Effective?? Is your sponsorship resume doing its job - is it getting you sponsored??
Here are some basic tips for any resume:
1) Spell Check!!! Typos and improper grammar will get your resume tossed in the recycle bucket.
2) Be Concise - expect your resume to get a 30-second look by a potential sponsor - what will be their initial impression of you based on what they see/read?? Don't waste this person's time by making them read through a lot of material - be short and to the point.
3) Your resume should satisfy a potential sponsor's need - exposing new customers to their product(s).
4) Find yourself a critic - someone who will give you some honest advice and their initial impression upon reading your resume.
5) Consider using a bullet format versus longer paragraph format.
6) Be positive!! Everybody likes an optimist - especially someone looking for someone to represent them and their products.
7) Use words of action. Example - Briefed 25 boy scouts on the proper way to handle fish after catching them.
Many more tips out there - these are a few that come to mind.