Been looking at the X19LE anyone here own one of these? Any complaints? Pros? Cons? Not ready to buy for a few more months. Looking at it with a 150hp motor.
I have an X-21, 225 hp and I love it. I would buy another one with out hesitation. My only suggestion would be to buy the X-19 with a 200 hp. They are great boats.
sillybass i have a g3 hp 200 with a 150 yamaha four stroke i get around 56-58 depending on the day but the g3 i have is a 20 foot boat with a 5 inch jack plate.
the x-press is a nice bout but compair the g3 and x-press before you buy the g3 offers a lot of extras hot foot jackplate 3 bank charger w/remote indcator hydro steering.lots of deck and storage i have been on lake erie with it and have no troubles.
good luck with your quest
Xpress has those extras also.
Have been looking at the G3 also but the Xpress also has all those options with the LE package including a 10inch jackplate and is still cheaper than the G3 by a couple thousand dollars. I like the looks of both boats can I get one of each :roll2: :roll2: :roll2: :roll2:
sillybass well the only thing left other than buying one is to make sure you check out the dealership-- like how good is the service are AND ARE THEY CERTIFIED TO WORK ON THE MOTOR you end up with. will they loan you a boat if yours is in the shop for a tourny.
happy boat buying