Pro Staff guys and Site Sponsors

Started by ʇuǝɹq™, December 11, 2012, 08:23:19 PM

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I've been fortunate enough to join a couple pro staffs in the last year, and I'm really interested in joining a couple more. With that said, I know being on a pro staff you're suppose to help promote product, and try get product in stores, on internet sites, etc. I'm brand new at this, and I would like some tips, ideas, or anything else you could offer that will help me take the right steps.

For the Site Sponsors, what do you like to see out of your pro staffers? I'm not one who will just take being on staff and run with it taking advantages of all the deals without doing something to help or give back.

Siebert Outdoors

The biggest one of mine is someone who has not used my product before coming to me for a prostaff spot. 


Quote from: Siebert Outoors on December 12, 2012, 07:55:17 AM
The biggest one of mine is someone who has not used my product before coming to me for a prostaff spot.

Sounds like someone just wanting stuff, if I don't use n trust that product I ain't gonna push it so why try the pro staff for that said company, granted I ain't on a pro staff but hoping to be in some soon well hopefully anyway

Posted using Outdoor Hub Campfire
Tryin To Make It Pro, But Still Stuck In East Tn.
One Day, Ill Make It To Where I Wanna Be!

Mike Cork

I'm with Siebert Outdoors on this one, the biggest would be no knowledge of the product.

Ultimate Bass gets requests constantly from anglers that want us to sponsor them for a tournament or series. When we ask them what their screen name is, we usually get a response something similar to....

"I don't have one but I'd be glad to sign up"

REALLY C'mon Man ~b~

Fishing is more than just a hobby

Dobyns Rods - Monster Fishing Tackle
Cork's Reel Service


I have to believe in the products i would be promoting and it has to be something also that i think i could help to improve on and contribute to development. i have asked for sponserships and it was only because i seen something in the company and/or products that i believed in.....
Powell Rods.


I understand what Seibert is saying. My question is what do you expect, and what do you like to see out of your pro staff?

Creel Limit Zero

The one thing that irritates me as a consumer is when a ProStaff bashes other products, that a lot of times it turns me away from their product without even giving it a try.  Perhaps your lure company does make a good quality jig or crankbait, pitch that lure and why it is a good product.  Bashing another company's lures as your best selling feature is not a good technique...


For the pro staff guys, what are some things you do to help? I know of some things, but I'd like to broaden my knowledge so I can do the best job possible.


Quote from: Creel Limit Zero on December 12, 2012, 08:47:21 AM
The one thing that irritates me as a consumer is when a ProStaff bashes other products, that a lot of times it turns me away from their product without even giving it a try.  Perhaps your lure company does make a good quality jig or crankbait, pitch that lure and why it is a good product.  Bashing another company's lures as your best selling feature is not a good technique...

I know exactly what you mean. I'm the same way. You can talk about the difference of product without bashing the other one.


Since joining this site about 2 year ago, I have picked up a lot of great sponsors.  The one's I have expect me to know their product inside and out.  If you are at a tournament or trying to push their product in a store you want to be able to answer any question that someone asks of that product.  They also want me to promote on facebook.  This is huge for my sponsors.  Anytime they post a video or article, I share it on my page.  They usually want at least a post a week for their product.  I love pushing products, Its what I have done my whole life and luckily I'm pretty good at it.  As far as bashing a product, I don't.  Sponsors talk among each other, that's what a lot of guys don't know.  If you are trying to get sponsored by a company they may do a bit of back ground on you and look up old posts or whatever, depending on what they find, it could make or break you.  I am very humble and just enjoying the ride right now.  You never now when it will end.  Some sponsors will keep you, others it might just be a year to year thing.  Just work hard at promoting them, as long as you enjoy what you are doing you will do a good job.
JJ's Magic Prostaff, The Rod Glove Pro Staff, Extreme Sunglasses Pro Staff,    Blue Sports Outdoors Pro staff,

Creel Limit Zero

* I wear their shirt and hat in all my tournaments, and at least always wear the hat when I pre-fish.  That's easy. 

*I've offered to represent them in shows in my area that they are going to be involved in.  I love to field questions from prospective motor buyer about why I love the ETEC and the qualities they have that made it the best fit for me. 

*I try to go to all the fishing shows and flea markets in my area in full Evinrude gear, and I get a lot of questions about the ETEC when I do so.  I have no idea if it ever resulted in someone going with an ETEC, but I try to inform them what I like so they can make an informed decision when they remotor or when buying a new boat and have a choice in the motor.   

*Lastly I try to represent them on all the boards that I frequent and attempt to field questions about the ETEC that I can answer, and if I can not I point them to who can. 

Mike Cork

Brent the biggest things is to realize what the position is. It's called a Pro Staff position and the "Pro" is short for Promotional not Professional. So the position is about promoting the product.

The best thing you can do for an employer is to put his products in stores. Go door to door and get stores to stock their products. But it doesn't end there. If a store picks up the line, it now must sell so that the store will restock.

So your goal is to get the products in the local stores and then convince the local anglers they need to buy them. You can't have any secrets, you have to talk, tell all, take people fishing and prove they work. Then those people buy from the local stores and the store needs to restock and your employer sells more baits. It's a circle where you work for the manufacture and the store, you have to move products.

Individual sales are good too but not as effective. You can talk three or for anglers into buying ten jigs or you can talk a store into stocking 400, which is better? Both really, because if you can get them in a store and get other anglers helping you to spread the word, it becomes a snow ball, if it's a good product the rest will take care of it's self and it's time to move to another city :-*

Lots to do in the promotion side of it as well. Internet, blogs, FB, twitter... I've done a small series about promoting yourself as an angler and I'm working on a piece about this subject as well.

