Photo contest entries

Started by Kal-Kevin, April 04, 2009, 10:00:05 PM

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All posting in this thread are entries in the Gone Fishing Photo Contest!

No other posting are going to be place in this thread other then photos and at the end of the contest the winner results!

So Please enjoy all these photos!  ~c~

If you would like to see the rules check out this link:

or to talk of what has been entered in the contest or to ask a question about the contest:



Date of Picture was Late February 2009.
Location was in the front yard of my house.

I was cleaning out my car and pulled out my children's rods. They grabbed them and started practicing there casting. They had a ton of big catches that day in their imagination. In Picture: Noah 3 and Lily 5.



taken late January
local state land

The Frozen Pond was a local pond I sometimes fish around my college



March 13th 2009
Boston Harbor

The picture was taken when I went on a family trip.



March 13th 2009
Boston Harbor

The picture was taken when I went on a family trip, I really liked the small docks and the sky is awesome.



Taken 3/24/09
Maine Lighthouse   

I was at a Northeast Geologic Society Conference in Portland and we stopped to go to the local lighthouse and take some photos.


Taken April 27th 2008
Swedes Lake Riverside N.J.

A monster fish caught by my grand daughter

this photo is not part of the contest, do to it was not taken in 2009, but was so cute that I wanted everyone to see it!


Last week
Private pond IL

My little brother catching his first fish all by himself


taken on 4/4/09
Sterling, Illinois

This is my daughter Emma, and we spent a "Daddy Day" inside after yesterdays snow storm.  Notice the shirt and how she is holding her fish.


March of  09
Destin Florida

My son Fisher, He's 5, fishing off the beach (Check out the bow in his rod on his cast.)


Taken on 3/21/09
Caddo Lake, Louisiana

After reading some good reports on I decided to get out there and get in on the action. This was the first spot I pulled up at and thought I'd snap a quick shot. Now it's my background pic.


taken Sunday April 5th
Laurel Md

"sunrise in Mattawoman Creek"


Taken on 4/4/09
A county lake in TN

this is my 12lb 1oz largemouth i caught sat morning ... the local bass club was having their turney  and 40 boats left before we could put in when we got to the spot no one was there LOL  we found this spot 2 weeks before and was our first chance to get back there a grass flat from 4 to 6 ft deep maybe 1.5 ft of grass.


Picture taken April 4, 2009
On O.H. Ivie Reservoir.

I took this pic of an empty driver seat & lake on my iphone that we can remind ourselves whats waiting at home for us.  Basically the pic says to me "All that's missing is you".


Date-Photo Taken 4/5/09
Location-Decatur Alabama  Wheeler Lake

Was walking around getting ready for the day 3 weigh-in when I was
approached by Mr. Bass himself Ray Scott.
We talked about a story that had been wrote about him at the classic.


April 5th 2009
at my Favorite Pond

Birds nest---This is a picture of me pulling out a birds nest.


All images were taken April 5th 2009
at my Favorite Pond

Cat Tails---This is me fishing behind some cat tails.


All images were taken April 5th 2009
at my Favorite Pond

Dock---This is an awesome picture of the pond from the viewpoint of the dock.


All images were taken April 5th 2009
at my Favorite Pond

Dock 2--- This is another dock picture


All images were taken April 5th 2009
at my Favorite Pond

Dock Cast--- A picture of me casting from the dock


All images were taken April 5th 2009 at my Favorite Pond

Left Shoulder---- Awesome picture of the pond from my left sholder


All images were taken April 5th 2009
at my Favorite Pond

Girlfriend Casting--- My girlfriend trying to catch some fish


All images were taken April 5th 2009
at my Favorite Pond

My View--- This is a very cool view of what I see as I cast.
                 My girlfriend is an art student. She has some cool ideas


All images were taken April 5th 2009
at my Favorite Pond

Sitting---Me sitting and fishing from the dock


All images were taken April 5th 2009
at my Favorite Pond

Rod--- This is what my rod sees