While you are out fishing, if you see someone with a great catch, ask their permission to take their picture with their catch. Let them know you want to post it in UltimateBass.com. This may peak there interest to come look at their picture and perhaps become a member. ;)
Great advice Sharon but why stop at only great catches why not any good catches! :-*
I like your thinking Sharon.
Very wise Sharon, great idea, will have to exercise that :-* ~c~
Thanks all. I figure people like that few minutes of fame, so why give it to them. Gives them bragging rights too, that someone noticed them and wanted to post a picture of them fishing.
That's a really good idea. :-*
Just so yall know, with Sharon and I every catch is a GREAT catch. ;)
OOPs told her in person and not in print ........ Great idea Sharon.
;D Thanks