Check out these articles, they will help get you more visible, which will also help your sponsors. The more visible you are the more trusted you'll be by local anglers. The more trust you have with local angers the more baits they will buy because you said they work. :-*

Fishing is more than just a hobby

Dobyns Rods - Monster Fishing Tackle
Cork's Reel Service

Siebert Outdoors

Quote from: ʇuǝɹq™ on December 12, 2012, 08:43:10 AM
I understand what Seibert is saying. My question is what do you expect, and what do you like to see out of your pro staff?

What I like to see is someone that is truthful, uses my product, knowledgeable, does not bash other companies, and willing to push my product without spamming.  The pro staffer must use a moral and ethic code that I would use.  Basically in simple words a stand up person.  No BS.


One thing I think that helps and I have done it one this site and others is write articles and get them published. While certain platforms like twitter or facebook are nice. I think well written and detailed articles that arean't a complete sales pitch for a product a very helpful. 

As a angler I am always researching differnet websites for any information I can find when I am unable to get on the water.


Thanks a ton for all this info guys. You guys don't know how much I really appreciate it. There is always a bunch of stuff to learn about this, and you guys really helped me a lot.

Mike, as soon as I get a break from work I'll read your articles.


Brent, the Actual Work part of it can very alot from one staff to another and even on different levels of the same staff.  Being available for store promotions, demonstrations, Charity events, are all usually part of a basic prostaff agreement.  Web Promotion has became a huge part of the Exposure expected too.  Be Extremely knowledgeable about the product and realize that there are manytimes that your going to miss getting on the water as fast as you wanted too because someone is going to have a question right when your about to launch or it might be at the end of a long tourney day when all you want is a shower and some A/C ...........  You will have to put a smile on and Demo the product for a new potential customer.  I had one guy that was wanting to try a Helium out and he managed to snap the tip off hitting it on my trailer............  I had to just smile..  8)


let me just say this thread has been a great read so far

i myself am on a few pro staffs...i know that they love the social media point of it, like others have said...sharing posts on facebook, twitter, etc.  I also have a blog that i use to promote my sponsors.  Im lucky in the sense that due to my line of work, i interact with anglers on a regular basis while im at work.  I know for a fact that a few i have spoken to have gone on to buy product from my sponsors - i know this because they've come back and told me. 

Promoting at tournaments, wearing the gear while just out and about, going to shows are all great ways to at the very least make people look a little closer at the companies you represent. I know that i've seen some guys that although i havent necessarily gone up and started a conversation about who they representing, ive at least gone home and google the product for a closer look
Thanks to: Denali Rods, The Rod Glove, Angler's Choice, Lews Reels, Hully Gully, River2Sea and CL Fishin

Chuck Tawney

You want more sponsors? Looking for more Pro Staffs to join? How many do you have now? Do you know each of their products, inside and out, able to answer questions, or get an answer quickly? Having sponsors is great, believe me, I love all of the ones I work for. Now re read my last sentence. You work for them. I feel in all honesty, where Im at in my career, working for the ones I have, is all I need. I take pride in knowing each product I promote. I think its much better to focus on the ones I have, taking them as far as I can before I go looking for more. Evolve Baits has been great, fun to work for, and it feels good to give my input on products, and learn each indivdual product, fun to test new things. I can answer each and every question, or get an answer right quickly. I work closely with them. Mobile Auto Service/Remote Mechanic, again, I have answers. The owner and I are on the same page, first name basis, and I swear by their product/service. We routinely talk on the phone, and exchange ideas. Explosive Tackle, Denali Rods, same deal, I know the products, I keep in touch with them. Its important to have a personal relationship with your sponsors. You are selling yourself to them, as much as trying to sell their company to the consumers.  Heres a huge tip, that has helped me tremendously. Put yourself together some quality business cards. I have my name, address, phone #, website, and facebook listed, as well as my sponsors. And I give them out. Focus on what you have, promote them to no end, and most of all, have fun with it. Its not about having 40 sponsors, that you can only give limited time to, as much as a handful of great companies, that you can give 100% attention to each.
Evolve Baits Pro Staff  Explosive Tackle Pro Staff
Denali Rods Pro Staff ProTeam  Solar Bat Sunglasses  Team Outcast


Wow , this has been very informative ! Enjoy reading about you guys' experiences and was surprised to learn the meaning of "Pro" Staff   So maybe one day I could promote companies products that I use and believe in :)   Thanks Brent for the question and everyone for the answers !
Stop by the Garage and let me know if you have Maintenance issues that you need assistance with.


It is a Mindset.......  No matter what you have to remeber that everyone you talk to is a potential customer and that you are representing your Sponsors Products 24/7.


Quote from: -Shawn- on December 12, 2012, 02:19:27 PM
I had one guy that was wanting to try a Helium out and he managed to snap the tip off hitting it on my trailer............  I had to just smile..  8)

That woulda been a tough one for me lol.
Stop by the Garage and let me know if you have Maintenance issues that you need assistance with.


Thanks Shawn and Chuck. Very good points that I'll be sure to follow. Everyone of you guys who posted in this thread have answered and helped me quite a bit. Another reason why I love this site.


This is a little strange but I learned how to do seminars just for this reason. It helps when the sponsor sees that you do seminar,s and their company name could be on that jersey or hat every ones looking at while you are up on the tank.



You should be on stage at a FREAK SHOW. not at bass pro!