Had a pretty good day at Wolf Creek today. Two smallies with the biggest being 15" on a small square billed crank. A 5# 8oz. largemouth on a swim senko, no where near the discharge, with five others. 7 whites, one channel, and one walleye. Didn't get there till 10:00 and left at 2:00. Outside of the biggest LM, everything was caught near the outlet on a small red eyed shad or a small square billed crank.
SE Kansas grass grower
would have hoped for some larger smallies than 15 inches...surprised you didn't spend a lot of time on the riprapped areas...
understand there to be a lot bigger 'units' in that water...
Thanks for the report!
Ring Fry do you still have to apply for a dated permit to fish it? I know that was how it was when they opened it.
No, but it is about like going through airport security. They spray your boat down, fill out a bunch of paperwork, issue you a pager, but no pat downs, as of yet. You have to wear a life jacket at all times, and if the wind gets up, they will beep you and you have to come in. If it's foggy, they won't let you go out until they can see the dome from the boat ramp. Still worth the hassle IMHO.
SE Kansas grass grower
Quote from: ring fry on November 29, 2010, 12:35:31 PM
No, but it is about like going through airport security. They spray your boat down, fill out a bunch of paperwork, issue you a pager, but no pat downs, as of yet. You have to wear a life jacket at all times, and if the wind gets up, they will beep you and you have to come in. If it's foggy, they won't let you go out until they can see the dome from the boat ramp. Still worth the hassle IMHO.
SE Kansas grass grower
sounds about 'right'...and they're doing the best they can in terms of zebra mussel management...