Bass Fishing Forum

General Bass Boat Discussion => High Performance Bass Boat => Skeeter => Topic started by: monsterfish on December 18, 2013, 04:24:48 PM

Title: max rpm on a 250 SHO
Post by: monsterfish on December 18, 2013, 04:24:48 PM
I have a 2012 fx21 what should the safe RPM be at full throttle, I don't want to over rev the engine ~b~
Title: Re: max rpm on a 250 SHO
Post by: Mike Cork on December 21, 2013, 11:34:27 AM
Full Throttle range is 5000-6000. I know most people try to run at the top of the band. Many rigs I know about are running 5850-5950 depending on prop selection.
Title: Re: max rpm on a 250 SHO
Post by: Bama96 on February 12, 2015, 07:30:07 AM
Limiter is 6250. Yamaha recommends you run the SHO at higher RPMs on top and be propped correctly. Ideally 5800-6000 at WOT. Bearing failures have occurred due to under propped rigs putting the motor in a strain. Found this out yesterday from Yamaha and my Yamaha Master Technician. He told me to run the SHO hard and don't worry about it!