Arti-FISH-al Fishing Trees!

Started by crawchuck, June 07, 2006, 07:14:42 PM

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Here it is by popular demand ;)...The Arti-FISH-al Fishing Tree tutorial. :-*

Artificial trees are great to add structure to your favorite fishing spots. So maybe they're nobody's favorite spots right now cause there simply isn't any fish holding on them! That's the whole idea behind the artificial structure. You make your spots and they're known to nobody but you!

For this fishing tree we are using 20oz plastic soda bottles with lids. Enough small self-tapping screws to allow one for each bottle lid. A length of 3/4" PVC pipe and some cement mix.

Using a small funnel, fill a bottle with cement mix. You can premix and add it wet or fill it dry and add water to harden the mix. Before it hardens though, insert the piece of PVC pipe into the bottle so the mix can harden around it!

Next using the self tapping screws, attach the bottle lids along the length of the pipe.  There is no set theory on spacing but I think more the better so it really depends on the size of bottle and how close you can get them.

Hopefully you will leave a little space at the top to stick a bottle and secure it on with a screw.  About 1/3-1/2 way up this bottle you need to drill or cut a small hole in it to allow water to enter so it sinks to the bottom but keeping a small amount of air pocket in for floatation to keep the tree upright.

Next I use a miter saw to cut the bottoms off all the bottles and screw them to the caps on the pipe.

And we have an Arti-FISH-al Fishing Tree!  You can make these different lengths and use just about any size of bottles so getting them is usually easy by just collecting them at work like me. Set a trash can labeled "Plastic Bottles" and seed it with a couple so folks get the idea and you'll have plenty in no time at all!  Most folks these days are recycle concious so your can will be acceptable.

I recommend setting these out in winter or during dark so nobody sees you making your spots.  Like a bare bank with a dropoff, set them out in a row from shallow to deep so bass will have holding areas no matter the thermocline and oxygen levels.  Algae will quickly form to the surface area of the plastic and baitfish will almost immediately begin to hide in and around the tree for food and safety.

In addition to the fishing tree, black plastic trash bags can be used to enhance the area.  Simply put a handfull of sand into a corner of the bag and twist tie to hold it in. Use scissors to cut the remaining bag into strips. Throw these Arti-Fish-al Bushes all around the trees. Again, algae will form on the plastic and the strips will float around providing cover for baitfish and structure for bass to relate.

A suspending tree line can be made using a length of line from the weighted bottle to the bottom of the tree and make it float off the bottom at any desired depth!

Last time I looked one commercially manufactured fishing tree cost over $70 :shocking:  That's crazy when you can make a whole bunch of them that work just as well if not better for that amount.   ~gf  


Well...........isn't that a great tutorial.

Nice job crawchuck


Thanks Chuck that is an awesome tutorial. I would have never thought to use the 20oz bottles like the ones shown  :-* I should be able to come up with enough Mt. Dew bottles that my tree will be green  ;D



Thanks a bunch Crawchuck!!!  Now I see just how easy this deal is - but drinking all them soda pops is going to be a challenge ;D
My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
Your dreams stay big, your worries stay small.
Rascal Flatts



You are just a fountain of information.  Really good post.   ~c~

I think I'm going into the tree building business.
The early bird may get the worm, but it is the second mouse that gets the cheese.


   Great Tutorial crawchuck.  ~c~  ~c~
A fish a day keeps postal away. See fishing is relaxing.  Member B.A.S.S.  Illinois B.A.S.S. Federation Nation

Ron Fogelson

Question?  Will one 20oz cement filled soda bottle sink the tree with the other bottles filled with air?  Or do you fill the remaining bottle with water when you get on the lake?  Or just the bottom few?  Great tip!  ~c~

Mike Cork

Fogy, cut the bottoms off all the other bottles except the very top one. They way they will fill with water and the top one will keep it up right :-*

Fishing is more than just a hobby

Dobyns Rods - Monster Fishing Tackle
Cork's Reel Service

Ron Fogelson

Quote from: crawchuck on June 07, 2006, 07:14:42 PM
Next I use a miter saw to cut the bottoms off all the bottles and screw them to the caps on the pipe.

'-{  Dang should read stuff 1st  '-{  Thanks for the help Mike

Mike Cork

Another Idea......

Years ago I would make fish attractors basically the same way except....

We would use a broom handle and cut the 2 litter bottles along the seem and completely split them in half except for the threaded area. Then take the bottle and slide it over the broom handle and this creates leaves ;) take a nail an put in in the broom handle every few inches to seperate the leaves. The beauty of doing it this way is the leaves rotate, that way when you run a crank bait threw it the leave can spin and keep you from getting hung up  :-* :-*

Fishing is more than just a hobby

Dobyns Rods - Monster Fishing Tackle
Cork's Reel Service


well, today i have bought the pipe and all the fittings, (im gonna make a tree with big branches..) but how long does it usually take for the "Tree" to produce?

hey neil, if you tell me where you are gonna put your trees, i'll tell you where im gonna stash mine! I have to confer with Robbie Edore first though! LOL!!!


Fish will start to use the cover soon as they find it.  Keep in mind the fluctuating lake levels if your lake experiences that and put them in deep enough they won't be spotted if the level drops. :)


great idea....gonn ahve to try it out.
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gonna have to try that. Thats about as easy as it gets.

Created by Bartholomew Hawg Bass



All u would have to do is predrill the holes in the caps so u could use regular screws and not crack em

Created by Bartholomew Hawg Bass


Yeah, regular screws are much less expensive and brass ones would never rust. The self tappers are what I had on hand at the time. There's really no load on these so a small screw is all that's needed. Hot glue might even work but I've never tried it.

Mike mentioned something about hanging up and making the leaves rotate :-* That was a good idea for larger trees.  These smaller ones don't have that much problem since they're just heavy enough to sink, will usually spin around if hooked into a bottle end and release the lure.

Creel Limit Zero

This is just awesome.   ~c~  Sweet work, thanks for sharing.  I'm going to have to make a few of these.   ;D


Im collectin bottles now bout to start drillin holes

Created by Bartholomew Hawg Bass



I hate to be the party pooper, but y'all might want to check with your state DNR office.  I know in Ohio, it is illegal to do just this very thing.




I know it isnt down here got me one 3 ft tree made

Created by Bartholomew Hawg Bass

Mike Cork

Warpath brings up a good point. Definately check your local regulations. Some states concider this dumping trash :'(

Fishing is more than just a hobby

Dobyns Rods - Monster Fishing Tackle
Cork's Reel Service


 ~read OOOPS! I didn't even think some places might consider this as littering. It's encouraged here to build fish habitat!  Good point and yes by all means please check your local laws ~c~


im building one with branches tonight.........