After seeing Barry and Walts new Nitros this year, I was getting the new boat fever, BAD!
And since I've never bought a New boat, I decided I would.
Then I started shopping...
Holy Crap they are proud of them. To replace what I have would be close to $80K. After the sticker shock wore off I decided to rehab the old girl I have.
Josh and I are fishing today and then pulling the boat.
Detail and pics to follow.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacia est
Quote from: FD on December 15, 2019, 04:32:11 AM
After seeing Barry and Walts new Nitros this year, I was getting the new boat fever, BAD!
And since I've never bought a New boat, I decided I would.
Then I started shopping...
Holy Crap they are proud of them. To replace what I have would be close to $80K. After the sticker shock wore off I decided to rehab the old girl I have.
Josh and I are fishing today and then pulling the boat.
Detail and pics to follow.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacia est
One of the reasons, amongst many others, that I downsized from my TR21.
If you are patient, you can find a new Triton for way less than retail but you have be looking daily as the great deals don't last long.
will be following the progress.
Better get it done quick before the bite really turns on for the big girls. Before and after pics would be great.
Pics, lots and lots of pics!!!
FD, you've made a great call. I don't know how folks are buying these boats now a days... well I know, they are setting the loans up like a mortgage and the boat isn't worth a 1/3 of what they own 4 years into a 15 year loan. Anyway, you'll be so much prouder of rehabing the ole girl and I think you'll get a lot more looks going down the road...
Bud Kennedy has a very sharp ranger and it's age makes it even more impressive to me.
I'll be looking forward to watching this thread ~c~ ~c~
I have absolutely no regrets about the rehab of my old Ranger (soon to be 30 years old). Although many will say it is not fiscally a good decision. I just like my old ranger and did not want buy a new boat. The boat has turned out just great and does attract a bit of attention just because it is old but looks fairly new. I will probably still need a new motor one day but not now. If a deal would come along for a repower I would consider it but I don't see that happening. It still has some scrapes and bumps as a result of its bass fishing life but to me that is a badge of honor. You can't fish Santee all these years and not have the infamous "Santee Stripe".
As she came out of the water..
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Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacia est
Minus 300 lbs of crap that was stuffed in every compartment.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacia est
What's your plans with her?
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She's in great mechanical shape. I replaced the computer and injectors in 2016. Rebuilt the Sea Star steering in 2018 and the TM early this summer.
The carpet and gel coat above the rub rail are shot. I'm using a local sign and wrap shop for the wrap and I've got a mobile Sea Dek installer coming to get me a price.
I may go back with carpet, it just depends on the cost difference.
I think I'm goin with a "snow camo" color theme but I want to see them in my hand.
A full service with plugs and impeller is first on the list.
My buddy Dave is going to get started on stripping the carpet and old adhesive this week.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacia est
Yes she looks well used. Time for some TLC and she will look great.
Shampoo that carpet with woolite. It does wonders.
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LOL. Sorry but woolite ain't fixing that carpet.
I sometimes miss my TR21 but damn they are narrow compared to newer boats. Guess that's why they haul ass.
Barry good luck with the Rehab. I too am looking forward to following the make over. That's a really nice looking boat you got there.
Following along as I need to do my 2005 nitro nx750.
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Quote from: Donald Garner on December 16, 2019, 06:27:31 PM
Barry good luck with the Rehab. I too am looking forward to following the make over. That's a really nice looking boat you got there.
FD (Lee) is doing the rehab. I sold my Triton last May and bought a new boat.
Quote from: BarryFL on December 16, 2019, 06:54:02 PM
FD (Lee) is doing the rehab. I sold my Triton last May and bought a new boat. ~Barry~
~b~ guess I ought to wear my glasses with reading these posts.
Roger that and Lee good luck with the rehab
I've seen a couple boats with the Sea Dek in them, it's really nice and the look and feel are awesome.
Stage 1. Crap carpet is out
Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacia est
No turning back now.
This is something that I want to do with my Triton, so I'll be following this thread to the end. Good luck with it Lee 8)
Did you decide on carpet or something else?
Quote from: BarryFL on December 23, 2019, 07:18:03 PM
Did you decide on carpet or something else?
Trying to get the Sea Dek installer out on the 2nd to give me an estimate.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacia est
Lee might want to get a quote from Line-x. They do the Spray-In truck bed liners.
At least on trucks they Guaranty their work and they can Color Match as well.
Gives the beds a slightly rough texture. I'd think they could do a boat deck as well.
Just a thought for another option.
The Sea Deck is very nice and extremely comfortable to stand on, something for you you need.
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This is starting to get interesting, the first pics she looks like an old warrior needing some R&R, she'll be ready to do battle soon.
Lee, what intrigues me about Sea Deck is it dries extremely fast. They say after about 15 minutes in the sun it's totally dry. It also is easier to clean than carpet. Just take a deck brush to it and hose it out. Lastly, it provides cushion to ease fatigue when standing all day. I'm seriously considering it in my next boat
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The down side about sea dek from what I hear is that it retains a lot of heat on sunny days. If you like to ever walk around your boat or fish barefoot, that might not be a good thing, where carpet usually doesn't get as hot. If it's constantly getting wet, I guess it wouldn't matter. I can't say I've seen many boats with sea dek here in the desert lakes of Arizona or New Mexico.
The guys from Castaways Customs are coming out on Thursday to measure and get me a quote for the Seadek.
In the meantime we're still working on getting all the glue residue off the glass sections of the boat.
We've pulled all the aluminum hatch covers. The two rods locker hinges were riveted so we had to drill them out.
Pulled the TM and badging off to get ready for the wrap.
Put the rub rail back in place.
Pulled the old radio and water proof cover. New one being installed.
So far I've got about 30 hours of labor in it.
More Pics to follow.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacia est
We had a busy day today. We should finish the stripping of all the glue and carpet remnants tomorrow.
The Seadek guy was here at noon and we spent an hour going over the options.
Settled on the 6 mm over most of the boat. On the front deck I'm going with the 13 mm high density.
On the compartment between the seats I'm going with a 20mm low density. With the new bucket seats I put in last spring my jump seat will not fit.
The bottom line is $2200 installed and warranted for 3 years.
The digital laser mearsuring is happening Tuesday at which point I'll get a computer mock up for final approval.
Then I went to the wrap shop. Picked out the wrap pattern and colors. I get a mock up next week and it's scheduled for the 13th. $3000 including the wrap on the poles, motor cowling and the trailer fenders.
Basically I'm getting a brand new looking boat for under $6k plus a lot of labor.
We're pulling the dash tomorrow and going to paint and seal it before the wrap.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacia est
That boat is going to look sharp Lee!!
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You don't play around ! :shocking:
That is going to be a completely different boat.
What am I doing this morning? Yep, scraping off glue.
FYI - a window scraper works best for flat areas.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacia est
Redoing the dash and helm control panel.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacia est
Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacia est
Where did you find a window scraper in Florida? :shocking:
It's a lot of work Lee but it will look great when it's all done.
New Boat prices are crazy high and as long as nothing major wrong with what ya got makes sense to do a Re-Do.
I like restoration/rebuilds keep the pics coming. ~c~
Another 7 hours x 2 of us grinding, scraping, sanding....
We're getting close to the end of the tedious part.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacia est
Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacia est
You've put in a lot of work. Great job.
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You're moving right along, it's going to be really nice when you're done!!!
Man that is some work but it will be well worth it, looking forward to the finished pictures. I know some people don't like posting what they are paying for something but I appreciate the fact that you did post cost, I may not ever get my boat wrapped but you never know on the floor covering so now I know it is not out of the question.
FD, does the wrap go on before the flooring or is it flooring first? I have never seen Sea Deck before and anxious to see what it looks like. I saw their website but really curious what it will look like in a bass boat. Sounds like a great idea. I did carpet 2 years ago but considered different finishes but ultimately decided to stay with carpet. My cost for carpet, prep and installation was $1,200 and that included installing a recessed trolling motor pedal tray. Are you going to do anything with your Outboard motor cowling or leave it as is.
( (
Quote from: Bud Kennedy on January 03, 2020, 03:01:15 PM
FD, does the wrap go on before the flooring or is it flooring first? I have never seen Sea Deck before and anxious to see what it looks like. I saw their website but really curious what it will look like in a bass boat. Sounds like a great idea. I did carpet 2 years ago but considered different finishes but ultimately decided to stay with carpet. My cost for carpet, prep and installation was $1,200 and that included installing a recessed trolling motor pedal tray. Are you going to do anything with your Outboard motor cowling or leave it as is.
( (
Bud - Good question. We have had to figure out a few problems going back with Seadek vs Carpet. The major hurdle with Seadek in a bass boat is its thickness and it can only be installed on flat surfaces.
The first problem was the drain channels in the cockpit. SeaDek full sheets are only 8x4 which will not span the entire floor. So there will be 3 pieces in the cockpit. The drain channels will be covered with the wrap material first. The Seadek gets routed on the edges. My color combo is snow camo over black. When they rout the edges it will give the appearance of a black border.
The second issue is the side of the lids which are typically covered with carpet. You don't have a gap with carpet but I will so we are wrapping the sides of the lids as well as the lid recesses before the Seadek is installed. When you look down on the finished product, you will see each individual panel with an outline of black with the camo wrap filling the gaps. There are also at least 4 other small areas on the deck where the Seadek will not cover that we will put wrap down first.
I found a pic of a boat with the camo over black that I will try to post. Where you see white boat in the pic, on mine the gaps will be much smaller, but you will see the camo wrap material. The snow camo Seadek in the pic is the exact product I'm installing. The wrap camo pattern is similar but we enlarged the pattern scale to 4 times the size and added more solid black and white to it.
The motor cowling and the power poles are also being wrapped.
Lee, I too appreciate you giving us the prices. That puts it in perspective for us.
Why did you decide to go with a wrap? Was your paint or finish deteriorating? What's the wrap going to look like?
I can't wait to see it!
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Quote from: FlatsNBay on January 03, 2020, 05:12:57 PM
Lee, I too appreciate you giving us the prices. That puts it in perspective for us.
Why did you decide to go with a wrap? Was your paint or finish deteriorating? What's the wrap going to look like?
I can't wait to see it!
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The gel coat above the rub rail was toast. You can feel the metal flake and there was no bringing it back.
Snow Camo- White, Black and two different shades of grey.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacia est
That is going to be sharp.
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I was going to say you are really pushing through the project, but I guess being in florida you dont have a several month long winter of downtime to work through it. I'm excited to see the result. I'm thinking of ordering a sheet of the seadek to do the inside of my yak.
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FD, my top cap too is toast and you can feel the metal flake. I like the idea of just doing a wrap for the top cap above the rub rail. Gonna have to look into that at one of our local shops who do wraps. I have no idea what that would cost but could really make the boat look better. I have been wondering if the Pro Tech Nu Paint treatment might do the job vs a wrap treatment.
Quote from: Bud Kennedy on January 05, 2020, 03:34:30 PM
FD, my top cap too is toast and you can feel the metal flake. I like the idea of just doing a wrap for the top cap above the rub rail. Gonna have to look into that at one of our local shops who do wraps. I have no idea what that would cost but could really make the boat look better. I have been wondering if the Pro Tech Nu Paint treatment might do the job vs a wrap treatment.
Bud I tried several treatments with limited success. They look better for a few months but the fading always returns. You can have new gel coat sprayed on but that is even more expensive than a wrap.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacia est
The first draft of the wrap mock up came in yesterday. I'm not completely thrilled with it and not sure why.
Any ideas?
Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacia est
The red throws if off for me. I think if that were black it be more eye appealing. Nothing stealth about red.
It's quite "busy" for my taste, I think those colors can be made to work in a "quieter" scheme.
It would probably look better in an actual wrap but I think it might be just a little too much of the snow camo theme. Hard to say though. Love the name.
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It's hard for me to say what you might like Lee. I'm a Blue & Green kind of guy, so I like those colors and shades while you may not.
The Snow Camo would not be my choice, but it might be perfect for you. Having it both Inside on the Seadek and outside on the Boat might be an Overload on your eyes. Or it may be Perfect once you see it for real.
I do agree with Barry that something about the Red in the Lettering caught my eye almost immediately as being "off", although I can't say why.
A Question since your boat was already White, Does the Sun reflect off of it into your eyes as you fish? Something I've always wondered about with the Bright Sun we get here.
I have to agree with others that it is a bit too busy for my taste. I wonder what it would look like with the wrap only being above the rub rail. The printed graphics would be a lot easier to read and things like registration numbers would be more visible. I would also have to ask what is the color/design of the sea dek.
I agree with Barry, Oldfart and Fred...
That concerns me a bit.

