st. Judes guesses

Started by BIG PAPA, April 22, 2011, 04:47:46 PM

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Where will it be won?
I guess Lake o the Pines


It's going to be won when the check is made to St. Judes!  :toot:

But for the fishing I'm going to guess Caddo!  ~roflmao


And Jesus calling them to him said, suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not for such is the Kingdom of God.

Mike Cork

I'm think Lake O Pines has a good shot at it especially since the wind was so bad? Someone should have heard by now ?

Fishing is more than just a hobby

Dobyns Rods - Monster Fishing Tackle
Cork's Reel Service


Quote from: Bubblegum on April 23, 2011, 05:13:46 PM
Answer:      Caddo
It was won on Caddo by George Hodges and David Parker.I will post weights later kind of tired right now.I did get to meet Brad{Watsjig},Nick Lebron,and Randy Deaver all really nice guys and good fishermen.

                 Thanks to everyone who participated
And Jesus calling them to him said, suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not for such is the Kingdom of God.


   I know one thing it was over 16 pounds with 3 fish. believe they got BB also 7 plus. we had 4.9. not good. Our only little good spot just got pounded by us on the REC. There was only 2 fish in there today. went from catching a 3.5 and a 2.7 to a 2.3 and a 1.5. plus they puked shad all day. prolly 15-20 in the live well.

   All fish came on spinner baits and frogs. We caught close to ten at the st jude. We missed several on frogs blowing up and coming off. little to windy so the surface was broken making it a little harder for them to key in I guess. I through a spro and laurie threw a ribbit. We did about the same. I did have one bucket mouth explode on mine but no fun. fish sparse pads in about 3-4 foot.   

~c~ Big thanks to the 40 and over club and reeves marine, another great tournament.
That little girl sure was sweet at the tournament. She deserved this and more. Her dad sit her in his lap on stage and she helped with the drawings. They took alot of pics. Don't know where they will be posted yet. Free food lots of drawings,smooth weigh in. Guaranteed prizes. what more could you ask for.  Again thanks and glad to be part of this. We can all hold our heads up on this one knowing that money went to a good cause.
If you cast it. They will come.


Thanks for the cudos bob we had a great time doing this.Adain like you said thanks to Reeves for their support.Rodney said we will do this again later this year,looking @ Sept. or Oct.We raised some money for St.Jude and had a great field of contestants.Had some great sponsors this year also.Lewis and Goetz supply sent St.Jude a check for $10,000.00 that was great I can't thank them enough.
The photographer will have the photos and will donate 10% of the proceeds to St.Jude.had a few people wanted the tee shirts we were wearing so anyone who wants 1 let me know will be $10-$12 depending on how many orders I get.

And Jesus calling them to him said, suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not for such is the Kingdom of God.

Mike Cork

Congratulations and GREAT JOB on this event! There is ALOT of hard work that goes into something like this and you did a fantastic job!!!

Congratulations to David and George both are great people and great fisherman!!

Fishing is more than just a hobby

Dobyns Rods - Monster Fishing Tackle
Cork's Reel Service


let us know the total raised when you get a chance.
If you cast it. They will come.


And Jesus calling them to him said, suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not for such is the Kingdom of God.


1.Hodges/Parker--16.76--Big Bass--6.83--1st-$1500.00-BB-$500.00-Total-$2000.00
2.Deaver/Lebron--12.41--Big Bass--4.45--2nd- $750.00
3.Hinkle/Brabley --11.39--Bid Bass--5.46--3rd- $500.00
4.Hopkins/Hopkins-9.99 --Big Bass--4.78--4th- $250.00

2nd place Big Bass-Hill/Mouser--6.10--$250.00

Looks like we will send St.Jude a check for about $3000.00,we are still waiting on some sponsor money.With the Lewis and Goetz donation that makes it $13000.00 plus anymore to come from Tee shirts and photos.

  Thank you Lord for making this such a great success.
And Jesus calling them to him said, suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not for such is the Kingdom of God.


I also would like to once again thank the young men from Kappa Sigma @ NSU for their help.If not for them we would have had a nightmare.With their help everything went pretty smoothly.

Thanks to jshirley005 for setting this up.
And Jesus calling them to him said, suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not for such is the Kingdom of God.