Bass Fishing Forum

When You Can't Go Bass Fishing => Specialty Boards => Topic started by: screwballl on March 25, 2010, 04:08:28 PM

Title: Rundown of HR 3590 Healthcare bill
Post by: screwballl on March 25, 2010, 04:08:28 PM
This is meant as a run down and posted for information,

not a political discussion.  not a political discussion.

HR 3590 one sentence summary: Buy health insurance, or get fined or put in jail for not having it.

Now some finer points of this new law (my comments in italics):

The FPL for 2009 ( <-- link

Current defecit is at 12.6Trillion

Wait, scroll up..... They cut a majority of the Medicaid funding, then expand the number of people that can get it by 40%? That makes ZERO sense. That means they have LESS money to be usable by more people, thus forcing the insurance coverage since Medicare will not cover the costs.

So your taxes pay for the healthcare plans, then you pay taxes on those taxes.

Medicare Czar!!!! We need to fund Obama family trip to exotic Tumpachu island for his week long vacation, lets cut $100 million from Medicare to pay for it!!!