Well it's that time again.It's time for the Fishing For Life BassClassicApril23,2011.Start Planning to fish this 1 to benefit St.Jude Children's Hospital.This year plans are in the works to have a guarantied purse.More details will follow in the near future.
See ya on the water
Dang the luck, looks like we are going to miss it this time,,, got the UBCS on Grand Bayou that week. :'(
and the Texas Oilman's on Toledo Bend. To bad it isn't the following week
Best of Luck
On a Friday?
Quote from: ZXBUG on January 16, 2011, 08:11:18 PM
On a Friday?
If I remember right Don always holds them on a Friday. ;)
I'm glad someone noticed!!! Not on Friday it is on Saturday March 19,2011
Don, sorry but LA Poormans has a tournament on March 19th also. If you can arrange for another date, I would be happy to help you out in any way possible. But my hands are tied on that date. Looking at all the other tourney's on that date are: ABA Dist.48 (RR Pool4) and V&M will be at RRSM on that date.
Todd I appreciate the offer but we have this tournament the third sat. in March every year.We have had RRSM reserved since last year.
Guys if you can fish this Tourney please do so. I am a parent of a St. Jude's patient and unless you have been there you have no idea of how amazing of place this is. They really care about their children and they cover the medical cost through donations. I can vouch for them that the money goes to a good cause.
Quote from: Bubblegum on January 17, 2011, 01:27:23 PM
Todd I appreciate the offer but we have this tournament the third sat. in March every year.We have had RRSM reserved since last year.
Don, you may want to verify with RRSM...I had a tourney booked there for 6 months with 65 boats and they booked another tourney on top of me for 20 boats and they took over the pavillion. At least that is what they told me at RRSM.
Quote from: cmf9964 on January 31, 2011, 02:11:13 PM
Guys if you can fish this Tourney please do so. I am a parent of a St. Jude's patient and unless you have been there you have no idea of how amazing of place this is. They really care about their children and they cover the medical cost through donations. I can vouch for them that the money goes to a good cause.
Thanks cmf9964 no truer words have ever been spoken.I myself was the father of a St.Jude patient.This is my way of trying to help them and it is never enough.My hope and dream is that one day they will find the miracle cure and stop all the suffering and heartache that cancer causes to all of these precious children and their families.Each year we try to find a local child to draw the winners for our door prizes,if your child would be interested in doing this you can call me @840-4228 anytime .
I might fish both if it can be worked out. st jude and la poormans. We fished st jude last year. great tournament. great kids, great sportsman and fellowship. I still want those pics from last year if you still have them bubblegum.
just got off the phone {caps on for joy}I NOW HAVE AN EXCITING ANNOUNCEMENT TO MAKE!!!! $1500.00 1ST PLACE GUARANTEED!!!!!!!!!
With permission from Laurie I will post our benefactor later.
Quote from: bob_rugratz on February 02, 2011, 09:14:06 PM
I might fish both if it can be worked out. st jude and la poormans. We fished st jude last year. great tournament. great kids, great sportsman and fellowship. I still want those pics from last year if you still have them bubblegum.
Bob I called again for those pictures should have something soon.
Sorry I messed up the last post. I was just wondering who I need to contact to help out with this tournment.
You didn't mess up you hit the nail on the head Bubblegum {Don Bonner 840-4228}
Cobnsidering changing date to 3/20/11,will let you all know soon
3/20/2011, I am in!
Quote from: Bubblegum on February 03, 2011, 11:54:50 AM
just got off the phone {caps on for joy}I NOW HAVE AN EXCITING ANNOUNCEMENT TO MAKE!!!! $1500.00 1ST PLACE GUARANTEED!!!!!!!!!
With permission from Laurie I will post our benefactor later.
Thank you Laurie. Our $1500.00 sponsors are Acme Trucking Bossier City Terminal and Colvin Trucking.
looks like we are changing the date to April 23.also changing format.I will post more in a couple of days.Gonna be better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok it's official now new date is April 23,2011 also new format,3 fish limit,fish any of the following lakes,Caddo,Cross,Bisteneau,Black Bayou{Hosston},Black Lake{Campti}Red River pools4&5,or Toledo Bend.Start fishing @ safe light,weigh in @Reeves Marine @ 3:00P.M.Proof of insurance with registration.More to come later.
