Bass Fishing Forum

Bass Clubs, Tournaments, Rallies => Bass Club Connection => Tobacco Valley Bass Anglers => Topic started by: shane1151 on August 28, 2011, 01:31:56 PM

Title: Minutes of the Meetings
Post by: shane1151 on August 28, 2011, 01:31:56 PM
Here are the notes/minutes from the 7/14 TVBA Meeting:

Attendees: Shane Grindle, John Lindsay, Drew Hamilton, Jim Catania, Matt Minor, Ryan Sheehan, Paul Sapolis
Excused: Jack Clarkin, Jack Sabin, Jim DeLisle, George Looby, Eric Barnard, Dave Minor, Tim Peckham, Stan Socha

Friends & Family Tournament on Congamond 7/24/11
· The start time will be 6:00 AM and we will fish until 12:00 PM...the weigh-in will follow at the lake and the cookout at the Hamilton's starting at approx.. 12:45pm...the address is 40 Stratton Farms Rd. West Suffield, CT 06093
· Assignments:
o Sodas/Water – Matt Minor
o Steaks/Beer – Jim Catania with help from Ryan Sheehan
o Hot Dogs/Buns – John Lindsay
o Side Dishes – Drew Hamilton
o Dessert Item – Paul Sapolis / Ryan Sheehan (if his pregnant wife is up for making something)
· Confirmed Teams thus far:
o John Lindsay & Guest
o Matt Minor & Guest
o Drew Hamilton & Guest
o Jim Catania & Ryan Sheehan
o Paul Sapolis
o Jim Dence & Guest
o George Looby & Guest
· If you are a club non-boater looking to fish please contact the boaters to determine if one of them has an opening for you to fish with them...a reply to this email would be a good way to accomplish that request

CT Federation Nation Mr. Bass Tournament on August 6, 2011
· Drew Hamilton will represent TVBA as the Mr. Bass angler
· Rich Torpey will represent TVBA as the co-angler
· TVBA will pay the $100 entry fee for the tournament as was done in 2010

Update on TVBA YTD Standings and Prize Fund Balances
· TVBA TYD Standings
o 1st – John Lindsay 987 pts
o 2nd – George Looby 904 pts
o 3rd – Dave Minor 764 pts
· TVBA Non-Boater Standings
o 1st – Ryan Sheehan 684 pts
o 2nd – Tim Peckham 627 pts
o 3rd – Matt Minor 602 pts
· TVBA Year-End Prize Fund Balance (after 7 tournaments) - $355.00
· TVBA Non-Boater Award Fund (after 7 tournaments) - $100.00

Winning Strategies
· Recent winners and the entire group had a very engaging discussion about approach, techniques used, patterns identified, and challenges faced in the tournaments to date; anglers shared insights into how they were able to be successful during the tournament day...this is a discussion that we will definitely keep on the agenda for future meetings

· The 8/27/11 tournament on Lake McDonough/Compensating is currently scheduled to start at 10:00 AM and go until 6:00 PM...does anyone have any issue with the start time being moved to 8:30 AM (as we have done in the past) and fishing until 4:30 PM? Please let me know your thoughts either way.

Title: Re: Minutes of the Meetings
Post by: shane1151 on August 28, 2011, 01:33:17 PM
APRIL MEETING MINUTES ..........Treasures Report: Not Available

Federation Report: Same as last meeting with reminders about the rod and reel donations and the need for boaters for the wounded warrier program.

Stan also informed the Fed. Members that the raffle is not going to be for a boat any longer, rather a travel voucher instead.

There is an open Fed. Tourny. May 1st...soryy for the late posting on this one guys.....

Tournament Director Report: Reminder that the Quaddick Res. Tourny time was changed to 8 a.m.-4p.m.

State forms for weed prevention will be provided prior to the tournament for members to sign.

Stan asked if Kevin could fish with him as a guest for the Candlewood Tournament. Topic was tables for a vote at the May meeting.

I am still having work done to the website, more specifically the automated points system.

New Business: Shane needed an additional $10 for a toatal of $40 for the club shirts...if you havent paid this additional cost please make arrangements with Shane to do so a.s.a.p.

Old Business: By-Laws are on the website for anyone to review. Drew is now a father..the baby was born. Congrats to you and the Mrs. from all of us.

Good and Welfare: Jim D. announced his grandmothers passing.

Meeting was closed and the members were offered the chance to stay and watch the Classic Patterns DVD.
Title: Re: Minutes of the Meetings
Post by: shane1151 on August 28, 2011, 01:34:40 PM
March Meeting Minutes........I want to thank Jimmy D. for giving us a brief run down of what the minuted for the meeting were...Now that we have the sight Jimmy can get me an overview of what we discuss and it can be posted here for further review by everyone...