Round 2.
Kryptek. The license to use it is only $10.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacia est
I think the black in the camo is distracting away from the lettering. What is more important to you? Do you want people to notice the camo or the lettering on the side? Could you maybe go to a larger pattern camo and get rid of the black entirely?
It could also just be that the red lettering is not dark or dense enough to make it stand out against such a strong camo pattern with black in it. It appears as though the lettering isn't anywhere near as dark as the trailer it's trying to match.
Much, much better! That black is just so dominating....
I'm in agreement with the guys here as well. The pattern (too me) appears too chaotic, and the red doesn't appear congruent with the pattern.
Quote from: Deadeye on January 09, 2020, 06:10:21 AM
It's hard for me to say what you might like Lee. I'm a Blue & Green kind of guy, so I like those colors and shades while you may not.
The Snow Camo would not be my choice, but it might be perfect for you. Having it both Inside on the Seadek and outside on the Boat might be an Overload on your eyes. Or it may be Perfect once you see it for real.
I do agree with Barry that something about the Red in the Lettering caught my eye almost immediately as being "off", although I can't say why.
A Question since your boat was already White, Does the Sun reflect off of it into your eyes as you fish? Something I've always wondered about with the Bright Sun we get here.
The original white, when it was clean and waxed, which was almost never, was extremely bright.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacia est
Quote from: FD on January 09, 2020, 10:01:10 AM
I agree with Barry, Oldfart and Fred...
That concerns me a bit. 
Round 2.
Kryptek. The license to use it is only $10.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacia est
This looks much better!!
I was just posting when the new picture was posted. My bad
Same to me, I was posting and he put up the picture the new picture lol......
The new picture is much much better. I like it a lot. I think that would be a good choice
Quote from: Bud Kennedy on January 09, 2020, 09:25:26 AM
I have to agree with others that it is a bit too busy for my taste. I wonder what it would look like with the wrap only being above the rub rail. The printed graphics would be a lot easier to read and things like registration numbers would be more visible. I would also have to ask what is the color/design of the sea dek.
Bud see post 46. The Seadek in that pic is what I'm using.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacia est
The shading used in kryptech looks good. Much better than original.
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Round 3.
I may be going back to red in the logos just to match the accent color in my seat.
Still undecided.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacia est
Quote from: FD on January 09, 2020, 02:13:39 PM
Round 3.
I may be going back to red in the logos just to match the accent color in my seat.
Still undecided.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacia est
The 2nd option is the best out of the 3. Imho.
I like the red font on the Kryptek
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Round 4
This one I like!
Now the question is about the motor cowling and poles.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacia est
Try a red camo on the engine to tie the trailer and the boat together. Just a thought.
FD, you are the one who has to live with the color scheme so you should go with what you want.
I like the last one best but I dont know about the big logo on the side. I'm a less is best type.
As a white boat owner, no problems with reflection.
Quote from: BarryFL on January 09, 2020, 03:30:01 PM
As a white boat owner, no problems with reflection.
Same here. Grey carpet doesn't reflect light back at you.
Quote from: zippyduck on January 09, 2020, 02:48:33 PM
Try a red camo on the engine to tie the trailer and the boat together. Just a thought.
That's not my boat or trailer, but a stock photo of a Triton. Mine is black frame with red fenders "faded" that we're going to wrap.
There is a black Kriptek that is available that I can do the motor, poles and trailer fenders.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacia est
Quote from: BarryFL on January 09, 2020, 03:30:01 PM
I like the last one best but I dont know about the big logo on the side. I'm a less is best type.
As a white boat owner, no problems with reflection.
The big logo is advertisement.
Arti-FISH-ial Entertainment is the name of my guide business which I do very part time for now. The plan is to grow it and FDx as I step away from H3 and let the boys run the construction operations.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacia est
Quote from: FD on January 09, 2020, 04:11:56 PM
The big logo is advertisement.
Arti-FISH-ial Entertainment is the name of my guide business which I do very part time for now. The plan is to grow it and FDx as I step away from H3 and let the boys run the construction operations.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacia est
Nice!! ~c~
FD, copy but I'd recommend a smaller font and block letters.
I like the font size font type, font color. Just adds some nice color and contract to the mostly white hull design. Gotta have a little style in ones life. Always nice to have something stand out expecially if it has any form of advertising responsibility. I urge you to adopt design #2. Go Bold ! !
Quote from: BarryFL on January 09, 2020, 04:47:16 PM
FD, copy but I'd recommend a smaller font and block letters.
Funny how I usually agree with Barry. I like the design and lettering however it takes a few seconds to figure out and read. Block or other type of lettering would be easier to read. I like it though!
Sent from my moto e5 play using Tapatalk
2 or 4 for me with #2 the best.
I'd try the Motor and PP's in a Black/Red version of the Kryptic and see how that looks.
Quote from: Deadeye on January 10, 2020, 05:13:57 AM
2 or 4 for me with #2 the best.
I'd try the Motor and PP's in a Black/Red version of the Kryptic and see how that looks.
personally i like the third -- the grey and black are a little more subdued.
Number 5. It is number 4 with some minor tweaks of the smaller logos font and placement . I was going back and forth between 2 and 4 and finally had to decide.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacia est
This is the black Kryptek that is going on the motor, poles and trailer.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacia est
I like 5. I think the red trailer is throwing it off visually. Should look good in the water.
Just being nosy and maybe I missed it but what's the ballpark cost to wrap a 20' boat?
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Quote from: Mike the fox on January 11, 2020, 05:28:20 AM
Just being nosy and maybe I missed it but what's the ballpark cost to wrap a 20' boat?
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$3k for boat, motor, poles, and trailer fenders.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacia est
Looks good Lee. Will look really sharp with the motor n poles done.
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I like both. Hope it is exactly what you wanted.
First draft of the Seadek layout. I've already made some changes but wanted to take y'all through the entire process.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacia est
Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacia est
I'm swapping position of the FDX and AE logos.
I'm also thinking about rotating the AE logo 180* on the battery compartment so you can read it it right side up from the cockpit. Any thoughts?
Most of the original small black step pads we thought we were going to leave in place, but the more we cleaned everything else, the worse they looked. At $18 per SF installed I decided to replace them all.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacia est
I like the idea of new material on the steps. Make sure it sticks out with having clients on board.
My wife broke her leg on a charter in Florida in Toho. The whole boat was white and being sunny with sunglasses she missed the step.
Oh she finished the fishing trip and caught a 10 lber.
The decal on the battery box needs flipped 180 like you said.
Lee you are truly a class act. I have followed your exploits from the time you were having your truck built thru the new home purchase and then the subsequent shop you built in the garage. Now we are seeing the final plans for your boat. For sure the world stands aside for a man with a plan.
The topper on the cake has to be the generosity you exhibited during the past two Adopt a Family projects. All of this has been spectacular. I have a hunch that you are far from being done and look forward to you revealing your next plans whatever they may be. ~c~ ~c~ ~c~ ~c~ ~c~
Quote from: Bud Kennedy on January 12, 2020, 12:36:40 PM
Lee you are truly a class act. I have followed your exploits from the time you were having your truck built thru the new home purchase and then the subsequent shop you built in the garage. Now we are seeing the final plans for your boat. For sure the world stands aside for a man with a plan.
The topper on the cake has to be the generosity you exhibited during the past two Adopt a Family projects. All of this has been spectacular. I have a hunch that you are far from being done and look forward to you revealing your next plans whatever they may be. ~c~ ~c~ ~c~ ~c~ ~c~
Thanks Bud,I appreciate that.
And yes I have more plans

Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacia est
There is nothing left attached to the top cap. Final cleaning of the gel coat today and off to the wrapper.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacia est
When we pulled the dash assembly yesterday we found the dash is in pretty bad shape structurally.
It's going to take many hours to rebuild it then paint/ wrap it.
Anyone know where I can just buy an entire assembly? Several hours of google searches haven't produced much.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacia est
Make one out of 1/8 Aluminum.
Easy to do if you have the old one for a pattern.
Prime it with Self Etching Primer (available at Home Depot/Lowe's/ WM) then paint whatever color you want.
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And she's clean and gone.
To this point we have around 70 hours of labor in this project.
What started as a wrap and re-carpet, has turned into a full blown rehab.
Those that know me and my high level of OCD are not surprised by this...

Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacia est
Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacia est
What's the expected turn time for wrap and seadek?
Quote from: apiazza on January 14, 2020, 01:34:47 PM
What's the expected turn time for wrap and seadek?
About a week on the wrap then back here for the Seadek. They were saying around 3 weeks from the day of deposit which was the 2nd. We still don't have a final layout for the Seadek but once that's done it's a day on the CnC machine and then a couple of hours to install.
I'm shooting for the 15 of February for her to be back in the water.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacia est
I just got off the phone with C and O Marine in Tennessee. Apparently they bought most of the new old stock parts from Triton when it moved to Arkansas.
All the dash parts I need may be in "the barn". They were going digging and are going to call me back.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacia est
Quote from: FD on January 14, 2020, 02:33:31 PM
About a week on the wrap then back here for the Seadek. They were saying around 3 weeks from the day of deposit which was the 2nd. We still don't have a final layout for the Seadek but once that's done it's a day on the CnC machine and then a couple of hours to install.
I'm shooting for the 15 of February for her to be back in the water.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacia est
How they made it was going to be my next question. I assume that means they laser measured on their first visit? Pretty cool process to follow along on.
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Quote from: FD on January 14, 2020, 02:37:37 PM
I just got off the phone with C and O Marine in Tennessee. Apparently they bought most of the new old stock parts from Triton when it moved to Arkansas.
All the dash parts I need may be in "the barn". They were going digging and are going to call me back.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacia est
Good luck. Hope they have them.
You should be ready for the PCMH M&G on 22 Feb.
Quote from: FD on January 14, 2020, 02:37:37 PM
I just got off the phone with C and O Marine in Tennessee. Apparently they bought most of the new old stock parts from Triton when it moved to Arkansas.
All the dash parts I need may be in "the barn". They were going digging and are going to call me back.
That is where I have got any of the old Triton items I needed, and so far they have never failed to find the things I needed.
Loving this thread so far.
Quote from: apiazza on January 14, 2020, 04:01:20 PM
How they made it was going to be my next question. I assume that means they laser measured on their first visit? Pretty cool process to follow along on.
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Yep, they laser measured last week.
Seadek is made in 4x8 sheets like plywood.
About 10 years ago Seadek received a Federal grant to move their manufacturing facilities from China to Rockledge Fl.
Next door is the Castaway Customs cutting facility which is partially owned by the same group as Seadek.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacia est
Good to know.
I found sheets of the seadek on amazon. I think I'm going to order a sheet and cut it to fit in my kayak. should help with noise reduction and give me a fairly firm standing surface.
Quote from: apiazza on January 15, 2020, 05:38:51 AM
Good to know.
I found sheets of the seadek on amazon. I think I'm going to order a sheet and cut it to fit in my kayak. should help with noise reduction and give me a fairly firm standing surface.
They are made in 5 different thicknesses and 2 different densities so pay attention to that when ordering.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacia est
Quote from: FD on January 14, 2020, 02:37:37 PM
I just got off the phone with C and O Marine in Tennessee. Apparently they bought most of the new old stock parts from Triton when it moved to Arkansas.
All the dash parts I need may be in "the barn". They were going digging and are going to call me back.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacia est
That would be awesome
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Meanwhile at the wrap shop...
Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacia est
Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacia est
That looks great Lee!!
Wow!! Lee that looks awsome
Kryptek was a good call. Looks great so far.
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~c~ (
~c~ ~c~ ~c~ ~c~ ~c~ Really cool look.
She is looking Great. Tks for sharing the process and pictures with us.
Quote from: FD on January 17, 2020, 02:43:50 PM
Meanwhile at the wrap shop...
Is the black on the very underside (keel) a part of the wrap?
Quote from: Bassinkorea on January 17, 2020, 09:48:33 PM
Is the black on the very underside (keel) a part of the wrap?
Nope, that was the original bottom paint. It starts just below the highest chine on the hull.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacia est
Seadek design number 3.
They still did not get all the changes I wanted included in this one but we're getting close.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacia est
Coming along, looking good!!!
Love that wrap
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that kryptek looks awesome!! ~c~
The wrap looks even better than I thought. It looks great!
Sent from my moto e5 play using Tapatalk
Port side done today. I never noticed how many compound curves are in the cap until I watched them struggle with a flat sheet of plastic.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacia est
Quote from: FD on January 20, 2020, 07:05:22 PM
Port side done today. I never noticed how many compound curves are in the cap until I watched them struggle with a flat sheet of plastic.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacia est
Looking sharp Lee. Hopefully the boat will be done by the Meet and Greet.
They got the cap done on both sides but the cold has slowed them down.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacia est
Lee, looks really good. I like much better than the original snow camo. Any idea how long it should last?
Quote from: BarryFL on January 22, 2020, 06:19:10 PM
Lee, looks really good. I like much better than the original snow camo. Any idea how long it should last?
5-7 years typically in the Fl sun but since I keep it under cover they're saying closer to 10 before the fading starts.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacia est
That's great.
I really like that pattern and it looks sharp. ~c~
The wife saw it and is asking about doing that to our boat now. :help:
Looking Good Lee.
Quote from: zippyduck on January 22, 2020, 09:40:04 PM
I really like that pattern and it looks sharp. ~c~
The wife saw it and is asking about doing that to our boat now. :help:
let's be real zip, that was to plant the seed in her head lo
Don't tell her
Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
That is really looking good, good choice on the colors and pattern.
I stopped in this morning and got a few more progress pics.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacia est
Boats coming along nicely.
Its getting there.
Its looking good ;)
Looks good Lee and hope it's done in time for y'alls get together.
Lots of work remains. How long will it take to install the Seadek after the wrap is complete? I imagine it will take another 2-4 days to re install all the hardware, the guages, trolling motor etc. Then another full day at least to put all your stuff back in the boat. Lots to do before the upcoming meet and greet.
Quote from: Bud Kennedy on January 27, 2020, 04:21:16 PM
Lots of work remains. How long will it take to install the Seadek after the wrap is complete? I imagine it will take another 2-4 days to re install all the hardware, the guages, trolling motor etc. Then another full day at least to put all your stuff back in the boat. Lots to do before the upcoming meet and greet.
They should finish with 95% of the wrap by Thursday. I'll pick it up then and start putting the hardware back on the boat.
C and O marine has all the dash and bow hood pieces I need and are sending them out tomorrow UPS. Hopefully I'll have them early next week.
The Seadek will only take a day to install once all the pieces have been cut on the CnC machine. Castaway Customs are saying that should be installed next week.
Once the Seadek is in the boat will go back to
Florida Signs and Graphics for any touch up and to fill in any holes not covered by the Seadek. They will also wrap the trailer at this time.
In the meantime I've started thinning the "boat layer" of crap, repairing rods and cleaning reels so the reload should only take a few hours.
Still shooting to put her in the water 2/15 to test the hardware after the reinstall.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacia est
Very aggressive schedule Lee. Amazing the Seadek install is such a short time. Thanks for your reply
I have to say my personal taste from the original pictures you were posting I was thinking I'm not to fond of that. But now on your boat I have to agree with others. It looks really really nice. For some reason it was coming across as gaudy to me until these latest pictures that show it to be really a lot more subtle. I like it a lot as if that matters since its not my boat. lo Still had to throw my .02 in. ~roflmao
I have helped wrap cars before and when it is cold it can be a ^-^. We always brought the vehicle in the shop and set up heaters the evening before to try and get it to a reasonable temperature. Also the wrap works best when at or near room temp.
Quote from: Bud Kennedy on January 27, 2020, 08:28:14 PM
Very aggressive schedule Lee. Amazing the Seadek install is such a short time. Thanks for your reply
They send a 2 man crew and say 2-3 hours is all they need to install, which was shocking to me as well. Once everything is cut, it is just a peel and stick install. Seadek has a pressure sensitive adhesive backing and they use a heavy roller once they stick it in place.
C and O sent out my parts yesterday and UPS says they will be here tomorrow! $700 for a complete dash including the dash hood and instrument trim pieces, bow hood with toggle switches, and new Triton badges for the boat and trailer.
I ordered new perko nav light bases this morning. The original ones were pitted and flaking. Even though I have LED nav lights I kept the old style pole lights as a backup if the leds fail on a tournament morning. ( which has happened at least once)
We'll start putting the hardware back on the boat this weekend.
I'm off today so I'll be going through all the crap that came out of the boat and make the first attempt at thinning it out. The plan is if I did not use it in the last year, other than safety equipment, it's not going back in the boat. We'll see how that works out.

Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacia est
Good luck thinning the herd. Of course you realize that a couple of items being culled will actually be the one thing you will need for that special condition. I will be doing the same thing real soon also. I know it will be a gigantic urination tournament that likely will result in most of the stuff being returned to the boat bit by bit.
~roflmao ^-^ ~roflmao
Stopped by today. It's getting close. Just the stern and the motor and poles left to do.
Most wraps aren't nearly this intensive. The cockpit took a couple of days by itself.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacia est
Great move on the facelift Lee, its going to look like a brand new boat.

Excited to see it soon.
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Looking good Lee. ~c~ And good luck on thinning out your stuff. ;D
The motor cowling is done. The pole wraps were on the printer when I left.
Picking her up tomorrow afternoon and Dave and I will start the reassembly on Saturday.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacia est
Lee, is that the same wrap you are gonna use on the trailer?
That looks sharp Lee. 8)
Quote from: Bud Kennedy on January 30, 2020, 03:00:47 PM
Lee, is that the same wrap you are gonna use on the trailer?
Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacia est
Looking sweet Lee!!
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I had a box from C and O when I got home.
Brandy new dash, instrument trim pieces, dash hood, bow hood and badges.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacia est
Coming along nicely, gonna look sweet when you get it all back together.
You have to be excited its looking great!
Gonna be sweet!
Did you read the full instructions on the logo install? It's a 2 day job.
I'm thinking of replacing the Nitro aftermarket on my boat I'm not sure I can handle with my boat in permanent wet dock.
Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
C&O did good ! ! Getting a package like that makes one all giddy inside. ~c~ ~c~
Quote from: geneinnc on January 31, 2020, 09:01:44 AM
Did you read the full instructions on the logo install? It's a 2 day job.
I'm thinking of replacing the Nitro aftermarket on my boat I'm not sure I can handle with my boat in permanent wet dock.
Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
Gene, I am afraid you are gonna have to put the boat on the trailer to pull off a job like that.
Agreed. They used to have a work station to set your boat on for work. Maybe that or put me on lower level dry dock instead of my usual.
I'm not sure its worth it.(
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Looks like lots of work, but the satisfaction when finished will be great. Good luck!
Went to pick it up but it wasn't done. Plus I took Dave with me for another set of eyes and we found a few things that need to be fixed before I bring it home. Overall it looks great though.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacia est
Sent from my SM-G975U using Tapatalk
That is going to look so fast on the water . Just the coolest wrap I've ever seen. ~c~ ~bb
No updates?
Looks like it's coming together nicely! Do you have any plans regarding the trailer? As it stands now, the fenders really stand out.
Quote from: Bassinlou on February 04, 2020, 06:26:02 PM
No updates?
Dave should bring it home today. He's been beating on them every day. I started a new Amazon 1 million square foot warehouse project on Monday so I've been swamped.
Quote from: RushFan on February 04, 2020, 10:57:48 PM
Looks like it's coming together nicely! Do you have any plans regarding the trailer? As it stands now, the fenders really stand out.
Black kryptek on the Motor, Poles and Trailer.
Quote from: FD on February 05, 2020, 01:29:33 AM
Dave should bring it home today. He's been beating on them every day. I started a new Amazon 1 million square foot warehouse project on Monday so I've been swamped.
You working up my way? They just started on one in Deltona about a mile from my house. Bought 85 acres and stripped it to dirt in about 2 weeks. Now they are starting on the Build.
Supposed to be 1.4 Million Sq Ft Warehouse. Run 24/7. Allow 1 day delivery. Also have Pick Up at the warehouse.
They just built one in Daytona, that now gives us 2-day delivery. They are on the move with growth for sure.
Quote from: Deadeye on February 05, 2020, 05:45:15 AM
You working up my way? They just started on one in Deltona about a mile from my house. Bought 85 acres and stripped it to dirt in about 2 weeks. Now they are starting on the Build.
Supposed to be 1.4 Million Sq Ft Warehouse. Run 24/7. Allow 1 day delivery. Also have Pick Up at the warehouse.
They just built one in Daytona, that now gives us 2-day delivery. They are on the move with growth for sure.
Nope. I-4 and 559 in Auburndale.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacia est
Seat bases. 1 as it was and one polished.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacia est
They did not quite finish. 1 of the small logos had to be reprinted. They put it on in the morning and I'll get it sometime tomorrow.
I did get a few pics though.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacia est
She's getting there ;)
That looks sharp Lee.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacia est looking great Lee.
Man it is awesome. One of a kind now
Sent from my SM-G977U using Tapatalk
Not much longer! Looking fantastic!
Just gonna keep looking better and better as Parts get put back on!
Side Note on Amazon, Man they are taking over Florida especially the I-4 Corridor.
And she's home! Castaway is coming tomorrow after lunch to install the Seadek.
Plus the missing logos were added.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacia est
Quote from: FD on February 06, 2020, 05:14:26 PM
And she's home! Castaway is coming tomorrow after lunch to install the Seadek.
Plus the missing logos were added.
Sweet and thanks for the advertising!
Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacia est
Very nice touch FD. Your recognition of Ultimate Bass is also a reflection on all of us. Very special indeed. Looking forward to seeing the deck work . Each day just gets better and better.
Quote from: Bud Kennedy on February 06, 2020, 05:55:42 PM
Very nice touch FD. Your recognition of Ultimate Bass is also a reflection on all of us. Very special indeed. Looking forward to seeing the deck work . Each day just gets better and better.
Thanks Bud. I asked Mike to send me the file so we could get it right as part of the wrap and not just a sticker.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacia est
Quote from: FD on February 06, 2020, 06:04:53 PM
Thanks Bud. I asked Mike to send me the file so we could get it right as part of the wrap and not just a sticker.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacia est
I like the Ultimate Bass logo and would put it on my boat if Mike were to send me a couple.
That UltimateBass Logo is sure cool looking there. Your boat is really coming along. Tks for all the updates and pictures.
Absolutely Sick!
After seeing how they laid the wrap up on your front deck, will the seadeck come right up to those edges? Maybe with just a little overlap? Either way its a totally hot looking boat, keep the pics coming please!
Quote from: Pipepro on February 06, 2020, 08:58:27 PM
Absolutely Sick!
After seeing how they laid the wrap up on your front deck, will the seadeck come right up to those edges? Maybe with just a little overlap? Either way its a totally hot looking boat, keep the pics coming please!
Some of the wrap on the deck will be trimmed off. The Seadek will be in many pieces and has to have slight radius's on the corners. The wrap is there to cover any gaps between pieces and the gaps around the box lids.
More pics coming of the install later today.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacia est
Quote from: BarryFL on February 06, 2020, 06:27:25 PM
I like the Ultimate Bass logo and would put it on my boat if Mike were to send me a couple.
Count me in
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Princeton_Man can provide a decal style item for Charter Members or Life Members. Here is a picture of one that I have on my boat windshield and on the rear glass of my expedition.
( (
( (
There is a cost for this but don't really remember how much but I believe somewhere in the area of $5 or so. I think the only color available is white letters
Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacia est
Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacia est
Coming along nicely
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Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacia est
I was worried that the seadek might take away from the wrap, but it looks great. ~c~
Quote from: zippyduck on February 07, 2020, 05:20:45 PM
I was worried that the seadek might take away from the wrap, but it looks great. ~c~
I wasn't thrilled with it when it came out of the box. But on the boat, I agree, the contrast looks great.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacia est
So there were several complications that showed up yesterday.
First was some of the Seadek pieces were either measured or cut wrong. There were also some missing. Lance from Castaway's was awesome. He took full responsibility even though it wasn't his mistake, got on the phone, then pulled out his laser and remeasured the cockpit. They should have the new pieces installed by Friday.
Secondly, the gaps around the compartment lids normally covered in carpet look HUGE. It's a cool look and they should actually stay clean but we're going to have cover them with the wrap. FS&G are printing some 2" wide strips of white Kryptek so we can install ourselves.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacia est
Some learning is to be expected with very customer and unique job like this. Good to hear you have a good team working through it that is prepared to do some problem solving. It is looking awesome.
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The last two were our fault.
We put all the lid shock mounts and screws plus other small pieces we did not want to loose in a plastic storage container.
Then we lost the container....

