Lake Toho Bass Fishing Reports

Started by Swede, March 01, 2005, 11:02:12 PM

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Just found out Florida will be hosting the National Federation Tournament on Lake Toho the last week of April.  The Florida Federation President looking for drivers for the fisherman which will also act as on board observers for a couple days.  Field cut to 15 boats after two days and then the final two days will be fished on Bay Lake on the Disney grounds.  If you are interested in volunteering your time for about a week and learn a thing or two about FL fishing, check out the news article on

Mike Cork

Swede thanks for the info on Toho, my old man used to be stationed at Patrick A.F.B. and has a 10 pounder on the wall from this lake. I never could manage more than a 5 or 6 but sure did love the lake. Thanks again for the info. Looking forward to reading some reports from your way. Could you hook me up with the correct spelling of the full name of the lake?

Fishing is more than just a hobby

Dobyns Rods - Monster Fishing Tackle
Cork's Reel Service


Lake Tohopekaliga has undergone some significant change over the past year.  Grass has been eliminated in places it once was flourishing.  Hurricanes and dredging the mud from the north end of the lake are the reasons.  Fishing none the worse for it either.  Last fished it October last year.  Fished the lake during tourney there and fished crankbaits around the grass edges.  Pulled 25+ lbs/10 keepers out in two days of fishing.  Gold Bandit 200 Splatterback in 3-4 footof water was the ticket to 7th place finish out of 230 participants.

Mike Cork

That is an awesome finish. Thanks for the correct spelling and the report. Sounds like all the changes haven't hurt it to much at all  ~c~

Fishing is more than just a hobby

Dobyns Rods - Monster Fishing Tackle
Cork's Reel Service


As per the Lakeland Ledger for Septermber 29, 2005

At Lake Toho, bass up to 91/2 pounds in Wal-Mart Bass Fishing League tournament Saturday and Sunday. Winner averaged almost 31/2 pounds per fish on Zoom Horny Toad early and 10-inch worms. Scattered hydrilla at spots like Little Grassy Island holding best size bass. But bass still tough for most anglers. No good reports on specks yet, but Marc Detweiler at Big Toho Marina selling a lot of minnows this week.
"If you think you are too small to be effective, you have never been in bed with a mosquito" - African Proverb.  Jim


From the Lakeland Ledger Published Thursday, October 20, 2005

At Lake Toho, bass fishermen catching better numbers than a week ago on medium and large wild shiners, with boats releasing 20-30 fish up to 4-5 pounds, reports Marc Detweiler at Big Toho Marina. Artificials also producing, with Horny Toads and plastic frogs early around scattered grass. The biggest bass in the Big Fish Open is 9.65 pounds, and a 9.45pounder caught off North Steer Beach. Detweiler said they are spraying herbicide around shorelines this week. Speck fishermen drifting off Red's Fish Camp, the main destination the past couple of weeks. Bassmaster Southern Open next weekend out of Toho.
"If you think you are too small to be effective, you have never been in bed with a mosquito" - African Proverb.  Jim


From the Lakeland Ledger, published 10/27/05

At Lake Toho, Gary Coyle of Haines City won week 6 of the Big Fish Open with a 9.10-pound bass he caught around Mackinson Island last week. Bass should be moving to more shallow areas with drop in water temperature. Try topwater early, surface lures and Super Flukes or Shad Assassins. More speck fishermen out this week, with several boats in open water off Red's Fish Camp.
"If you think you are too small to be effective, you have never been in bed with a mosquito" - African Proverb.  Jim

