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Bass Fishing Reports => Northeast Region Bass Fishing Reports => Pennsylvania => Topic started by: DCTRACKER on April 10, 2009, 05:44:20 PM

Title: Montgomery Ferry / Ft. Hunter Susky
Post by: DCTRACKER on April 10, 2009, 05:44:20 PM
Any major differences in fishing these two areas?  Depth, current, etc.

Title: Re: Montgomery Ferry / Ft. Hunter Susky
Post by: paxpress on April 10, 2009, 08:59:32 PM
Montgommery Ferry--  The river is wider here than at Ft. Hunter so the current will feel slower.  Depth varies greatly but if the river level at Harrisburg is under 4.5' this stretch is shallow comparatively speaking.  Several stretches have long ledges that are not easily navigated if the river is below 4' at Harrisburg.  If the river level is 6' or more, navigation is relatively easy.   There are fewer "holes" that have deep water.  There are areas that have good grass beds in the summer/fall in this portion of the river.  Depending on the time of year and river level/flow rate, the fish could be anywhere.  Islands, grass, ledges all can hold bass.  I have fished Montgommery often and feel that over 8' or under 4.2' is when this area fishes good.  12' or higher is even better.  ;)  

Ft. Hunter--  This stretch is narrower so the current will feel faster than Montgommery Ferry.  Depth here is very extreme.  Some places are 8' deep even when Harrisburg is showing 4' on the gauge.  But this area has some of the most pronounced ledges on the whole river.  If the river level if 4' or less, this is one of the hardest stretches to run.  There are specific places to navigate up and down river when the river is low in the "statue" area.   Again, if the river is over 6', navigation is much easier.  There is little submerged grass but plenty of rock to fish as most of the bottom is solid, broken or as small as pea sized rock.  Only around the few island is there much of a soft bottom. 

As for the way each fish, I feel they fish completely different unless the river is over 8'.  Montgommery Ferry has more open river to fish (when the river is low) due to being wider.  Fish will be more spred out in shallow water here.  Ft. Hunter fishes small when the river is low. 

I hope this helps.  Both areas are a "need to run it to learn it" stretches of river.  Goldsboro, Peach Bottom and some of the other southern areas of the river are easily run compared to M. F. and Ft. H.  They offer great fishing but I would advise caution while learning where you can navigate in shallow water.
Title: Re: Montgomery Ferry / Ft. Hunter Susky
Post by: DCTRACKER on April 11, 2009, 03:49:32 PM
I forgot to post Ione additional question.  If given the opportunity to fish either area end of April early May, which would it be and why?
Title: Re: Montgomery Ferry / Ft. Hunter Susky
Post by: paxpress on April 11, 2009, 08:27:44 PM
Montgommery Ferry if the river is up, over 8' and Fort Hunter if the river is 4'.   It's a toss up if the river is in the 5-6' range.
Title: Re: Montgomery Ferry / Ft. Hunter Susky
Post by: bobberking on April 22, 2009, 03:44:15 PM
Where is Montgomery Ferry? up 15 north?
Title: Re: Montgomery Ferry / Ft. Hunter Susky
Post by: paxpress on April 22, 2009, 04:02:24 PM
On Rt 15 a couple of miles above the Angies Diner truck stop (above the 15/322 interchange headed to Sunbury).  The launch ramp is directly across from TJ's (a private night club).  It is paved and can hold 40+ in the parking lot.