Toledo Bend Report 11/12/13

Started by Darold_31, November 12, 2013, 09:48:21 AM

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Before I post my report, I wanted everyone to know about a guide trip give away we are doing this week. It's easy to enter, just "like" my guide service page on Facebook and email me a picture of your favorite veteran in the outdoors. It can be a photo of a friend, family member, yourself, or any other veteran from your community that would enjoy a day on the lake.

The big ones have been biting really well the last few weeks. The fish above weighed 10.09 on certified scales. The lake level and the grass are both stable, and the bite should stay strong with the water temps cooling down. As always on Toledo Bend, there are several patterns working right now. My best pattern has been pitching/flipping a 1oz. V&M Penetrator Jig in the deep hydrilla. This has been the best pattern for the bigger fish. The deep bite has been good as well for numbers, along with some action on moving baits around the scattered hydrilla. My choices for moving baits are a square bill, 3/4oz. spinnerbait, or a Rat-L-Trap. Hope everyone gets a chance to get out on the water and enjoy this great fall fishing.
South Toledo Bend Guide Service, Big Bass Marina,Toyota Bonus Bucks,Mercury,
Phoenix Boats, V&M Baits, BoatUS "Weigh To Win"