That's why the 4 front locker pads aren't on the boat.
Fortunately Dave found it last night at his house. He had taken some parts home to paint and forgot he had it.
The last one is totally on me.
The original Lowrance in dash unit WAS going back in. I use it for high speed sonar because it has a thru hull puck and I can get bottom readings up to 45 mph with it. But to put it back in would destroy the new dash. They had too large of a unit in to begin with.
So I've decided to move my Helix 5 from the bow to the dash. Motorola makes an adaptor to go from Lowrance transducer to Humminbird fish finders so I ordered one.
I'm going to add a Helix 7 MDI to the bow and network it with my ram mounted Helix 10 SI at the helm.
This configuration will give me;
2D Chirp sonar in the dash at speed from the H5
SI and DI at helm at idle speed with the H10
And Mega Down Imaging from the H7 thru the built in MDI transducer in my Ulterra TM.
My goal this year is to be less of a bank beater and learn to find and catch the much less pressured off shore fish. This setup should help that.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacia est
Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacia est
Looking forward to seeing it in person in two weeks!
Quote from: BarryFL on February 08, 2020, 06:44:28 PM
Looking forward to seeing it in person in two weeks!
Maybe. I might be in your back seat.
Yesterday, as we were putting the lids on, we noticed that all of the Seadek is too small. When the lids were aligned and tightened down, it was obvious.
Something happened in the process of measuring or cutting that produced pieces that are between 1/4" to 1/2" too narrow all the way around. I've done some limited CnC work and it's easy to get your offsets wrong is your not paying attention.
I sent a sternly worded email to my Project Manager to either re measure and recut the entire boat, or send me a check for my deposit and I'll have someone else do it.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacia est
We will see how they respond.
My guys know that if they build something of this poor quality then I'll make them take it out and rebuild it before the client ever sees it. That's how I trained them. If I have to train the Castaway guys too, so be it.
The rest of the build is going great except that Dave and I are both meticulous SOBs and it's taking a little longer than planned. Honestly, that should have been expected.
The new water proof switches and female TM plug for the bow hood got here late yesterday.
We're waiting on a USB charging panel that I decided to add for the helm control station and it will be complete.
We're waiting on an in dash kit for the H5 and that will be done.
Today I'm going to try my hand at wrapping some trim pieces while Dave finishes the lid install.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacia est
Those are giant mistakes on a CNC. That is what I specialize in and we hold tolerances of .0001 +/- .0002 .
These new machines are incredibly accurate.
You made the right move with the E-mail. I hope they fix it without a hassle.
Quote from: zippyduck on February 09, 2020, 04:46:33 AM
Those are giant mistakes on a CNC. That is what I specialize in and we hold tolerances of .0001 +/- .0002 .
These new machines are incredibly accurate.
You made the right move with the E-mail. I hope they fix it without a hassle.
That's what we thought when we stood back and looked at it. How could they be this far off? We should have checked everything on Friday when we found the cockpit pieces were too small. I know they measure and then input a border offset. I'm thinking it is something as simple as the 19 year old running either the CAD or CNC just punched in the wrong offset. It almost looks like everything got shrunk by 10%. Just weird.
I think they will do the right thing. I went with them based on experience and reputation even though they were 20% higher in cost than the other company.
Battery compartment vent.
If you don't have pieces leftover, you didn't put it back together right...
Lee, my backseat is taken by Fishballer but walt's is open.
Mine is too!!
Quote from: Bassinlou on February 09, 2020, 10:10:07 AM
Mine is too!!
If you don't have pieces leftover, you didn't put it back together right...
Quote from: FD on February 09, 2020, 11:38:18 AM
If you don't have pieces leftover, you didn't put it back together right...
I wrapped a few more trim pieces in the black then we spent the afternoon trying to get lids to light up strait.
Apparently it's not such an important thing in the factory. You can't tell with the same color carpeting covering everything.
If you don't have pieces leftover, you didn't put it back together right...
Had a several productive conversations with Castaway today. They agree that the fit looked horrible. They checked the remeasure of the cockpit versus the original measure and found a problem in the CAD file.
Lance is coming back out tomorrow to start from scratch.
While I went back to work today to pay the bills, Dave finished up the lid alignment and install.
He also installed a few trim parts that I wrapped this weekend.
If you don't have pieces leftover, you didn't put it back together right...
When we were trying to get the shifter back together yesterday with the side plate we made, the kill switch broke. The new one should be here Wednesday and hopefully we will have the dash, helm controls and shifter back in by Thursday night.
If you don't have pieces leftover, you didn't put it back together right...
The trip parts look great.
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Lance from Castaway came out yesterday and measured the entire boat again. He said the kid that measured the first time put in a 3/8" offset and that's why the pieces were too small.
When I asked how long to get everything redone, he said that I'm in the "high priority" list and they should get finished next week.
I have to say even though there were major issues, Castaway's customer service has been great.
The new kill switch got here a day early so we now have all the parts to put her back together unless we break something else.

If you don't have pieces leftover, you didn't put it back together right...
Does that mean Monday next week or Friday next week. Huge difference. Hope you make it to the M&G with boat in tow.
Quote from: BarryFL on February 12, 2020, 03:46:41 PM
Does that mean Monday next week or Friday next week. Huge difference. Hope you make it to the M&G with boat in tow.
I haven't gotten an actual date from them yet. The only thing the Seadek is holding up at this point is the TM remount and front Helix mount. Worst case is I'll be fishing with the cartel king...
If you don't have pieces leftover, you didn't put it back together right...
Old and busted...
New hotness...
If you don't have pieces leftover, you didn't put it back together right...
The new charging bank. A 12 volt lighter style, 2 USB's, a battery volt gauge and a on/off switch.
Gauge trim pieces wrapped.
If you don't have pieces leftover, you didn't put it back together right...
Looking good! I like the charging bank. Where did you find that one? I added a dual USB port to my boat but Id like to have the on/off with the volt meter.
Keep up the good work! Looks awesome ~c~ ~c~
Quote from: Pipepro on February 12, 2020, 05:00:20 PM
Looking good! I like the charging bank. Where did you find that one? I added a dual USB port to my boat but Id like to have the on/off with the volt meter.
Keep up the good work! Looks awesome ~c~ ~c~
If you don't have pieces leftover, you didn't put it back together right...
"Cartel King", I like it.
We're at a standstill waiting on Castaways. I've got real job work to do this weekend so it's just as well.
Dave will get back on it Monday. We're down to electrical and some minor touches until we get the front pad so we can remount the TM and Helix 7.
I get some pics in the morning.
If you don't have pieces leftover, you didn't put it back together right...
Here are some pics of the little things we refurbished.
Parts of the cowling that weren't wrapped we painted along with other trim pieces.
If you don't have pieces leftover, you didn't put it back together right...
The zipper cable cover and we cleaned and polished the gel coat in the splash well.
If you don't have pieces leftover, you didn't put it back together right...
The completed dash with the Helix 5 mounted.
If you don't have pieces leftover, you didn't put it back together right...
The shifter I bought would not work so we repainted the old one and put a new remote trim switch in it.
If you don't have pieces leftover, you didn't put it back together right...
New LED nav lights.
If you don't have pieces leftover, you didn't put it back together right...
Its too bad we will not probably see the boat next Saturday, but its coming out awesome!!
Quote from: Bud Kennedy on February 07, 2020, 05:24:05 AM
Princeton_Man can provide a decal style item for Charter Members or Life Members. Here is a picture of one that I have on my boat windshield and on the rear glass of my expedition.
( (
( (
There is a cost for this but don't really remember how much but I believe somewhere in the area of $5 or so. I think the only color available is white letters
The decals on my vehicles have vanished. My detective buddy told me most car break ins were in cars with NRA, BASS, etc. Crooks think it's guaranteed guns or fishing gear. Even if you don't have either you can count on a trashed vehicle.
Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
And I forgot to say how great the creativity and quality work just jump out on this project. I would be more proud of this boat than hauling a new $80K rig off the floor. Outstanding!
Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
Quote from: geneinnc on February 16, 2020, 08:28:13 AM
And I forgot to say how great the creativity and quality work just jump out on this project. I would be more proud of this boat than hauling a new $80K rig off the floor. Outstanding!
Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
Thanks Gene, I feel the same way about her.
If you don't have pieces leftover, you didn't put it back together right...
Is the ruler holder new to the rig? If so, can you tell me where you got it and what ruler fits?
Great progress and really nice results so far!(
Quote from: allaboutfun on February 16, 2020, 12:07:05 PM
Is the ruler holder new to the rig? If so, can you tell me where you got it and what ruler fits?
Great progress and really nice results so far!(
No it was stock and came with an 18" ruler. It will hold my 22" golden rule.
Call Carol at C and O Marine in Tennessee. She will have them for about any boat.
If you don't have pieces leftover, you didn't put it back together right...
Quote from: FD on February 16, 2020, 03:48:24 PM
Call Carol at C and O Marine in Tennessee. She will have them for about any boat.
I got mine from C&O a few years ago which is the same as FD's and it holds my Triton ruler.
Quote from: FD on February 16, 2020, 03:48:24 PM
No it was stock and came with an 18" ruler. It will hold my 22" golden rule.
Call Carol at C and O Marine in Tennessee. She will have them for about any boat.
If you don't have pieces leftover, you didn't put it back together right...
Got it. Thanks!
The fully assembled dash is finally installed. A new livewell timer is all that's missing and the wiring will be complete.
If you don't have pieces leftover, you didn't put it back together right...
LED deck lights (red) installed. 2 on the front deck, 2 in the cockpit under the seats and 2 on the back deck. All are wired into my courtesy light switch.
If you don't have pieces leftover, you didn't put it back together right...
Very nice. Looks like the same Blue Water LED kit I have except I went with white.
How did you do the windshield? Is that part of the wrap or did you do it yourself?
Sent from my moto e5 play using Tapatalk
Quote from: FD on February 20, 2020, 03:14:41 AM
LED deck lights (red) installed. 2 on the front deck, 2 in the cockpit under the seats and 2 on the back deck. All are wired into my courtesy light switch.
If you don't have pieces leftover, you didn't put it back together right...
Very cool!! I would love to do that to my boat too!!
If you install the LED light strips ONLY buy Bluewater LED; lifetime warranty.
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Quote from: FlatsNBay on February 20, 2020, 03:37:58 PM
How did you do the windshield? Is that part of the wrap or did you do it yourself?
Sent from my moto e5 play using Tapatalk
They did it for me.
If you don't have pieces leftover, you didn't put it back together right...
Quote from: FD on February 20, 2020, 03:04:58 AM
The fully assembled dash is finally installed. A new livewell timer is all that's missing and the wiring will be complete.
If you don't have pieces leftover, you didn't put it back together right...
Yes that windshield will bring the engine out very nicely
Any day fishing, is a good day.
That console looks awesome!
We (by we I mean Dave) got the bow put back together today.
If you don't have pieces leftover, you didn't put it back together right...
That looks clean and uncluttered. Very nice. Dave does good work.
Looking good!!
We did a rough in re-mount of the H10 and started bleeding the sea star steering.
Got a email from Castaways saying I'm in the schedule for this Friday. Not holding my breath due to the weather that's coming in tomorrow but I'm hopeful.
If you don't have pieces leftover, you didn't put it back together right...
Sweet! ~c~
The finish line is in sight ~c~
Tomorrow at 11 am! Castaways confirmed today.
If you don't have pieces leftover, you didn't put it back together right...
Eastern time zone?
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She is looking great there ~c~
Quote from: WTodd on February 27, 2020, 06:47:34 PM
Eastern time zone?
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Every group has that one quirky dude....

