The clear coat on my 1989 ranger is flaking does anyone know how to get this fixed and round about how much would it cost to have it done?
depends on your area, I have seen prices range from 7-800 all the way up to 2 grand. Gonna have to do some calling around. What part of the country are you in?
Tennessee close to the alabama line
If you were in Texas or Louisiana there is a great place on Toledo Bend that does fantastic work at a very fair price. If you just need a gel coat and no glass work they would probably quote you somewhere in the 7-800 dollar range. I don't know about your area. There is a member on the site with a screen name "TritonBMC" he might be able to help you out with some places to check out. He's north of you but Tennessee isn't that wide LOL anyway shoot him a personal message through the site and tell him I told you too, he might be able to help.
Thanks mike!!!!