I am trying out a 17ft Cajun boat right now. I'm prob going to buy it from a family member...I've ran it and fished out of it. Its still looks good, the evinrude 70 on back is runnin' good....pretty much all is well except for minor things like bilge pump or wiring and some things I can deal with.
The only big issue (I'm hoping someone can help me with here) is there's a "soft spot" in the flooring up against the seat underneath the steering wheel. Its not so bad its not functional..I can get in and out of the seat adn drive it, use it, etc...without stepping on teh spot. However...if its rotten wood, its juust gonna get worse. It looks like the boat's cap is all one molded peice, so how would I get down there, get the rotten wood out and replace then recarpet/vinyl??
Thanks in advance for the advice!
Would help to know what year, model, ect. I know with mine, each piece of the floor is separate, and is screwed down. You might be able to just cut out the section that is bad, and fit a piece back in. Make sure you seal the new piece front and back. Good luck.
Its either a 91 or a 92. It seems to be rotten back into the fiberglass...is this gonna be an issue??