Bass Fishing Forum

Tips Articles and Ideas => General Tips => Topic started by: Ninam on March 24, 2007, 03:50:45 PM

Title: The idea of the bank angler
Post by: Ninam on March 24, 2007, 03:50:45 PM
Hello guys,

First of all, nice forum ;). I live in Chattanooga, TN, and usually fish Chickamauga Lake. I'm a bank angler, not because I can't afford a boat, but because I chose to be. Most of you guys are probably very nice but almost every time I fish, boat anglers leave me the impression that they have no respect for the bank anglers at all. I don't want to talk about the stuff that boats have done to my lines, and how sometimes I feel literally invisible. My idea is to ask you guys to be more respectful to people fishing from the bank. It's all about good time after all, and if you're having a good time, help other people have a good time too. Most of you, and I, usually have a day or two per week to just go out there and enjoy, so let's help each-other make the most out of it  :)

Title: Re: The idea of the bank angler
Post by: weirdlittleman on March 24, 2007, 04:10:47 PM
Ninam    i think that is just a few people that don't respect bank fisherman   we have a lot of people that bank fish here and i do have a boat  i still bank fish time to time  if i see a bank fisherman i stay clear of them just like i do another boat 


aka weirdlittleman
Title: Re: The idea of the bank angler
Post by: Ninam on March 24, 2007, 05:25:10 PM
Thanks for the understanding ;)
Title: Re: The idea of the bank angler
Post by: herbiebaja on March 24, 2007, 07:03:40 PM
my battery died on my trolling motor today and i was stuck paddling back in. and i went out of my way because their was a guy fishing from the bank. i think its just common curtoisy.
Title: Re: The idea of the bank angler
Post by: coldfront on March 24, 2007, 07:07:43 PM

Good comments/points.  There's good/bad in every crowd...and what's more, sometimes even the 'good' have momentary lapses...

I strive to respect everyone out there...but remember a time last year when I absolutely killed a 'cat hole' that a guy was fishing...I was trying to 'fish around' and ended up getting my trollling motor hung up on a stump...basically, the sound of the blade on the wood was enough to spook some good sized fish and kill his 'hole'.

I had no business trying to cut it that close.  I did apologize afterwards....but the damage was done. 

Wish I could say I was better than I am...but that's not the case...still, do keep trying ...

Title: Re: The idea of the bank angler
Post by: Lipripper on March 24, 2007, 07:30:52 PM
Ninam howde again and welcome to Ultimate Bass. I too fish from the bank and don't own a boat. Like Ed said there are good and bad in every crowd but you will find that just about everyone around here tries to treat us bank anglers with respect and give us the space we need being tied down to the same spot. In some of the post around here you might see the words Worthless Bank Trash well don't take them to heart it's just the boat guys way of teasing another boat guy who's boat is broken  lo lo :) Will be looking for some fishing reports from you with some  ;PHO) and make yourself right at  :)hsh: and holler if you need anything.
Title: Re: The idea of the bank angler
Post by: Andrew on March 24, 2007, 07:44:40 PM
Quote from: Ninam on March 24, 2007, 03:50:45 PM
Hello guys,

First of all, nice forum ;). I live in Chattanooga, TN, and usually fish Chickamauga Lake. I'm a bank angler, not because I can't afford a boat, but because I chose to be. Most of you guys are probably very nice but almost every time I fish, boat anglers leave me the impression that they have no respect for the bank anglers at all. I don't want to talk about the stuff that boats have done to my lines, and how sometimes I feel literally invisible. My idea is to ask you guys to be more respectful to people fishing from the bank. It's all about good time after all, and if you're having a good time, help other people have a good time too. Most of you, and I, usually have a day or two per week to just go out there and enjoy, so let's help each-other make the most out of it  :)


wow, someone else finally joined from chattanooga. Welcome aboard Ninam.
Title: Re: The idea of the bank angler
Post by: Ninam on March 24, 2007, 08:32:03 PM
Although this is not the part of the forum where I'm supposed to be welcomed :) I appreciate it.

Some of you are left with the impression that I'm a bass angler ~sweat. I'm a member of CAG (Carp Anglers Group), and I practice euro-style carp angling. Catch & Release all the time. Please don't jump to a conclusion that carp are trash, I've heard that more than enough here, and it's very weird when I come from Europe where carp is a sportfish. So Andrew, if you see a weird looking, shiny tri-pod, with 2 rods on it and a black Audi....that's me ;D

Title: Re: The idea of the bank angler
Post by: Andrew on March 24, 2007, 08:53:42 PM
So where do you carp fish on the chick?

I was in suckcreek all day today on the nickajack river if you know where that is down past moccasin bend. I 90% only fish for bass but sometimes me and my buddy who is a licensed trout fishing guide on the hiwassee will go fly fishing off my boat down there and catch these huge drum on fly rods. We have  weighed some at 40lbs and bigger. I don't see many carp down there on the river but up on lake chick i see em quite often. Before my brother passed away few years ago he use to bow hunt for huge carp in shallow sloughs on the chick. If you ever want to get out bass fishing or some catfishing let me know and we can hit the river or lake. Andrew Mysinger
Title: Re: The idea of the bank angler
Post by: coldfront on March 25, 2007, 08:44:32 AM
Quote from: Ninam on March 24, 2007, 08:32:03 PM
Although this is not the part of the forum where I'm supposed to be welcomed :) I appreciate it.

Some of you are left with the impression that I'm a bass angler ~sweat. I'm a member of CAG (Carp Anglers Group), and I practice euro-style carp angling. Catch & Release all the time. Please don't jump to a conclusion that carp are trash, I've heard that more than enough here, and it's very weird when I come from Europe where carp is a sportfish. So Andrew, if you see a weird looking, shiny tri-pod, with 2 rods on it and a black Audi....that's me ;D

Well, welcome to Carp Mecca (good ole USA)...while I prefer bass fishing, I grew up on carp fishing (like many)...they are tremendous athletes...with dogged persistence.  I like to call them 'freshwater bonefish'...have a copy of a book written back in the ?60's?  'Fishing as We Find It' that covers fishing opps in Great Britain.  Good book.  Interesting.  If only these fish would evolve, get a terminal mouth and attach topwaters... :roll2:
Title: Re: The idea of the bank angler
Post by: ss454 on March 26, 2007, 03:51:33 PM
I've only caught a few carp while catfishing but I LOVE to catch drum.  Sometimes my dad and I will go down to a certain spot and catch 20 or more drum in the same spot all around 15lbs.  We've hooked a few bigger but never got a look at them...
Title: Re: The idea of the bank angler
Post by: -Shawn- on March 27, 2007, 01:49:18 AM
first, I think you will find that the boaters that disrespect bank fisherman are more than likely doing it to other boaters too. second  Although I am Primarily a bass fisherman I do have lots of respect for carp man they can put up a fight. ;) You are right everybody should enjoy thereselves when getting to fish and not get there lines run over.  glad you joined UB by the way.  :) shawn
Title: Re: The idea of the bank angler
Post by: teamsimper on March 27, 2007, 05:13:42 AM
Whether you fish from shore or boat, and whatever you fish for welcome aboard.