Thanks Jim

Meeting minutes will be on website instead of emailed now

meet Tim P. -new member

Treasures report--n/a

Fed report-Stan:
Used rods wanted for Riverfront Recapture
Boats needed for Wounded Warriers -take a Vet. fishing for a day August 10-11
Use Fed members for Didcounts on Fed sponsored products to save 30% --see Stan
Kill switch manditory for Fed events
State and local Police will pull over boat trailers for weeds. $100 per plant
Zebra Mullels crackdown and water weeds. DEP officers will be at boat ramps asking you about Zebra mussels and make you sign a sheet saying you've cleaned your boat in between lakes
Reynolds tournament and other Open events - see Stan for list of events
Scholarship available for Fed.--apply for family members
Fed roster due Nov 2011 for 2012 season.
Fishing swap meet Mar 20. Polish amer club Feeding hills MA

Tournament directors report.
new points system in effect-- cash will go to heaviest bag as usual
new bylaws will be on website.

Website intro. was awesome
register for events online
passwords given

Drew and his wife had a baby. Congrats
Title: Re: Minutes of the Meetings
Post by: shane1151 on September 24, 2011, 06:44:39 PM
In Attendance

Drew, Shane, Jim DeLisle, Paul Jack, John, Ryan,Stan

A message from the President.

Drew Addressed the Club in regards to Jim C's resignation and discussed the email

Tourn Dir. report.--Drew

Visit and locate our Club to view results and standings

New Business.

Stan addressed the club in regards to him leaving the club.  Thanks for your time and service to the club Stan.

Feb meeting Fed tickets due

Nov meeting club roster due

Oct meeting bring club dues

possible date change for club meeting to accommodate Fed News

Possible time change for Club meetings to 7pm

Old business--none

Winning ways.  Tournament tactics for the winners were discussed.  Thanks everyone for sharing

Meeting adjourned

Title: Re: Minutes of the Meetings
Post by: shane1151 on December 08, 2011, 06:26:27 AM
treasures report

$3959 + $910 deposits= $4869

payouts will be $1300-$1400

Checks handed out for the following:

Tour Dir report

Standings  Overall

1st John L 1239 pts $500

2nd Drew1112pts   $250

3rd George  1111pts  $150

4th Jack S. 970pts  $100

5th  Dave M. 805pts  $50

Nonboater standings

1st  Matt M. 725pts  $150

2nd Ryan 714pts  $75

3rd Tim  689pts  $50

Congrats to all Winners and a great season

Motion to pay 2nd and third for nonboater out of club money -  voted yes

Lilli results



rob (guest)  no points

John L  3rd in points

New business

Website hosting $134 .  motion to reimb. Drew accepted

Shane introduced Lakes in CT and Mass.  Vote tied in between fishing Mass and not.

Shane accepted emails for lakes that members want to fish

Jan. meeting topics

***Pizza and Beer***   Bring new members as guests for potential new members

increase dues

Team tour.

2day pts


bylaws to update

Prepay for events

Fed roster  Shane Drew John L. Jack Rich Ryan

TVBA offers voted in as a slate.

Pres Drew

Tour Dir Shane

Sec Jim Del.

Treas Rich

Fed rep.  John L. 

Shane will order 25 clear tourn bags

Move meeting to second week of the month to accommodate Fed info as current for opens tournys and discounts and time to 7PM

Change meeting date and time approved by Vote

NEXT MEETING Dec 13th, 2011--  7PM  Tues.
***Pizza and Beer*** Bring new members as guests for potential new members

Round Table

Our sincere condolences to Jim Dence on the passing of his Mother

John L. tore his Achilles

Title: Re: Minutes of the Meetings
Post by: shane1151 on January 19, 2012, 02:18:44 PM
Treasures report. n/a Fed. dues paid

Tourn Dir Report--Shane Shane will try to reschedule Mashapaug because its on Opening Day. Parking will be a problem. Trophies handed out. Possibility of Team events introduced by George George will discuss and figure out details next meeting Shane will get the dates and Lakes

Points system major revision discussed, proposed and voted in. A detailed summary will be given by Drew in Feb.

New Business none

Old business Give Raffle tickets to John L. ASAP for those who have not submitted them yet.

Items tabled for January and February meetings:

Potential increase in club dues (per Dave Minor) – target February meeting Possibility of TVBA Team tournaments (per George Looby) – January meeting Review of 2 Day Points assignments (per Tim Peckham) – January meeting Website changes/ usage – target February meeting Required updates to bylaws – target February/ March meeting Prepayment option for TVBA tournaments (per Jim Dence) – target February meeting Overall TVBA Mr. Bass and Nonboater points system review – January meeting

CT Fed. John will Rep.
Title: Re: Minutes of the Meetings
Post by: shane1151 on March 21, 2012, 10:20:18 AM
Treasurers N/A

New member- DJ Minor, NonBoater

Tourn Dir report new schedule and additional team events listed. note Winchester and Mashapaug dates were swapped. team events no points, random draw TBD

New business we will not be allowing any new nonboaters until we have additional boaters join so nonboaters don't have to double up or fish from shore. Drew will follow up on leads for new members from the boating show that the fed got. 2 day on the river- switching partners TBD before event

Old business Donation and how to spend some additional club funds possible donation to Rich's walk for Downes Syndrome website maintenance discussed- Jim to follow up on admin password Minimun payout for events now based on an 8 person field. if 6 members show up the club will cover the extra funds. club voted yes

Fed report- nothing new round table discussion