If you don't have pieces leftover, you didn't put it back together right...
We all know about someone showing up at an appointed time and well they don't
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It's looking real Good FD!!!
Lance was on time but we are still missing 3 pieces which will be installed Monday. The 2 live wells and the underside of the step/cooler for insulation.
But it looks Awesome!
If you don't have pieces leftover, you didn't put it back together right...
If you don't have pieces leftover, you didn't put it back together right...
As someone else said, IT LOOKS AWESOME !!!!!!!!!! ~c~ ~c~ ~c~ ~c~
Finished the tune up on the motor. New plugs, water pump, fuel filter.
Cleaned the cooling water primary screen which looked liked it had never been touched. You have to take the Port side lower housing off the motor to get to it.
A little Mercury black touch up paint and put her back together.
If you don't have pieces leftover, you didn't put it back together right...
Looks awesome!! Enjoy brother!!
Looks good Lee
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That's one sharp looking boat. ~c~
Looks great Lee
Today is about fit and finish.
Problem 1. The original white courtesy light broke. (
I could have ordered a exact boring replacement for $9 and fixed it in 3 minutes.
But where is the fun in that?
So I ordered a pack of two red LED's.
Made a pattern from the old one and cut a new one from 1/8" star board.
Wrapped it in black kryptek and installed it.
If you don't have pieces leftover, you didn't put it back together right...
Problem 2.
I had one red LED light left over and decided to put it under the console facing down to light up the hot foot area.
I crawled under and made a pattern from cardboard.
Cut one out of 1/4" star board.
And installed it. This is where my OCD gets to be an issue.

A job that should have taken 3 minutes has taken 2 hours.
But at least it's done with style...

If you don't have pieces leftover, you didn't put it back together right...
It's finally DONE!
I just need to get home in the daylight so I can launch it. I still need to do the trailer but the boat is done.
If you don't have pieces leftover, you didn't put it back together right...

Florida Bass Fishing Reports (, Dobyns Rods (, Lockett Lures (
~c~ ~c~ Congrats on getting it done ~shade
Quote from: FD on March 03, 2020, 07:30:06 PM
It's finally DONE!
Looks sweet with red LEDs, congrats on getting it done.
I have to ask though, were the driver's and passenger's seats always mounted on pedestals like that?
Quote from: Bassinkorea on March 03, 2020, 07:59:29 PM
Looks sweet with red LEDs, congrats on getting it done.
I have to ask though, were the driver's and passenger's seats always mounted on pedestals like that?
On pedestals with forward and back slide adjusters like car seats.
I think that was a 20X2 model thing.
If you don't have pieces leftover, you didn't put it back together right...
Really cool looking light set up. :o
Congrats on a sweet refurb job. ~c~
Now get a catching in it. ~gf
Looks Really Good Lee, congrats on a great build.
Next is some Daylight Pics!
If you don't have pieces leftover, you didn't put it back together right...
If you don't have pieces leftover, you didn't put it back together right...
If you don't have pieces leftover, you didn't put it back together right...
If you don't have pieces leftover, you didn't put it back together right...
Does it run? Just kidding :-)
If it fishes as good as it looks, you should start putting up some big bags.
Quote from: BarryFL on March 04, 2020, 05:29:06 PM
Does it run? Just kidding :-)
If it fishes as good as it looks, you should start putting up some big bags.
Yes she runs, like bat out of ...
With the tune up and nothing in it but me and a life jacket, it jumped out of the water and up to 70 before I even had her trimmed all the way up.
If you don't have pieces leftover, you didn't put it back together right...
:shocking: That is one sharp looking boat Lee. ~c~ ~c~
Wow!! Looks awesome Lee!! Great $$ move fixing up this boat.

Florida Bass Fishing Reports (, Dobyns Rods (, Lockett Lures (
Impressive job. You should restore boats for a living.
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Lee, it looks GREAT ~c~ ~shade
VERY nice Lee ~c~ ~c~
Really enjoyed following this thread, thanks for sharing the experience ~c~
Looks Very Good.
Hope you get to enjoy it for many years!
A couple of bugs showed up in the shakedown cruise.
No water pressure on the gauge even though it was peeing like a cow on a flat rock. New water pump and cleaning the primary screen made a huge difference.
The H5 in the dash had me off the coast of Miami in 57 FOW. I've got to get it out of demo mode.

Having the battery gauge in the charging panel is great. You can see just how those Opti injectors eat power at WOT. 13.1 v at idle, 13.7v at 4500 rpms and 12.1 at WOT.
She's sitting in the cradle right now. I'm going to fish her this weekend and then pull her out and tinker some more next week.
If you don't have pieces leftover, you didn't put it back together right...
Wow, that's impressive! It looks great. (
Best played Full Screen
Quote from: Bud Kennedy on March 05, 2020, 09:14:01 AM (
Best played Full Screen
WOW and great job on the video. ~c~ Lee thanks for sharing your rebuild with us. 8)
Thanks for doing the video Bud.
Awesome job as usual.
If you don't have pieces leftover, you didn't put it back together right...
Tap the pressure gauge; it may be stuck. My battery gauge sticks sometimes.
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Quote from: WTodd on March 05, 2020, 02:25:59 PM
Tap the pressure gauge; it may be stuck. My battery gauge sticks sometimes.
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I'm pretty sure I mixed up the Speedo and water pressure lines when I put it back together. I'll swap them and see how that works.
If you don't have pieces leftover, you didn't put it back together right...
Quote from: FD on March 05, 2020, 05:45:11 AM
A couple of bugs showed up in the shakedown cruise.
No water pressure on the gauge even though it was peeing like a cow on a flat rock. New water pump and cleaning the primary screen made a huge difference.
Since you have spent all that time and money to get her looking this nice, if it were me I would go that little bit extra and get a MercMonitor installed. A bit pricey, but you will get digital and accurate readouts of everything including water pressure ~c~
I put one in mine years ago and it has saved my :ass several times that has easily saved my money.
Quote from: Bassinkorea on March 05, 2020, 06:46:01 PM
Since you have spent all that time and money to get her looking this nice, if it were me I would go that little bit extra and get a MercMonitor installed. A bit pricey, but you will get digital and accurate readouts of everything including water pressure ~c~
I put one in mine years ago and it has saved my :ass several times that has easily saved my money.
I looked into those a year ago an dropped the idea. I don't know why. Now I'm looking at them again.
Why didn't you suggest this 6 weeks ago?