Fishey Business

 ~cf  Another week has gone by and the fishing keeps improveing each day. Toho and Kissimmee being the hottest lakes for a lunker .
         Lake Conditions;  Lake levels are still 1 to 1 1/2  feet above winter pool and with heavy rains last week, the corps has been drawing down the lakes quite fast. The water remains stained in the south end with the draw down and the n/e winds. water temperature is holding steady in the upper 70's. Vegetation is plentuful, with kissimmee grass and hydrilla  in good color and growth.
         Patterns; Shinners remains to be the best bite for lunkers in the 8 lb plus and good numbers in a 4 to 6 hr day. Look for good water color, clean bottom and bass chaseing bait early.
Artificial  in flukes and  trick worms in junebug and watermelon / red flake . Producto in grape with blue pearl tail is working carolina style on the outside of kissimmee grass in  lower Kissimmee with horney toads  early.
         Locations; Toho bass are schooling more in the north end, from shingle creek to the hydrilla south of lakeport and at big graassey in 3to 4 ft of water. Look for open water with large areas of kissimmee grass and hydrilla.  and pay attention to the wind directions. As the lake stabilizes the bass will become more concentrated to these areas.
          Comments; this has been a good week with 3 days out of 6 on the water with clients. Three kentuckians had  2 good days, with 36 bass up to 8 1/4 lbs not bad for two 6 hr days. We won"t tell you how many kentuckians it takes to catch a florida bass. 2 Deleware gents had a great day Saturday and used up 4 dozen shinners in 6 hrs. They brought 18 to the boat, with the biggest one weighing in at 7 1/2 . Bass were blowing bait out of the water!  Makes for a great trip.
           Toho has an exciteing week coming up this week end, Nov 10 thru the the 12 as the country:s top bass pro:s with aspering amatures pair up in the lake Toho Pro- Am Tournement. On florida:s beautiful kissimmee chain of lakes; competeing for a purse of more than $125,000. Dollars
            Nov 13 the angling against cancer benifit tournement, pairs the legends of bass fishing with corporate sponsers to raise money to benifit the V Foundationfpr Cancer Research. Great entertainment and funfilled days - not to mention, rubbing elbows with great fishermen.
             Great fishing, as this was the last week of the Big Fish Open sponsered by the Kissimmee-St Cloud Tourisim Association. Van Burgess of Tennessee  took two weeks winnings  and overall winnings with biggest bass at 10.40 lbs.  What a great way to spend 8 weeks doing something you enjoy and getting paid for it
               If you are headed south into Orlando Florida area and want an opportunity to catch a memory of a lifetime. call or e-mail me 
               Remember there is no better time to fish than now.      Captain Jim.


What a great fishery you have down there.  Wish I lived closer to fish more often.  Enjoyed the report. ~c~
My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
Your dreams stay big, your worries stay small.
Rascal Flatts


Sorry I'm a little behind, but this is about what you're seein Capt Jim
From the Lakeland ledger.
Published Thursday, November 3, 2005

At Lake Toho, couple of trophy bass released Friday and Saturday at Big Toho Marina. Marc Detweiler reports a 10.35-pound bass on a Zoom Super Fluke and a 9.30-pounder on a wild shiner, both around running water. Both were entered in the Big Fish Open. Shingle Creek, St. Cloud Canal or Mill's Slough popular running water locations. Flotilla of speck boats in open water off Red's Fish Camp, with some quality fish but not big numbers
"If you think you are too small to be effective, you have never been in bed with a mosquito" - African Proverb.  Jim

Captain Jim


    Fishing has been great and I have seen more big bass this week than anyone could ,believe unless they were on this lake every day. Yes Mark is correct on his account of large fish. The crappie fishermen are bringing in good numbers and size. I personall spoke to two men as they were cleaning fish at Richardsons fish camp and saw 21 nice speck and was told they released several under 10 inches, as they only kept 15'"and over. I fished with a group of 22 boats  11/10/05  and saw 5 bass over 10 weighed in, all were released, everyone had a good morning.includeing my two clients.    Check out this week pro-am report, for day two weigh-in. and final winner.   I will be doing a report on monday.    Captain JIm 


