin lost >:D Would there be map of the lake with different depths from the shore or just figure it out >:D I could go on for days ~c~

United States Air Force 1994-present


Lots of good shore fishing around here, two major concerns arise before even coming up with the logistics.

For safety reasons, ground cover would have to be cut or trampled down, which is frowned upon by many of the water and lake management areas.

Insurance would be difficult to get or extremely expensive because of Gator and Snake fear.

In some of the WMA areas, like Tenrock, there are shore fishing contests for the kids, but for the most part they are off of designated lakes with fishing piers or cleared areas that are marked. Which would put limits on site choice for the angler in a "Professional" tourniment.

We have surf fishing tournements, and they are quite popular with the locals.
"If you think you are too small to be effective, you have never been in bed with a mosquito" - African Proverb.  Jim


I see your problem, but we don't really have too much of a gator problem here in the MidWest lo Sure, we have snakes, but with exception of the Southern part of Indiana and Illinois, nothing like what you have to contend addition, there's plenty of lakes and/or river watersheds with adequate shore fishing access and possibilities here.

I think it could work in this part of the country...besides, with the high cost of fuel these days, it's going to start getting real expensive for the boater tourneys.


Hey maybe they will park the boats and start fishing from shore  :roll2: :roll2:

Kats Rule And Bass Drool.Viet Nam Vet


It does work up here, we have tournaments on Birch lake for shore fisherman, and Derbies for shore fisherman in Valdez 8) It is not that far out there Fish 8)

United States Air Force 1994-present


I'd like to see it happen, I bet alot of new techniques and equipment could be developed becouse of the added distances needed to cast sometimes.

KVD could sell special bank fishin shoes or somethin.  :roll2:
"If you think you are too small to be effective, you have never been in bed with a mosquito" - African Proverb.  Jim


 ~roflmao Yep, crossbow, fishin line, fire away ~roflmao

United States Air Force 1994-present

Creel Limit Zero

Quote from: silversalmon on September 14, 2005, 02:03:34 PM
~roflmao Yep, crossbow, fishin line, fire away ~roflmao

They actually do have catapults to cast long distances.  They say it looks like a sling shot and casts baits up to 500 feet.   :shocking:


Sounds like power line fishing for salmon off the shore of Lake Michigan  ~c~ ~c~

Kats Rule And Bass Drool.Viet Nam Vet


United States Air Force 1994-present


thanks for tellin' me that, when I make up the tenets for the first tourney, I'll be sure to NOT include those types of fishing items.


silver you mean you never hear of power linf fishing  :o :o eye know Fish has  ;D

Kats Rule And Bass Drool.Viet Nam Vet


Some surf guys use a wrist rocket lookin thingie for castin, just like the lakers.
"If you think you are too small to be effective, you have never been in bed with a mosquito" - African Proverb.  Jim


you know there are lakes that you can not launch a boat on. :-*  I think if you keep it small the first year or two it would work!


True enough Kevin, and let's not forget river systems, too.


Kats Rule And Bass Drool.Viet Nam Vet


wouldn't be fair would it...but there's other ditches to fish that are within Park systems, and canals too, even piers on the the big pond, e.g., in Michigan City there's adequate room for shore fishermen on the main pier, the Nipsco pier, and along the rip rap North of the warm water discharge.


Weve been using catapults for carp fishing for years.... nice someone is using them for other styles.....
There are no bad days, but better days spent fishing....


Now that warm water discharge would be a great place in the winter time  ;D

Kats Rule And Bass Drool.Viet Nam Vet


The grayling move into those ditches(we call them breakup holes) after the snow melts due to the ENOURMOUS bug population in them. It is like shooting fish in a barrel, litterally lo

United States Air Force 1994-present


Silver, get FISH outta that barrell before he gets hurt.  :roll2:
"If you think you are too small to be effective, you have never been in bed with a mosquito" - African Proverb.  Jim