Tournament Director Reports

Started by shane1151, August 28, 2011, 01:38:35 PM

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Club Points System Breakdown................. ~sweat...................................As we progress thru the season from time to time we have had some members with questions about how the points system works and on a couple occations some confusion as to who a portion works or when a bonus is recieved. I have to take the blame that the manner in which it was presented and implimented was rather fast prior to the seasons start and even now I see the by-laws dont fully explain without leaving room for interpritation on when, how the points are won by a member if the requirements for that bonus are met.

In this break down I hope to clear up any question as to how I presented this system and the purpose of why the bonus in some cases was created.

Position Points are self explanitory so I don't feel the need to explain them other than to touch base on how potential ties are broken.

The first method of breaking a tie will go to the member who has more fish weighted in for the day.
ex: Memeber #1 has 3 fish and Member #2 has 5 fish...the tie breaker would goto Member #2

Should both members have equal fish to weight in for the day the tie breaker would be the weight of the members largest fish.
ex: Member #1's largest fish is 2.5lbs and Member #2's fish weights 3.0lbs...the tie breaker would goto Member #2

Should both members have equal sized largest fish for the day I will goto the points standing as of the previous tournament.
ex: Member #1 is 2nd in the points standing going into the event and Member #2 is 5th...the tie breaker would goto Member #1

In the event that both members are tied in the points standings the tie will be broken by using the members largest fish of the year.
ex. Member #1 has a 3.5lb fish this season and Member #2 has a 4.5lb biggest fish...the tie breaker will goto Member #2

In the even a tie cannot be broken at this point each member will recieve the same points for the position in which they are attempting to break.
ex. The tie is for 1st place and the 120 points.....Member #1 will recieve 120pts and Member #2 will recieve 120 pts


20lb bag bonus (75 points): Any member who brings to a scale during a tournament a bag of fish that weights 20lbs or more will be awarded 75 points.

Multiple 20lb bag bonus (75 points): Any member who has previously weighted in a 20lb bag at an event and now has a 2nd 20lb bag will immediately for said tornament recieve another 75 points.
**these awards are 1 time awards per season. If the member weights in a 3rd 20lb bag for the season NO BONUS will be awarded**

5 Fish Limit Bonus (20 points): any member weighting in 5 fish in accordance to the minimum size of 12" shall recieve 20 points immediately for that event. **this bonus is available at each event and can be awarded once for each tournament the member catched his 5 Fish Limit and is unlimited**

Multiple Lunker Bonus (40 points): Any member who wins 2 lunker of the days will recieve upon his 2nd lunker of the day the 40 point bonus for that acheivement. *this is a 1 time awards per season* and further lunker fish in the same season do not qualify for any bonus.

Event/Tournament Lunker (30 points): The member bringing to the scale the largest "LIVE" fish for the day will immediately recieve the 30 point bonus. (The term "LIVE" is being added for further clearification, as previously this was an unspoken requirement similar to the no live bait rule.)
If the largest fish for the day is determined DEAD, the next biggest fish will be awarded the bonus points, this award can be won at each event and is unlimited.

Lunker Of The Year (75 points): This bonus is awarded at the end of the season to the largest fish caught for said season, by nature this award is a 1 time award. Should a tie in Lunker of the year fish happen it was my intent to use the year end ranking to break the tie.
ex. Member #1 and Member #2 are tied for the Lunker of the Year Bonus...Member #1 ends the season in 4th place...Member #2 ends the season in 8th place...the bonus points for lunker of the year are to be awarded to Member #1

Attendance Bonus (20 points): Self explanitory, a member needs to attend and fish every secheduled tournament with the exception of the Friends & Family Day non-tournament event.

2 Day event Bonus (50pts Day 1 50pts Day 2): My goal here was to give credit to an individual who may have lead a day, but didnt win overall as in last years 2 day event. Last year we had a leader day 1 another who took the lead day 2 but overal neither was good enough to win it and a 3rd person won the entire event. I felt the 2 members who did well needed something for their efforts...So I suggested points for leading either day 1 OR Day 2. The purpose of this bonus was NOT ever to give someone who sweeps the even even more bonus point but to give a person who lead a day something for his effort should he not win overall.

Like the other bonus awards available I intended this to be a 1 or the other award. I believe I explained this in our discussions and it was certainly on the notes I have and how it was presented to the programmer for his implimenting it into an automatic program.

In the rush to complete the points system and move on to something new and fresh, I failed to take more time to exlplain my intentions to the fullest extent I could in my hast.

At the end of the year this can be revisited and modified should the club feel the need...but for the moment my intent and the purpose of these specific points will be used as the method to awards the points for this years 2 day event.

Quality Fish Bonus points (set per each weight class): these awards are 1 time awards per tournament, per event.
ex. Member #1 cathces the following: 4.3lb 2.0lb 4.5lb 5.2lb 3.0lb fish the bonus award for his day would be and extra 25 points for his ability to catch a fish in the 4lb class and another 35 points for a fish in the 5lb class. the 2nd 4lb fish is of no consequence as the member is only allowed 1 bonus fish per class at an event.

Attendance points (30 points): Any member who actively fishes an event and fails to catch a weightable fish will recieve 30 attendance points for that event. The member must fish the full event to qualify for this bonus.

I again apologise for any confusion as a result of my not specifically outlining each of these again when the website went up and active.