
Started by pmccleave, June 13, 2011, 08:12:10 AM

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Can someone tell me what the term Texposed means when rigging a worm?  Probably a stupid question but I guess I am clueless.  I heard mentioned as a way of rigging a Zoom Trick Worm.




When you rig your bait, push the hook all the way through the bait, then you take the point and barely set it under the "skin" of you bait so that the point is more concealed making it easier to hookup but also weedless. I hope I explained it so that you can understand.


You explained it perfectly.  Like I said, it was stupid question, I have been doing that all along to make worms weedless and just did not know it was called that.  Thanks for the help.




FYI: There is no such thing as a stupid question... all questions show intelligence/using knowledge. After all you have to be smart enough to "think" of the questions and brave enough to ask the ?.  :-*

Anyway, having said all that.. literally there is no such word as texposed, as for as the dictionary is concerned. But, in the fishing world there is the Lunker City™ Texposer Offset Hooks. So, I'm pretty sure the term was coined to explain the postioning of these hooks. Just my .02.   ~cf
Ps. 23:2-3  He leads me beside the still waters.. and restores my soul ie mind, intellect, & emotions. :)


Quote from: laluv2fish on June 13, 2011, 11:35:54 AM
FYI: There is no such thing as a stupid question... all questions show intelligence/using knowledge. After all you have to be smart enough to "think" of the questions and brave enough to ask the ?.  :-*

Anyway, having said all that.. literally there is no such word as texposed, as for as the dictionary is concerned. But, in the fishing world there is the Lunker City™ Texposer Offset Hooks. So, I'm pretty sure the term was coined to explain the postioning of these hooks. Just my .02.   ~cf
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To texpose an offset shank worm hook, either a wide gap style or an O'Shaugnessy, start the hookpoint in the end of the worm or bait and go in about a half inch (assuming your line is already tied on the hook) and then bring the hookpoint out the side........now pull the hook through until the elbow of the hook comes out, now lay the hook flat against the worm and use your thumbnail to mark the spot where the hook bend touches the worm at the farthest point from the hook eye.  The bottom of the bend, in other words.  Now bend the worm and put the hook straight through the worm body at your nail......and out the other side....
The worm must hang straight on the hook and the point of the hook should be against the worm.  If it's kinked or not straight, pull out the point and try again.....the more you rig, the easier it gets.....  In step one, penetrating a half inch, serves to draw the eye of the hook inside the worm or bait, making the eye and knot disappear.  If you are in weeds, you can skin hook the point as mentioned in one of the above posts to make it weedless.


you'll also see it referred to as texApose... but I think that propagated from the In-Fisherman guy saying it wrong on TV :)