Sounds like heaven - 10lbers and slab crappie coming to the boat.  Thanks Capt Jim for the report.  More news for those in the Toho area.  The US military is coming to town.  It was just announced that the 16th annual military tournament will be held at Lake Toho and adjoining waters April 06.  Get all the details at
My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
Your dreams stay big, your worries stay small.
Rascal Flatts


From the Lakeland Ledger
Published 11/10/2005

At Lake Toho, bass fishermen tightlipped with Lake Toho Pro-Am today through Saturday and $35,000 on the line, reports Marc Detweiler at Big Toho Marina.
"If you think you are too small to be effective, you have never been in bed with a mosquito" - African Proverb.  Jim

Fishey Business

 ~cf Well men and gals what a great Pro-am Tournament. everyone had on Lake Toho.and Kissimmee chain of lakes.Great weather and good water conditions made for some excellent numbers and weight.
       Lake conditions , are excellent with good water clarity and temperatures in the mid 70's . Corps have slowed down the draw down ,slowing down the flow thru the locks. wind has been calm to a mere 5 to 10 early morning.Couple mornings were heavy fog but cleared up by 7am to clear skies, made for a beautiful time to be on the water.
        Patterns remain the same as last week, with a great morning bite on shinners ( by the way Jerry at the Fishing Pad 2 has great shinners)Lots of early morning bass chaseing bait fish.
        Artificial  as reported by pro" this week were flukes in white and carolina style in Kissimmee grass and on the outside edge. There has been a all day bite just scattered. Mats and heavy cover produced good fish by flipping, you have to keep moving, junebug ,watermelon with red flakes and carolina rig grape with blue pearl tail.
         Locations for good fish is still behind and in Big Grassey - St Cloud canal area and Parson Landing. Take some time and check out some other areas with heavy Kissimmee grass and work your carolina rig slow.
          Comments as I way saying in the opening statement, what a great tournament The Pro-Am was and boy did the Pro"s and amateur;s  put on a show. I also want to thank the Kissimmee  Florida  Great Outdoors Day's and the sponsors for having such a great program.
          Rich Couch led first day Pro"s weigh in with 21+lbs  The second day was a whopping 34.69 lbs weighed in by Artie Lane of Lakeland  Fla and he took big fish honors with a 9.83  lunker. Last day Chad Morgenthaler weighed in 20.99 lbs to win the event and take home $35000.
          Not to leave anyone out as everyone did great in catching limits such as Marc Detwell weighed in limits 1st and 2nd days, but just didn:t make the cut, what a show Marc.
          Amateur weight was was won by Mike Taurinski of Kissimmee, with last day weight of 12.39 lbs  an excellent job Mike and $10000 to boot
            Espn announced Saturday morning 11/12/05  top 10 most favorite Lakes and Waterways destinations to catch Big Fish and large numbers  Lake Toho in Kissimmee Florida as #1.  What a lake !
             Took out 4 trips this week and still got to watch the weigh in"s. 11/8 Sean and Jason brought 21 to the boat in a 4hr trip in the 3 to 6 lb range.
              Wed 11/09 6 hr trip and 4dz shinners later produced 20+bass  with biggest fish weighed in at 11 lbs7 oz caught by Linda Thomas of Tampa Fla.  What a Day
             Teamed up Thursday with 22 boats and my 2 men Ron and Bill  from N.J. brought 26 to the boat with largest at 6 3/4 not bad for 4 hrs and heavy fog.
              Hats off to LLoyd Wilmouth as he has joined the Pro Am circuit; good luck LLoyd.
              Life is great!  A-mend  Get out and enjoy it.
              Planning a trip to the Orlando Area and want to fish call or e-mail me at 270-579-1042
                                                                                               Captain Jim


Thanks for the great report Jim.
Glad to see some big catches there again, I know its good for business.
I usually fish Kississimmee and go in at the State park or Camp Mack.
I saw they were workin on tearin the locks down on Highway 60 about 3 weeks ago.
I'll stop by there next week and report the progress for yall.
"If you think you are too small to be effective, you have never been in bed with a mosquito" - African Proverb.  Jim