After a suggestion and a discussion with my group we have decided to add Lake O The Pines to our list of lakes to fish.
Well I met our poster child for this year last night!Her name is Rose and she is just as precious as she can get,a little bit shy at first but she warmed up very quickly.I hpoe to see a lot of you all out there this year,I am sure you will be blessed if you get to meet Rose!
BTW we have our own website now we just need someone to help us build it.We have some basics on there already so check it out,I don't know how to make the link hot so here it is www.fishingforlifebassclassic.com
Thanks for your support
There will be a preregistration at Reeves Marine Friday April 22,2011.We now have a guaranteed Big Bass pot of $500.00,the sponsor wishes to remain anonymous.We thank him from the bottom of our hearts!!!!!
registration forms are at Reeves Marine today,tomorrow they will be at Bass Pro,both Academies,Lorants,and Sportsman's Depot.hopefully this weekend I will get down to Toledo Town.
Did not make Lorants or Sportsman's Depot today but did add Goldman Equipment on Old Minden Rd and Dicks
Entry forms are @ Red River South and River Bend
Entry forms are @ Toledo Town as of 3/26/11
Just want to keep this fresh on every ones mind 19 days and counting.
Don sorry I haven't been in contact with you lately I was TDY for the last couple of weeks. I hope all is going good with the tourny and let me know if you need any help. Rose is really looking forward to it. We took her fishing this weekend and she caught her first bass.
Quote from: cmf9964 on April 04, 2011, 11:42:50 AM
Don sorry I haven't been in contact with you lately I was TDY for the last couple of weeks. I hope all is going good with the tourny and let me know if you need any help. Rose is really looking forward to it. We took her fishing this weekend and she caught her first bass.
Mike everything is going good so far,How big was Rose's 1st Bass and surely you got some pics.If you did and know how to you could post them here on UB.Would be great.
It was a dink but I will post a pic when I get home. But she was so excited.
Very Cool for Rose! I will see if I can make this now...Should be able to schedule this one. Can we add Big Sam to the list? Also, if I can't fish- is there a way I can contribute, a fund, bank acct, etc?
IClass if everything goes well this year we will add Big Sam next year or create 1 just for Sam also.If you can't fish and want to make a contribution you can send Check or Money Order to
Forty and Over Bass Club
c/o Don Bonner
3902 Ella St.
Bossier City,La. 71112
I think it is great that Rose got to catch her 1st bass,I would have loved to have been there in person to see it.She is an extremely cute 21/2 year old.I'll bet she had a blast!
Here is a picture of Rose fishing I couldn't get the one with fish to work. I'll try to post it later.
[attachment outdated - deleted by admin]
Mike I couldn't get it to load for me,maybe I'll get to see it @ the tournament.
10days & counting,any one gonna fish
Alright guys we are 6 days out from fishing and Rose is getting excited to be at the weigh-in and see some monster bass caught. Please come out and fish this tourny it's for a great cause and I know Don has and the others have put in alot of hard work to get this tournment together. Thanks.
Mike my cell phone crashed and I lost your number can you give me a call please?
O.K. to every one else,5 days and counting.we've had 1283 hits on this subject and I guess every one is just being tight lipped,Is anyone going to fish this one???Just wondering.
I just want to do a little HORN blowing, 9 or 10 guys from Kappa Sigma @ NSU are coming up Friday evening to help out with our tournament.I think it is great that these young men are willing to travel all that way and give up their holiday weekend.How about a big hurray for them.
What is the entry fee for this tourney and is it all pre-registration?
korkyg the entry is $125.00 per team plus $25.00 optional Big Bass.Preregistration is Friday afternoon @ Reeves Marine from 5:00 till 6:30 @6:31 rules meeting.
Hope everyone will come out and fish this weekend this is going to be a great tournament.
So how much is the Entry fee for everyone?
$125.00 per team/boat plus $25.00 optional Big Bass
My dad is still considering fishing it with me. If he can't I have an opening in my boat. I plan to fish Caddo if someone wants to split expenses. Send me a pm.
just got back from the preregistration we had 41 teams sign up.I was sure hoping for a few more so,If any one who could not make it to the meeting still wants to fish,Let me know and I will be in the Centurytel Parking lot around 5:30 am to sign you up.Start fishing @6:30 weigh in @ 3:00.