New member need advice

Started by MontcalmCounty, April 04, 2013, 07:41:58 AM

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I'm from Michigan, I'm 16 and I want to go bass fishing this summer , I need help with the bait and tackle I'll use but also technique, my dads no really a bass fisherman , more so trout so he doesn't know much , I have a medium light rod threaded with green 8 lb mono but basically no bass gear. Have access. To a V bottom boat and a flat bottom. Thank You, MC

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Mike Cork

Help us narrow this down a little bit. Will you be fishing big lakes for small mouth or back water sloughs for largemouth, maybe ponds? With a little more intel we can help dial you in on some specifics to get you started. :-*

Fishing is more than just a hobby

Dobyns Rods - Monster Fishing Tackle
Cork's Reel Service

Donald Garner


First welcome to UltimateBass we're glad you're here ~c~
Like Mike mentioned we need a little more information in order to provide you with the proper equipment and tech to use.  For example what size lake, depth, water clarity are you going to be fishing.
Belton Texas part of God's Country
Stratos 285 Pro XL Yamaha 150 VMax; Lowrance Hook 7 Electronics; Minn Kota Foretrex Trolling Motor

G3 1548 Alwed Jon boat Yamaha 25hp outboard 


Medium to small lakes for largemouth

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What are the depths of these lake and what is the water clarity ?
JJ's Magic Prostaff, The Rod Glove Pro Staff, Extreme Sunglasses Pro Staff,    Blue Sports Outdoors Pro staff,


One is 30 ft the other is 53 ft. One is 28 acres surface area and the deep one is 63 acres.  Both pretty clear

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This is the other. Says its murky on the DNR map but I've fished for bluegill and can clearly see 10 ft down

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And no I'm not just fishing it because of its name

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It has been 20 years sense I fished bass lake. But use to go up every week end, grandparents had a house on it. But use to do well on crankbaits in the 5" break left of boat launch. At night buzzbait in front of the camp. And my favorite past the island and up the channel is full of pads you can flip creature baits almost all day. Plus that lake has a ton of small pike.

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With your set up I guess I would not recommend flipping pads. Lol but you can fish the edges of the pads with a senko. Also in front of the trailer park you can fish all those docks. With senko that's what I would do. And thank you for the question you've brought back a lot great memories on bass lake.   

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the list of finess baits you can fish with that rod is almoast endless. Get on the techniques page in this forum for great details on how to fish them. The only other thing I could suggest is maybe going from mono to florocarbon line. The sensitivity is wayyy better.
The only thing more depressing than not catching fish is not being able to go


The RodFather

Is this the bass lake near Fenton? If so, there are a TON of good places to catch bass around you.. I fish that area a few times a week. If you haven't put together a good pattern there yet, I'd go a few miles up the road to lake Fenton. You can catch em virtually everywhere on that lake with the right presentations. (And during the week when there isn't too much boater traffic) also, you aren't too far from the Flint river which is seemingly overflowing with 1.5-3.5 lb smallmouth and can be fished with a ML set up, I do it with a 6101 and 6103 all the time and it works well for me.