He's sitting in 7th right now after day 1 with a sack of 20.06 ~c~ His big bass went 8.9 and came off a KaRu ;D Lets hope he can stay consistant throughout the next 2 days ;D
Come on Bob!! You can do it!! Stay in there and make Karu proud. ~c~
Very nice. Gotta make you feel good your bait caught that hog for him and a nice sack to boot.
Alright, that IS good news.......go team KaRu ~c~ ~c~ ~c~
Keep it up Bob ~c~ ~c~ Karl could use a pick me up right about now ;D
i watched the weigh in on FLW Live and he is sitting in 20 or 21 place going into day 3. He said he got most of his fish on a vibrashock.
He's only a few pounds out of the top 10 going into day 3 ;D I'll be watching on the edge of my seat today at the weigh in ~sweat
how did he do Karl.
He finished 13th ~c~ I'll see if I can get the whole story from him. I do know that he was catching them good on day 1 with our VibraSpin and all 5 fish he weighed came off of that including his 8.9 ;D
Great result for Bob Sherry and KaRu ~c~ ~c~ ~c~ ~c~ great exposure ;D
Quote from: GotstaFish on January 30, 2009, 08:50:54 PM
He finished 13th ~c~ I'll see if I can get the whole story from him. I do know that he was catching them good on day 1 with our VibraSpin and all 5 fish he weighed came off of that including his 8.9 ;D
13th not bad at all ~c~ ~c~ He caught 8.9 lber :shocking: ~beer~ ~beer~
I spoke with Bob in great length after the tournament and he caught almost all of his fish exclusively on the KaRu Vibra Series baits. He was throwing a VibraShock or a VibraSpin as far up the boat lanes in front of him as far as he could throw it next to the edges of the reeds. The fish were sitting off the sides waiting to attack the bait fish swimming up these channels and the bass would come out and hammer the baits (White and chartreuse).
Here is a picture of the lanes I am talking about... Water depth maybe 2'-3'
Thanks for the report Rudy and that spot does look like Bass to me ;D
It would suck being a Co-Angler in the back of his boat in that tourney. ~roflmao