If you don't have pieces leftover, you didn't put it back together right...
Yesterday I was planning to take the maiden fishing trip, but my back was not cooperating. Spasms in my right shoulder and pins and needles in my right hand all day, all from the herniated disc. I found the muscle relaxers and took care of the major pain but I don't like being on the boat by myself when I take them.
The weather was crappy anyway so I started tinkering. I mounted the fire extinguisher in the starboard rod box and installed the foot switches for the power poles.
I had already culled and reorganized my hard baits so I loaded those boxes into the boat. Then I tackled my ridiculous plastic collection.
I found bags that I'm pretty sure are more than 10 years old. I last saw them 5 years ago when I unloaded the boat for a total clean and detail. I remember saying to myself "I might need those one day...". They are now in the donate box along with around 30 lbs of other unnecessary plastics.
Then I sat and stared at the trailer for about an hour working on a plan to get it up to par with the boat. I'll get some before pictures and we will start it this week.
If you don't have pieces leftover, you didn't put it back together right...
Lee I have been there with the Plastic way to many times myself.
The I haven't used these in 2-5 years, but I remember that One Day when THIS was the bait that they wanted and I caught all my fish on--- so I'd better keep it.
I've got bags in Boxes and Ziplocks that like you said I probably will never use again, but can't seem to toss away.
Just did that though with my Jigs and Spinner/Chatter Baits. Had some that sat for so long the were all rusted or corroded up to the point they were worthless. Also replaced a bunch of Treble Hooks on Cranks for the same reason.
Isn't it funny how we just "need" this one or that that one when we see it but some almost never even get used. If at all.
Oh and a big YES to the Mercromitor. I have and while I will look at my gauges I live by what it says. I usually run mine on Motor Temp, but cycle through to check WP, RPMs, Hours, etc.
They have Senders now that you can hook directly to your Sonar Unit, if it is a compatible one. Gives you a complete Dash Look on the screen, might want to check into that. Just add the Sender to the motor and run the cable to your Sonar Unit.
Back in action!
If you don't have pieces leftover, you didn't put it back together right...
Quote from: FD on March 08, 2020, 04:57:16 AM
I looked into those a year ago an dropped the idea. I don't know why. Now I'm looking at them again.
Why didn't you suggest this 6 weeks ago?
~roflmao You weren't having analog gauge issues back then ~b~
Quote from: Deadeye on March 08, 2020, 08:00:36 AM
Oh and a big YES to the Mercromitor. I have and while I will look at my gauges I live by what it says. I usually run mine on Motor Temp, but cycle through to check WP, RPMs, Hours, etc.
They have Senders now that you can hook directly to your Sonar Unit, if it is a compatible one. Gives you a complete Dash Look on the screen, might want to check into that. Just add the Sender to the motor and run the cable to your Sonar Unit.
I got a few extra gauges that link into the MercMonitor. I got a big Tach gauge, and 3 small gauges (trim, fuel and water pressure. The look great and all light up.
My MM read outs are also linked to my HDS units via a NMEA-2000 link.
Quote from: FD on March 08, 2020, 05:23:58 AM
Yesterday I was planning to take the maiden fishing trip, but my back was not cooperating. Spasms in my right shoulder and pins and needles in my right hand all day, all from the herniated disc. I found the muscle relaxers and took care of the major pain but I don't like being on the boat by myself when I take them.
I know how that feels. I had to quit fishing last spring for the very same thing. Hope it's feeling better!
Quote from: Bassinkorea on March 08, 2020, 08:24:20 PM
I know how that feels. I had to quit fishing last spring for the very same thing. Hope it's feeling better!
Do you have a picture of your dash with the new gauges and MercMonitor?
If you don't have pieces leftover, you didn't put it back together right...
Quote from: FD on March 09, 2020, 11:22:31 AM
Do you have a picture of your dash with the new gauges and MercMonitor?
If you don't have pieces leftover, you didn't put it back together right...
I sure do 8)
The first photo is off my custom dash panel with all 5 gauges. The MercMonitor is one big on on the left.
This second photo is how it is now after I mounted the HDS-9 in the dash last year.
The trailer.
If you don't have pieces leftover, you didn't put it back together right...
I have finally gotten some of the wrap sections from FS&G. The week I picked up the boat, the owner was sideswiped head on and broke his left arm and both legs. His staff has been trying to hold down the fort but are struggling without him.
The led light kit I ordered to replace the running lights are here.
Dave came over yesterday and we mapped out a plan to get it done quick. The bunks are still solid so we're just going to recarpet them. For the step pads we are going to replace them with left over snow camo Seadek. They should standout nicely.
We're going to try and knock it out early next week as Dave is on standby to head back to Canada if his insurance carrier orders them back. With the 40+% exchange rates right now many Canadian carriers are threatening to cancel policies if they don't come home.
If you don't have pieces leftover, you didn't put it back together right...
Your work looks GREAT. I remember my TR21 days on lake George, Everglades, and Okee. SWEET!!!
FD, I just read your entire refurb thread from start to finish. What an awesome transition. The combination of the wraps and the Sea Deck look amazing. Did you ever get the trailer fenders wrapped or is that project still on going? If you don't mind me asking what did the refurb cost you? I have a 2001 TR-22 I've been thinking about restoring one day. The cost of new bass boats are ridiculous and not even a route I am considering. Again great job and I really enjoyed the write up and pics...
Sixpack here is the video slide show of the refurb. (
Quote from: Sixpack on April 05, 2020, 05:07:59 PM
FD, I just read your entire refurb thread from start to finish. What an awesome transition. The combination of the wraps and the Sea Deck look amazing. Did you ever get the trailer fenders wrapped or is that project still on going? If you don't mind me asking what did the refurb cost you? I have a 2001 TR-22 I've been thinking about restoring one day. The cost of new bass boats are ridiculous and not even a route I am considering. Again great job and I really enjoyed the write up and pics...
Sixpack the answer to your cost question is on post #31.
Florida Bass Fishing Reports (, Dobyns Rods (, Lockett Lures (
Thanks Bassinlou, I remember reading that post but by the time FD ordered all the new dash and gauges he was in a little deeper the $5,300.00. Either way refurb over new boat prices is definitely the smarter move. Especially if you really love the hull like I do. This was a great read I'm glad I was able to read the entire refurb and not have to wait for the next update...
Quote from: Sixpack on April 05, 2020, 06:29:15 PM
Thanks Bassinlou, I remember reading that post but by the time FD ordered all the new dash and gauges he was in a little deeper the $5,300.00. Either way refurb over new boat prices is definitely the smarter move. Especially if you really love the hull like I do. This was a great read I'm glad I was able to read the entire refurb and not have to wait for the next update...
Total updated cost with all the extra and labor wound up being just under $10k. When I finish the trailer, I'm planning to show the entire cost for the project.
So the trailer is actually starting this week. Since I only trailer to tourneys, and they were canceled, there was no rush to get it done.
I pick up the trailer wrap material tomorrow and Dave and I are doing the actual wrap.
New winch, tongue jack, led lights.
If you don't have pieces leftover, you didn't put it back together right...
Dave is on Homeland Security lockdown in his (my old) neighborhood. Because he is here on a Visa, he had to declare where is was going to be at all times and when he is going back to Canada. Since the cops are doing random stops of out of state plates he did not want to get caught coming over to my house. He is stuck and bored.
Solution? I took the trailer and parts to him yesterday. He may still be stuck but at least he has something to.

If you don't have pieces leftover, you didn't put it back together right...
Quote from: FD on April 08, 2020, 04:14:11 AM
Dave is on Homeland Security lockdown in his (my old) neighborhood. Because he is here on a Visa, he had to declare where is was going to be at all times and when he is going back to Canada. Since the cops are doing random stops of out of state plates he did not want to get caught coming over to my house. He is stuck and bored.
Solution? I took the trailer and parts to him yesterday. He may still be stuck but at least he has something to. 
If you don't have pieces leftover, you didn't put it back together right...
Good thinking Lee and that gives Dave something to do besides being bored. :)
Disassembly started.
If you don't have pieces leftover, you didn't put it back together right...
Update - I dropped some materials off yesterday and got a few picks.
New winch and jack are on. Led marker lights on the front with some painting and wrapping complete.
If you don't have pieces leftover, you didn't put it back together right...
That trailer is looking sharp!!
If you don't have pieces leftover, you didn't put it back together right...
Sharp!! ~c~
Now it's too pretty to use
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What a beautiful job my friend. A labor of love!
3+ months in and its still awesome!
Nothing that we did is failing the long term test. The wrap is holding up to this ridiculous FL heat and the Seadek is performing even better than expected.
It was 98 degrees yesterday with no cloud cover and no wind. Felt like it was 137 degrees but the Seadek was comfortable to sit on. The black reels and and carbon fiber grips were a different story. If i still had black carpet it would have been miserable. The lockers are relatively cool and the step cooler kept ice until after 10am without being pre chilled.
Even though there is nothing I would change, some additions are in the works. I'm digging this offshore type fishing so I've decided to upgrade in the electronics area.
This thread comes back to life soon so stay tuned!
Great to hear it is everything you wanted. ~c~
Will be watching for the new additions.
Good deal FD. Thanks for the follow up ~c~
Don't forget you are going to redo your console ;) lo
Quote from: Bassinkorea on June 28, 2020, 08:45:55 AM
Good deal FD. Thanks for the follow up ~c~
Don't forget you are going to redo your console ;) lo
I have the Merc Monitor in the shop. Waiting on an extention cable now but I think it's going in the top of the side panel above the radio.
The original guages in the dash is what I can't decide on. I've yet to find the dual 5" replacements. The Spedo has the fuel guage in it and the Tach has the trim.
I have a tach which is the same size as the Merc Monitor, plus the smaller sized trim, fuel and water pressure gauges. All these extra 4 gauges are linked into the Merc Monitor. It makes for a great system.
I got rid of my original speedo, now I have that info on my HDS unit via GPS which is far more accurate.
Quote from: FD on June 29, 2020, 05:34:29 AM
I have the Merc Monitor in the shop. Waiting on an extention cable now but I think it's going in the top of the side panel above the radio.
The original guages in the dash is what I can't decide on. I've yet to find the dual 5" replacements. The Spedo has the fuel guage in it and the Tach has the trim.
When I was trying to match up my 2004 Ranger Gauges while redoing my dash, these guys helped me to find ones that were very very close. So Close in fact unless you know the slight difference you wouldn't know.
Maybe they can help you.
Deland Boat Center. 386-734-0166 Irene will probably answer the phone.
FHIW, They are also a Preferred Mercury Dealer and Service Shop. Just a small place but excellent Service. I have had them do my 100 hr Service on my Opti twice now and am very happy with what they do and the price they do it at.
The first time I called all the Big Shops asking for pricing. Then I called them, solely because of their standing on the Mercury Site and their location to me. They did mine for about $100 less than others were quoting, and that included the extra work I had them do with putting on new Speedo Line and Water Pump Pressure Line and hook the Gauges up.
So the full on conversion to technoweenie guide boat is about to start. Some of the toys arrived today. I'm still missing a bunch so I'm going to hold off on the tear down until I get it all here. Its going to basically require a separate electrical system to support the draw of the big screens.
A full rundown of the plans will come this weekend when my brain is not fried. (
Wow,,, fancy. :)
Wow indeed, I'll email the postman to get his @$$ moving!!
That 12" unit is a lot bigger than it looks; ask me how I know.
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I'm going to ignore Walter's innuendo laden comment and give yall an update.
I got home early and with the rain still a few hours off I couldn't help myself.
The H12 MDI is basically a plug and play swap until I add the separate electrical circuit. I moved the Power Pole remotes aft a bit and mounted the factory bracket to the deck. I have a large ram mount but it put the unit too high for my liking.
Man,,, that screen is huge!! Spy satellite's can see what your up to... lo lo
Humminbird does not make a Mega 360 mount for the Ulterra.
Fortunately Cumberland Crappie does. This is the mock up mounting on the Ulterra. Taking it off and painting semi gloss black to blend with the rest of the bow. (
Starting the dedicated electrical system this morning. It's going to the existing battery for now but i will have to add another battery if i go back to tourney fishing. With live wells running I would have to paddle to the weigh in.
Into the abyss....
There is way too much crap crammed in this compartment. I'm going to install the new shoot thru hull tranducer and run the cable at the same time I'm running the new 12 v power to the front. (
New transducer is mounted. Routing the new cable is proving troublesome. (
I got the battery compartment put back together. Ran the 10 gage wire from the existing battery master power switch to a secondary fuse panel. Finally pulled the new transducer cable all the way to the dash. Mounted the secondary fuse panel in the starboard rod locker next to the factory one.
Ive been at it for 8 hours now and I'm beat. I sure do miss Dave.....

