What years was the Cherokee series built? My son just picked up a '98 207, which I believe was the Crestliner hulls still, with a Merc 90 on it. Great shape, just needs a bit of clean-up. Hard to find any info on these things anywhere.
have seen 1996 models...and I think some in the 2002-2003 range...
two hull types: semi-v (bass boat type) and mod-v. those mod-v's were great boats for bigger, rougher water. had a buddy who had one...
I have, currently, a 1998 cherokee 106. One of the best functioning little small water boats I can imagine. well built, with the ranger 'blow in' flotation (I can attest that even when you forget to put in the plug, it still floats). Fact it's up for sale as I write this.
Those cherokees were the main reason I was so very excited to hear Ranger was back in the aluminum business. and bought an RT 178...
The Cherokee series was introduced in 1994 with the 107 and 207 models. The last 207 was made in 1999 and they went to a 217 version in 2000. With all Cherokee models ending in 2002. Best I can tell.
And welcome to the Ultimate Bass family !