Another great report Capt Jim!!  Man - them Lane boys can hook some monsters!!  Been a while since reading about 30 plus lb stringer.  Sounds like everyone had a good time - especially Linda Thomas - who landed that 11plus pounder.  Waiting in anticipation of your next report Capt Jim - Thanks for the report!!
My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
Your dreams stay big, your worries stay small.
Rascal Flatts

Fishey Business

Hello everryone; ~cf
   How was your Thanksgiving. Now that its  past and we had our big meals, its time to Fish and get rid of that excess we consumed.

   Lake Conditions here on Toho and Kissimmee are following the same patterns as our northern lakes, as the temperature changes have been early this year. Strong north winds and cool nights. Temperatures have dropped to the high 60 to low 70 during the days and lows inthe upper 40 to 50 at night. water temperature have slid downard into the low 60"s. That might not sound cool to you nornthern folks, but it is a change from last weeks mid 70"s. Vegetation and Mats are holding good color and  crustations.
   Locations  Toho Bass are still holding better in the Big Grassey and North Steer area  as they receive less wind and more Sun. Baitfish are moving back to the shore line, as they are starting their spawn. Concentrate in 3 to 4ft water.
    Patterns Shinners always put Fish in the boat and are still working best for Big Bass. Artificial ; flipping in heavy mats are produceing some good fish, as the water cools these fish are hideing and feeding on crustrations in their migration to spawning area"s.  Cranking Rat-L-Traps and Spinnerbait  in Kissimmee grass will locate fish, stop and work the area with a worm and a senko.
You could get surprised.
  Crappie Love this cool down and are showing up at the piles on the markers at 22 and in the hole at 24, don"t forgit to troll around the islands with jigs.Best times are 6 to 10 and 3 to 6.
   Comments  Took 5 days off and visted the Kids in Kentucky, Should have stayed here as I ate too much, all in all had a great visit with the family.
Started the week back on the Lake, with a low front kicking butts, all in all had a good week, as each day got better and better in numbers. Tuesday with Jack and son Jake not a day to take to the record book, but these guys were great fishermen and showed it. Wednesday proved to be a better day even though the wind was still brisk and out of the north.   Thursday back on fish in 4 ft water, water color is much better and wind has laid. Bob Campbell had a good day, started with shinners - biggest was 7.2 and 9 inthe 3 to 4 lb. Finished the morning useing artificial, cranking and some nice fish above south steer, we both were pumping.   Friday, flipping in the mats was fantastic useing a 1oz tungsten weight and a B.B Cricket and alternateing with a Zoom Brush Hog. Fish are always here you just have to be able to spend time on the water, water is still high and fronts are early, and the females are gearing up too move in.
     Coming to Orlando area and want to fish a day Call  270-579-1042 or e-mail .

       There is no better time to fish than now.     Captain Jim    12/03/05


Thanks for the report Captn, glad to hear you had a nice Thanksgiving, its always nice to get away and chatch up with family.
Seems like this is beginning to be our time of year for bass fishin.
"If you think you are too small to be effective, you have never been in bed with a mosquito" - African Proverb.  Jim


Fish Toho Sunday. Started at Southport and fished toward the lock. No fish early was a little cool and water temps were 67 degrees. Went to one spot that I always catch fish on, the point on the eastside right before you get to the lock in the outer grass line. Flipped a junebug paddle tail worm and caught a nice 3 pounder. Always catch one there. ;) Caught one more short then off to Browns Point we go. Fish back in the pockets and pick up 2 quick fish about 15 inches long. Staying with the worm most of the day. Fished around Red's fish camp with no luck. Went back to Southport and fished the back side of the outer grass line going west. Picked up 6 between there and Browns Point. Tried spinnerbaits and flukes with no real luck. Stayed with the worm with a 3/8 oz. tungsten weight. Fish held real tight and had to leave the bait lay there and slowly move it. Very nice day out on the water with my son. ;PHO)


