Bass Fishing Forum

Bass Fishing Reports => Central Region Bass Fishing Reports => Oklahoma => Topic started by: Okie Basser on January 04, 2008, 10:46:54 PM

Title: Brush piles?
Post by: Okie Basser on January 04, 2008, 10:46:54 PM
Just got a bunch of christmas trees. Wanting to make brush piles to catch crappie and bass. Weights,depths,location or patterns? Anyone do this? How did yours turn out and are they productive? Most of the trees are at least 6ft. Thanks
Title: Re: Brush piles?
Post by: rip-n-lips on January 05, 2008, 02:04:25 AM
just got through setting out my first batch last week as a matter of fact. what i usually do is get a cenderblock (the one with two holes), stick a trunk in each hole and fill with concrete. that way there are two trees right next to each other. as far as location, i put mine on points, creek channels and drop offs where you would normally find fish. just make sure that no one else sees you do it or they will know right where your secret spots are!!
Title: Re: Brush piles?
Post by: Okie Basser on January 05, 2008, 01:26:57 PM
So one cender block to two trees should be fine? I'm also looking at buying some new reels, anything out you like or prefer. Right now all I have are the old Lew's from the mid 80's. I found a guy in town that had stock piled them when they first came out. I really like the reels but just want to try something differnt. Thanks
Title: Re: Brush piles?
Post by: rip-n-lips on January 06, 2008, 11:16:23 PM
believe it or not i love the pinnacle reels sold at walmart. great price and even better performance.i just realzed your from the lawton area, do you fish any tournaments?
Title: Re: Brush piles?
Post by: OutdoorFrontiers on January 07, 2008, 07:37:35 AM
Quote from: Okie Basser on January 04, 2008, 10:46:54 PM
Just got a bunch of christmas trees. Wanting to make brush piles to catch crappie and bass. Weights,depths,location or patterns? Anyone do this? How did yours turn out and are they productive? Most of the trees are at least 6ft. Thanks

They can be very productive.  We did this once and within two hours had crappies on the pile.  Then we found out that it's against the law in Wisconsin without prior approval from the Department of Natural Resources!   ^-^

Check and make sure it's legal in your area.

Title: Re: Brush piles?
Post by: Roy Hightower on January 07, 2008, 08:18:47 AM
I've heard numerous different types of brushpiles from using Christmas trees, crepe myrtle branches, oak limbs, to PVC pipe.  What has been the most productive type of structure for yall.  Just curious because I have been thinking of putting some tops out myself.
Title: Re: Brush piles?
Post by: Okie Basser on January 11, 2008, 01:41:24 AM
I've fished in a buggy club for about 8yrs, my work also has a few during the summer that i try and fish. I'm in the procces of buying a big boat and would like to find a big boat club to get into.
Title: Re: Brush piles?
Post by: rip-n-lips on January 13, 2008, 07:08:26 PM
i fish with the lawton fort sill bass anglers and they are all a bunch of good guys that like to fish and have fun. what kind of boat are you looking for and how much do you plan on spending?
Title: Re: Brush piles?
Post by: Okie Basser on January 15, 2008, 03:40:59 AM
It's a 20ft 90 champion with a rebuilt 95 220 johnson, garge kept with 2 new graphs, one has gps and a new trolling motor and a 6inch jack plate. Boat looks good ,paint, carpet and upolstery all are in good condition.No stress cracks on the hull that i could find. New motor only has about 10hrs on it. That is my only concern. I need to find someone to do a compression test and i'm not sure if that year of motor can be put on a dyno.You know any boat mechanics around town or in the city that you would suggest. He's asking $6,500.
Title: Re: Brush piles?
Post by: rip-n-lips on January 15, 2008, 12:44:47 PM
sounds good, as far as a compression test i would think that any boat dealer in okc would be fine. if he is that confident that the boat is good to go he should be fine with meeting you at a dealer to have it checked out. just tell him that you will pay for the test and if  it checks out good then you will just pay him there and take it home. there is always a notary at the dealerships too so they would be able to get the title notarized when the seller signs it too. good luck and when you get it give me a holler, i will give you all the info on our club. you dont really have to have a boat to be a member of the club anyway.