Bass Fishing Forum

Bass Fishing Reports => Central Region Bass Fishing Reports => Minnesota => Topic started by: Lipripper on October 22, 2019, 12:13:12 PM

Title: Win A Monster $40 Gift Card
Post by: Lipripper on October 22, 2019, 12:13:12 PM
All right who couldn't use a $40 Gift Card . Well here's you chance Monster Tackle is giving away one right here so stop by and enter. It's easy and only takes a minute and who knows you might get (

Monster Fishing Tackle $40 Gift Card Giveaway 27 Oct 2019 (

Oh and while your in there looking for the answer to the question look around and buy a few things cause you could also enter into the big $150 Gift Card give away also.  ~c~ ~c~

Monster Fishing Tackle $150 Gift Code Giveaway (