Electronics day 3 begins Now...(
Made some progress between 20 phone calls. I finished pulling all the wires.
Mounted the monster sized Mega SI transducer.
Mounted the H12 SI at the helm and completely connected.
Finished all the secondary circuits off the new 12v fuse block.
Mounted the network switch and ran all the cables for it.
I've got maybe 5 more hours and she is ready to splash at 100%.(
Nice FD ~c~
I see your Merc Monitor is not installed yet, I remember you say you were waiting for an extension cable of something. What is the plan for that?
Quote from: Bassinkorea on July 15, 2020, 06:06:29 PM
Nice FD ~c~
I see your Merc Monitor is not installed yet, I remember you say you were waiting for an extension cable of something. What is the plan for that?
Dave will be here in a couple of months and we're going to do it then. It no rush and since he is a Merc Mechanic during the summer in Ontario, I let him handle all the mechanical stuff.
Very nice work!
I should have done a total rework myself.
I am about to rewire my project Duracraft center console aluminum 18' boat. I have 4 awg for battery cables, 6 awg for my trolling motor extension run, 14 gauge for the trolling motor. Was looking at 10 for running to the fuse and switch panels, you wouldn't happen to have any left over would you

? Should I run something like 18 gauge from lights, bilges, Etc to the fuse panel?
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Quote from: WesTex87 on July 16, 2020, 07:26:43 AM
I am about to rewire my project Duracraft center console aluminum 18' boat. I have 4 awg for battery cables, 6 awg for my trolling motor extension run, 14 gauge for the trolling motor. Was looking at 10 for running to the fuse and switch panels, you wouldn't happen to have any left over would you
? Should I run something like 18 gauge from lights, bilges, Etc to the fuse panel?
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I ran #10 from the battery switch to the new panel. #14 from the panel to everything else even though they are all on 5 amp fuses or less.
#18 will be fine for your nav/anchor lights provided they are L.E D.s, but I believe in heavier wire = less possibility of a

Finished up the bow with the Mega360 this afternoon as well as the new panel in the rod locker. I also installed a 30 amp marine auto reset circuit breaker to the new panel.
All that's left is the bracing of the pizza ship Triton factory dash and installing the H10. The wires are waiting on it.
Quote from: FD on July 16, 2020, 06:05:50 PM
I ran #10 from the battery switch to the new panel. #14 from the panel to everything else even though they are all on 5 amp fuses or less.
#18 will be fine for your nav/anchor lights provided they are L.E D.s, but I believe in heavier wire = less possibility of a
Ok great I already have the 14 thanks!
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Man you do some clean work. Nicely done.
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Worked in it another 3 hours this afternoon. I beefed up the Triton blow molded dash with a 1" samich of star board and hung the H10.
About an hour in the morning and she's going in the water!
Pics of the sandwich and support brackets in the dash that I made by heating and bending 1/2 star board.
Went through the entire install again checking connections and zip tied all of the spaghetti back in place.
Had to dodge some nasty T-storms but finally got her back in the water.
Did a walk around video and will post in when I can figure out how....(
Tks for sharing this with us. You've done a great job of upgrading your boat.
Quote from: FD on July 15, 2020, 06:51:50 PM
Dave will be here in a couple of months and we're going to do it then. It no rush and since he is a Merc Mechanic during the summer in Ontario, I let him handle all the mechanical stuff.
Looking at this photo........
( looks like your graph will cover up the Merc Monitor to where you won't be able to see it.
I'm not sure about the Humminbirds, but I can get all of the Merc Monitor info displayed on my Lowrance units via NMEA.
Quote from: Bassinkorea on July 20, 2020, 07:56:06 PM
Looking at this photo........
( looks like your graph will cover up the Merc Monitor to where you won't be able to see it.
I'm not sure about the Humminbirds, but I can get all of the Merc Monitor info displayed on my Lowrance units via NMEA.
I got the smaller Merc Monitor. It should go in the 2-1/2" blank I have between the water pressure and volt meter that's hidden by the orange towel.
You can see it thru the steering wheel in this pic. (
Ok cool. I wasn't aware that they had a smaller version :)
Here is the walk around video, I hope..... (
Very cool. Thank you for sharing
Quote from: FD on July 21, 2020, 04:57:59 AM
Here is the walk around video, I hope..... (
Looking good, Lee. Will have to make a trip to Hatch soon to see it in person.
Very cool FD, looks even better in video compared to photos. Thanks for sharing!
The world stands aside for a man with a plan. This has been a great project for all of us to follow. A lot of work that all began Last December. We have been entertained by all of your projects over the past year. The scope of work from the design and build of your truck, to the new shop at your home, a series of honey do items in the house and now the complete rehab of the Triton. Somehow I don't think you are finished with your projects just yet. I wonder what is next. Great Job Lee " You Da Man"
Quote from: BarryFL on July 21, 2020, 06:01:52 AM
Looking good, Lee. Will have to make a trip to Hatch soon to see it in person.
Wow what a wonderful job you did on this. Tech is way above my capabilities and I would spend the whole day trying to figure it out. It looks like you have all the bases covered, now it's just getting those you find to come out and play. Good luck with your new toys, and thanks for the video. I am very impressed! ~c~ ~c~ ~c~
Quote from: big g on July 21, 2020, 10:34:27 AM
Wow what a wonderful job you did on this. Tech is way above my capabilities and I would spend the whole day trying to figure it out. It looks like you have all the bases covered, now it's just getting those you find to come out and play. Good luck with your new toys, and thanks for the video. I am very impressed! ~c~ ~c~ ~c~
Thanks George.
I had a lot of coaching on how to get this done. Many hours on the phone with Dave, WayneP and Hodges Marine the get all the parts figured out and ordered.
Quote from: BarryFL on July 21, 2020, 06:01:52 AM
Looking good, Lee. Will have to make a trip to Hatch soon to see it in person.
Anytime. You have a standing invite.
Looking good... Dan
Santa brought some new toys for the Triton. This will complete the "1 boat network" for the Triton. Josh and I are fishing tomorrow and will be pulling the boat Monday...
Stay Tuned for pics and details.
Twin 12' Talons replaced the old 8' Power Poles.
We got them paired to each other and to the blue tooth foot pedal, the Ulterra, and the remotes. The pairing took longer than the install.

we had to call Minn Kota to finally get it done.
A bath later this week and then back on the lift.(
CPF Lures Pro Staff
Nice! I miss my Talons! Not that PPs are bad, I just liked the straight up and down and no hydraulic fluid. See that you got tilt brackets. They make it easy to change a broken stake and test the Talons, if you have an issue.
Quote from: BarryFL on January 04, 2021, 05:08:09 PM
Nice! I miss my Talons! Not that PPs are bad, I just liked the straight up and down and no hydraulic fluid. See that you got tilt brackets. They make it easy to change a broken stake and test the Talons, if you have an issue.
I wanted 12' of holding power without having another 2 ft of poles to cast around. The tilt brackets are so I can get it in the garage and there may be a bridge or two I like to sneak under now and then.....

CPF Lures Pro Staff
That, too. Did they mount to the PP brackets?
That rig just keeps getting better! If boats could smile, that thing would need jaw surgery - ha.
Quote from: BarryFL on January 04, 2021, 05:57:16 PM
That, too. Did they mount to the PP brackets?
Yep. Same 4 bolt pattern.
CPF Lures Pro Staff
Looks good Lee. They should do great for what you need them to do.
When/if my PPs take a dump I'm going back to Talons....probably 10 footers
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Quote from: WTodd on January 05, 2021, 07:45:25 AM
When/if my PPs take a dump I'm going back to Talons....probably 10 footers
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Finally got around to installing the Merc monitor. Plug and play, piece of cake. Mounted it above the radio in the new side panel I made last year.(
CPF Lures Pro Staff