Thanks for the report - can't wait until I get to try my luck down there again.  That paddletail is such a good bait - the Zoom Black Sapphire has been hot lately.  Have you tried??  Been working on Okee and George.  Might work pretty good there too.
My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
Your dreams stay big, your worries stay small.
Rascal Flatts

Fishey Business

 ~cf Lake Toho is Hot  This week outings with guest has been fantastic .
       5 days on the water and the Bass have been active. Water temp in 62 to 64 and cool nights have turned these fish in mean machines.  :shocking: Averageing 30 plus fish caught on each day in the 4-5-6 and couple 7 and one 8 1/2  make you for get what its doing up north  :-\   Water is clear and fish are in the edge of Hydrilla.   This weather also brings the crappie in and they are doing good around the markers , there are lots of boats out.
     I will be posting the pictures of this week trips on my web site so enjoy.
     Lets go Fishing         Capt Jim.


Sounds like a great trip Capt Jim! Glad to see you got a post in  ~c~


Fishey Business

 ~cf  Merry Christmas to everyone  :)
      Lake conditions are  still great as water temps are 60 to 63 this week , water clairity is 2 ft. in the north end and 1 to 2 ft in the south end as they draw down some and wind out of the north. changed to the south Sat.
     Patterns are the same as last week for me with a whackey worm  and Flipping in Hydrilla and mats.
       Shinners are catching good size fish for 3 trips out guest averaged 20 per outing.
      Took 2 grandsons out on Sat and Tyler landed a 9 Lb  his biggest so far this year. Taylor landed a 5 lb .
        As soon as I can get them on my web page this week you can view them.
      Bass are very plump as they are feeding heavy on shad .

      Crappie are likeing this water temps as more and more limits are showing up at the ramps, Look for the markers and lots of boats  jigs tiped with minnows at 6 to 7 ft.

Fishey Business

   ~cf     Hello everyone and I wish you a Happy New Year. Boy was it a short 2005.  But it was a great year for fishing and 2006 is coming on strong.
     Lake Toho is in its prime as with the draw down in 04 and lots of clean bedding areas for bass and shinners to spawn again in comeing months its paradise. water tempsthis week have been in the upper 50 to around 61 or 62 during the days first of the week end of week found 65 +  and great color.
     Week ahead with the air temp in the upper 70 to 80 and these babys are are going to be moving with the moon.  Exciteing times are ahead for the next 4 months.
      4 trips out this past week were as good as its gets. Mon.  Bruce and Phillip found the air a little cool but the fish were hot as they fought 18 back to the boat before the bite quit.  As they say in Jersey it doesn"t get any better than this. Thanks guys
      Tues. Mike Bertin found the  Tight line and finished with 16 and topped it off with an 8, pic will be on web site this week.
      Wed and Jim, Dorian, Bill and 2 young men each 13 yrs young did well although the wind did  not cooperate ; they still had a good day with granddad catching a 6 1/2  as he replied they don"t grow that big in Denver.   Thanks men
       Fri. Kurt from wis.  was here to have a day on the water with artificial. started the morning of with heavy fog on our way out to the first hole. Made a left turn before i reached the spot, you know how fog plays with your mind. went in a grass bed and was turning to get out and Bass begin to come up everywhere. You know the rest of the story.   :shocking:  They loved the fluke.
          To finish we went on to the first hole after 45 min and was in time for the  ~sweat second round. Kurt landed 3 over 6 in a row and finished the day with over 20 on shinners   
          In Orlando and want to fish in bass heaven give me a call and lets go. Booking now for Feb.

          Capt Jim   1 /1/ 2006



Capt Jim -

Thanks for the report.  Sounds like heaven down there........
My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
Your dreams stay big, your worries stay small.
Rascal Flatts